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Chapter1 HTML basics
1-1 Introduction to html and operating principle of html
1-2 Basic structure of html files, html elements and attributes
1-3 Symbol entities, url descriptions, hyperlinks and sending emails
1-4 Images, tables and practical applications
1-5 Unordered lists, ordered lists and frames
1-6 Floating windows, forms and form controls
1-7 Forms and form controls
1-8 map mapping
1-9 Line wrapped character effects, test questions
Chapter2 CSS basics
2-1 The first chapter of div+css
2-2 First introduction to css class selector, id selector and html selector
2-3 Wildcard selector, parent-child selector
2-4 Selector usage details
2-5 Homework assignment
2-6 div+css homework review (1)
2-7 div+css homework review (2)
2-8 div+css homework review (3)
2-9 float
2-10 Website recommendation and positioning
2-11 Imitation sohu home page layout and cute house home page
2-12 Answer questions
2-13 Review of the cute house homepage (browser compatible)
Chapter3 PHP basics
3-1 Introduction to dynamic web page technology and basic introduction to PHP
3-2 PHP quick start, bs and cs introduction
3-3 Web server introduction, apache server installation
3-4 Start and stop, port configuration
3-5 apache directory structure
3-6 apache virtual directory
3-7 apache virtual host, web access sequence diagram
3-8 Homework comments and suggestions for integration of apache and php
3-9 appserv suite installation
3-10 Custom installation
3-11 Install and configure discuz forum
3-12 Bind multiple domain names to one IP
3-13 PHP running process timing diagram, PHP writing specifications
3-14 Introduction to PHP basic syntax and PHP data types
3-15 Integration details
3-16 Boolean details, floating point details, string details, and arithmetic operators
3-17 Comparison operators and logical operators
3-18 Ternary operator, type operator and operator precedence
3-19 Sequence control, branch control (if ifelse switch) and program flow chart
3-20 Loop control (for)
3-21 Loop control (while dowhile) and printing pyramid case
3-22 Print the pyramid case review and assign exercises
3-23 break statement, continue statement and constants
3-24 Basic concepts of functions and quick introduction to functions
3-25 Preliminary understanding of function usage and function calling
3-26 In-depth understanding of function calls and precautions for using functions
3-27 function job
3-28 Review of functions and custom functions
3-29 Bit operations (1)
3-30 Bit operations (2)
3-31 Introduction to arrays, creation of arrays and traversal of arrays
3-32 Array references and array usage details
3-33 Array operators and array homework review
3-34 Sorting introduction y and bubble sort
3-35 Selection sort, insertion sort and quick sort
3-36 Sequential search and binary search
3-37 Multidimensional array and array homework review
3-38 Array assignment review
3-39 Basic concepts of classes and objects
3-40 Member properties, how to create objects
3-41 How objects exist in memory and how functions pass objects
3-42 Function transfer basic data types, array methods and member methods
3-43 member method
3-44 Homework review
3-45 Construction method
3-46 Destructor method
3-47 static keyword (static variable)
3-48 static keyword (static method) three major characteristics of object-oriented programming
3-49 Three major characteristics of object-oriented programming (1)
3-50 Three major characteristics of object-oriented programming (2)
3-51 Three major characteristics of object-oriented programming (3)
3-52 Three major characteristics of object-oriented programming (4)
3-53 abstract class
3-54 interface
3-55 Inheritance vs. implementation final const
3-56 Comprehensive exercise in object-oriented programming
3-57 Introduction to error and exception handling and how to handle errors
3-58 Error handlers, error levels and error handling methods
3-59 php error log
3-60 php exception handling
Chapter4 Advanced knowledge of PHP
4-1 PHP execution flow sequence diagram
4-2 Detailed explanation of http requests and anti-leeching technology
4-3 Detailed explanation of http response (302 304 code usage)
4-4 Detailed explanation of http response (disable cache settings)
4-5 Detailed explanation of http response (file download)
4-6 Detailed explanation of http response (assignment review)
4-7 Using the mysql extension library (1)
4-8 Using the mysql extension library (2)
4-9 Using the mysql extension library (3)
4-10 Using mysql extension library (online dictionary case 1)
4-11 Using mysql extension library (online dictionary case 2)
4-12 Using the mysqli extension library (1)
4-13 Using the mysqli extension library (2)
4-14 mysqli extension library (arrangement exercises)
4-15 mysqli extension library enhancement (batch execution of sql and transaction control)
4-16 mysqli extension library enhancement (preprocessing technology 1)
4-17 mysqli extension library enhancement (preprocessing technology 2)
4-18 Principle analysis $_GET
4-19 $_POST $_REQUES
4-20 $_SERVER, $_ENV and $GLOBALS
4-21 Use of zend studio, five stages of project development and employee management system
4-22 Simple login in model1 mode
4-23 model1 mode database login
4-24 model1 mode employee pagination
4-25 Hierarchical mode administrator login
4-26 Hierarchical mode employee pagination
4-27 Layered mode overall page turning
4-28 Layered mode universal paging module
4-29 Introduction to mvc mode
4-30 Improve website structure using mvc mode
4-31 Improve website structure using mvc mode
4-32 Introduction to cookie principles, creating cookies and obtaining cookies
4-33 Update cookies, delete cookies and cookie use cases
4-34 The employee management system uses cookie technology to display the upload login time and retain the login ID.
4-35 Introduction to session principles and saving sessions
4-36 Get session, update session, delete session, session details and principles are discussed in depth
4-37 How to use session after shopping cart cookies are disabled
4-38 Verification code prevents malicious attacks
4-39 Session configuration, session gc mechanism and custom session processor
4-40 Principles of file operation, how to obtain file information and how to read files
4-41 How to write files, copy files, create and delete (folders, files)
4-42 File upload and download, file upload details discussion
4-43 Mini file sharing network implementation analysis
4-44 Introduction to PHP drawing technical reports
4-45 php drawing coordinate system
4-46 PHP drawing principles and steps
4-47 php drawing core technology
4-48 Draw a 3D effect population distribution pie chart
4-49 JpGraph Internet user support statistics chart (static data 1)
4-50 JpGraph-Netizen support statistics graph (real-time data 2)
4-51 Draw verification code
4-52 Basic introduction to xml, xml elements and xml attributes
4-53 Entity characters, processing instructions, DTD quick start and programming verification XML
4-54 Internal DTD, external DTD, DTD elements and DTD modifiers
4-55 DTD attributes, reference entities, parameter entities, IDE development xml
4-56 Complex DTD comprehensive exercises
4-57 Basic concepts of dom and phpdom programming (1)
4-58 phpdom programming (2)
4-59 Comprehensive exercises with xml-based online dictionaries
4-60 xml based online dictionary and phpdom using xpath
4-61 SimpleXML
4-62 Online dictionary review based on xml
4-63 Two methods of online payment and their process introduction
4-64 Detailed explanation of the connection between merchants and Yibao payment gateway
4-65 Send payment request
4-66 Receive payment results
4-67 Prevent callback page from refreshing
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