Correction status:qualified
Teacher's comments:
这段时间学习了pdo clss 等知识,pdo操作数据库 对我来说是崭新的,因此,这几天尝试对原来的程序文件进行改造,选几个文件代码,权且当作业吧。
<?php /** * 通用方法类 */ class tyFangfa { //数据库连接私有属性 private $dsn = '; dbname=jdfschool;charset=utf8'; private $dsn_web = '; dbname=yis;charset=utf8'; private $dsn_hz='; dbname=hezong;charset=utf8'; private $user="testuser"; private $user_web="testuser"; private $password="1jcsxdl@"; private $appid = "wx3c26eae6a8366d08"; private $appsecret = "f93c66d27207a3dae89ef49205dd9fbf"; public static $group_name='宜昌金东方教育集团'; //构造方法 function __construct($dsn='',$user='',$password='') { if($dsn!=''){ $this->dsn=$dsn; } if($user!=''){ $this->user=$user; } if($password!=''){ $this->password=$password; } } //常用方法 //返回pdo连接对象 public function getpdo(){ return new PDO($this->dsn,$this->user,$this->password); } // 执行sql语句 // 参数: sql预执行语句 para: 参数数组 // 返回查询结果集(select)或影响行数(update,delete,insert) public function pdo_sql($sql,array $para){ $pdo=new PDO($this->dsn,$this->user,$this->password); $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute( $para ); if(stripos($sql,'select')>-1){ return $stmt->fetchAll(); }else{ return $stmt->rowCount(); } $stmt=null; $pdo=null; } // 获得随机报名号 public function getrandchr() { $pdo=new PDO($this->dsn,$this->user,$this->password); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `randchr` limit 1 "; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); $row=$stmt->fetch(); $stmt = $pdo->prepare("delete from randchr where id=:id"); $stmt->execute([$row['id']]); return $row['randchr']; $stmt=null; $pdo=null; } // 获得指定日期的学年 返回记录对象 public function getxuenian($dat = '') { $pdo=new PDO($this->dsn,$this->user,$this->password); $dat = $dat == '' ? date('Y-m-d') : $dat; $sql = "select xuenian,jiaoxue_xuenian,begin,end,xuenian_name from jdf_xuenian"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); while ($row=$stmt->fetch()) { if ((strtotime($dat) > strtotime($row['begin'])) && (strtotime($dat) < strtotime($row['end']))) { return $row; break; } } $stmt=null; $pdo=null; } // //修改权限 $order:位置;$key:权限值;$type(bool):加/减 public function changkey($userid, $order, $key, $type) { $pdo=new PDO($this->dsn,$this->user,$this->password); $sql = "select keylist from jdf_users_info where userid=:userid"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(['userid'=>$userid]); $keylist=$stmt->fetch()[0]; $keys = explode(',', $keylist); $chagekey = ( $keys[$order]); $chagekey = $type ? ($chagekey | ($key)) : (($chagekey) & (~($key))); $keys[$order] = $chagekey; $key_list = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) { $key_list .= $keys[$i] . ","; } $key_list = substr($key_list, 0, strlen($key_list) - 1); $sql = "update jdf_users_info set keylist=:key_list where userid=:userid"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(['key_list'=>$key_list,'userid'=>$userid]); return $key_list; $stmt = null; $pdo = null; } //获取留言数据 public function getlybyopenid($schoolid = 5, $openid = '',$offset = 0, $pagesize = 10) { $pdo=new PDO($this->dsn_web,$this->user_web,$this->password); $sql = $openid == '' ? "select * from yis_message where `from` =:schoolid " : "select * from yis_message where openid=:openid and `from`=:schoolid "; $sql .= " and pass=0 order by id desc limit {$offset},{$pagesize}"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute($openid == '' ?['schoolid'=>$schoolid]:['schoolid'=>$schoolid,'openid'=>$openid]); return $stmt->fetchAll(); $stmt=null; $pdo=null; } //获取留言沉底数据 public function getlypass($schoolid = 5,$offset = 0, $pagesize = 10) { $pdo=new PDO($this->dsn_web,$this->user_web,$this->password); $sql = "select * from yis_message where `from` =:schoolid and pass=1 order by id desc limit {$offset},{$pagesize}"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(['schoolid'=>$schoolid]); return $stmt->fetchAll(); $stmt=null; $pdo=null; } } ?> 2、测试代码 实例 <?php require_once 'tyFangfa.php'; header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); $ty=new tyFangfa(); $class='tyFangfa'; $sql="select id,name,userid,schoolid,partment from jdf_users_info where schoolid=:schoolid limit 1,10"; $pdo=$ty->getpdo(); $stmt=$pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(["schoolid"=>2]); echo "<hr /><h3>测试 getpdo </h3>"; while($row=$stmt->fetch()){ echo $row['id'],",",$row['name'],',',$row['schoolid'],"<br />"; } echo "<hr />"; $stmt=null; $pdo=null; echo "<h3>测试getrandchr()</h3>"; echo $class::$group_name," 报名随机号:",$ty->getrandchr(),"<hr />"; echo "<h3>测试 getxuenian()</h3>"; echo "现在是:" ,$ty->getxuenian()[4]."<hr />"; echo "<h3>测试 pdo_sql()</h3>"; $sql="insert jdf_xuenian set xuenian=:xuenian,jiaoxue_xuenian=:jiaoxue_xuenian,xuenian_name=:xuenian_name,begin=:begin,end=:end"; $para=["xuenian"=>'2024',"jiaoxue_xuenian"=>'2024A',"xuenian_name"=>'2024年秋季学期',"begin"=>'2024-08-04',"end"=>'2025-02-04']; echo "成功插入了".$ty->pdo_sql($sql,$para)."条记录 <br />" ; $sql="update jdf_users_info set schoolid=:schoolid where userid=:userid"; $para=["schoolid"=>'7',"userid"=>'13872520152']; echo "成功修改了".$ty->pdo_sql($sql,$para)."条记录 <br />" ; $sql="select id,name,schoolid,times from jdf_users_info where times>:times and schoolid=:schoolid"; $para=["times"=>80,"schoolid"=>1]; $rst=$ty->pdo_sql($sql,$para); echo "查询结果如下:<br />"; foreach ($rst as $info) { echo $info['id'],",",$info['name'],',',$info['schoolid'],",",$info['times'],"<br />"; } echo "<hr />"; echo "<h3>测试 getlybyopenid()</h3>"; $rst=$ty->getlybyopenid(5); echo "查询结果如下:<br />"; foreach ($rst as $value) { echo $value['name'],",",date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$value['time']),",",$value['title'],",",$value['content'],"<br />"; } echo "<h3>测试 getlypass()</h3>"; $rst=$ty->getlypass(5,1,5); echo "查询结果如下:<br />"; foreach ($rst as $value) { echo $value['name'],",",date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$value['time']),",",$value['title'],",",$value['content'],"<br />"; } echo "<hr /><h3>测试 changkey()</h3>"; echo $ty->changkey('13687220600',4,63,true),"<br />"; echo $ty->changkey('13687220600',5,15,true),"<br />"; echo $ty->changkey('13687220600',4,2,false),"<br />"; echo $ty->changkey('13687220600',5,4,false),"<br />"; ?> 运行实例 » 点击 "运行实例" 按钮查看在线实例
点击 "运行实例" 按钮查看在线实例
3 运行结果: