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PHP core basics video tutorial (Chuanzhi Podcast)
Chapter1 PHP core basics
1-1 Introduction to php, php script mode
1-2 Web service operating mode and related technologies (software)
1-3 Principle of operation of php web page
1-4 apache installation
1-5 Configure apache to run php code
1-6 php configuration-time zone configuration
1-7 php configuration-module configuration
1-8 Mysql installation and configuration
1-9 Single site configuration
1-10 Directory access permissions (including distributed permissions)
1-11 Multisite configuration
1-12 Virtual directory settings
1-13 Review (1)
1-14 Homework (1)
1-15 php markup form
1-16 Basic syntax rules of php
1-17 Basic understanding of variables
1-18 Basic operations on variables
1-19 Variable naming rules
1-20 Value passing method
1-21 mutable variable
1-22 Overview of scheduled variables
1-23 post variable
1-24 Calculator case
1-25 _GET variable
1-26 getdata acquisition
1-27 request variable
1-28 SERVER variable
1-29 GLOBALSVariable
1-30 Review (2)
1-31 Homework (2)
1-32 Definition and basic use of constants
1-33 Additional details about constants
1-34 Overall classification of data types
1-35 System functions for base conversion (1)
1-36 System functions for base conversion (2)
1-37 Basic knowledge of base system
1-38 Convert decimal to other bases
1-39 Convert other bases to decimal
1-40 2 representations of floating point numbers
1-41 Integer details in depth
1-42 string
1-43 Boolean type
1-44 automatic type conversion
1-45 cast
1-46 Type-related system functions
1-47 Review (3)
1-48 Homework (3)
1-49 Arithmetic operators, string increment
1-50 self-addition operation
1-51 Comparison operators basic
1-52 Comparison between different types of data
1-53 Logical Operators
1-54 Connection, assignment, conditional operator
1-55 Bit operator basics
1-56 Bitwise AND operation
1-57 Bitwise OR operation, bitwise left shift operation
1-58 Introduction to original code, inverse code and complement code
1-59 Manage a set of switch states(1)
1-60 Manage a set of switch states(2)
1-61 Array operators, error-control operators, and operator precedence
1-62 Process control flow chart
1-63 branch structure
1-64 for loop structure
1-65 Review (4)
1-66 Homework (star pattern)
1-67 Homework (Hundred Money and Hundred Chickens Problem)
1-68 interruption of cycle
1-69 3 elements of dowhile loop and loop
1-70 Control script running progress
1-71 Preliminary file loading, path problem
1-72 Detailed file loading process
1-73 The difference between the four load statements
1-74 The return value of the loaded file and the function of return
1-75 Misclassification
1-76 Error classification
1-77 error trigger
1-78 Whether to display error reports
1-79 Show those levels of errors
1-80 Error logging issues
1-81 Custom error handler
1-82 Review (5)
1-83 Homework (5)
1-84 Preliminary functions and function parameter issues
1-85 The problem with the number of function parameters
1-86 Function return value problem
1-87 Variable functions and applications
1-88 Concept review on variadic functions and functions
1-89 anonymous function
1-90 Anonymous functions explained again
1-91 Different scopes and corresponding different variables
1-92 How to use global variables locally 1
1-93 Practice 2 of using global variables locally
1-94 General knowledge of functions
1-95 recursive thinking
1-96 Demonstration and summary of recursion
1-97 Demonstration of recursive thinking
1-98 Review (6)
1-99 Homework (6)
1-100 Array preliminary
1-101 Common uses of arrays
1-102 Additional explanation about array swapping
1-103 Basic traversal of arrays and pointer operations
1-104 Array traversal schematic diagram
1-105 for_next traverses array
1-106 The role of each() function
1-107 for_each_list traversal
1-108 Discussion on details of foreach traversal
1-109 Application of array sorting function
1-110 Bubble Sort
1-111 selection sort
1-112 Review (7)
1-113 Homework (7)
1-114 binary search
Chapter2 Mysql basics
2-1 mysql introduction
2-2 Database system level operations
2-3 basic grammar
2-4 Creating databases and related coding issues
2-5 Other database operations
2-6 Overview of data types
2-7 integer
2-8 Decimal type
2-9 Review of knowledge points on php operating database
2-10 Extended knowledge of php operating database
2-11 Example explanation
2-12 Review (1)
2-13 Homework explanation
2-14 Configuration of phpmyadmin
2-15 varchar, char type
2-16 enum, set type
2-17 time date type
2-18 Table creation statement form and attribute form
2-19 Basic concepts and usage of indexes
2-20 foreign key index
2-21 Index demonstration of millions of data
2-22 constraint
2-23 table options
2-24 Modify table
2-25 Table deletion and other related syntax
2-26 view
2-27 Review (2)
2-28 Homework (2)
2-29 Database design 3 paradigms
2-30 Insert statement syntax
2-31 loaddata load data statement
2-32 Data deletion and modification
2-33 Field or expression, all and distinct
2-34 from clause
2-35 where child clause
2-36 is operator
2-37 between and in operators
2-38 like grammar
2-39 group by child clause(1)
2-40 group by group clause(2)
2-41 having grouping clause
2-42 orderby sorting clause
2-43 limit clause
2-44 Summary of select query statements
2-45 Review (3)
2-46 Homework (3)
2-47 Homework (an improvement to the form)
2-48 Connect basic concepts and forms
2-49 cross connect
2-50 inner join
2-51 Left join, right join, full join
2-52 Connection query example
2-53 Basic concepts of subquery
2-54 subquery classification
2-55 Commonly used subqueries
2-56 exists subquery
2-57 Union query
2-58 Review (4)
2-59 Homework (4)
2-60 User Management
2-61 authority management
2-62 Basic concepts and characteristics of transactions
2-63 transaction mode
2-64 Transaction execution process
2-65 statement block include character
2-66 process control
2-67 variable
2-68 function
2-69 stored procedure
2-70 Using stored procedures and stored functions in php
2-71 trigger
2-72 Three table query operation
2-73 Review (5)
2-74 Homework (5)
Chapter3 PHP object-oriented basics
3-1 Introduction to object-oriented thinking
3-2 Object-oriented and process-oriented patterns accomplish the same task
3-3 Basic concepts like classes and objects
3-4 Properties and methods
3-5 Several forms of creating objects
3-6 How to pass objects by value
3-7 Overview of members in a class
3-8 class constant
3-9 Instance properties and static properties
3-10 Instance methods and static methods
3-11 Construction method
3-12 Destructor method
3-13 When the object is destroyed
3-14 Review (1)
3-15 Homework (1)
3-16 Basic concepts of inheritance
3-17 access control modifier
3-18 Access control modifier examples
3-19 parent keyword
3-20 Inheritance and calling issues of constructors and destructors
3-21 Cover basic concepts
3-22 Coverage details required
3-23 final class
3-24 final method
3-25 design pattern, factory pattern
3-26 Singleton pattern
3-27 mysql database operation class (1)
3-28 mysql database operation class (2)
3-29 Review (2)
3-30 Homework (2)
3-31 Basic concepts of abstract classes and abstract methods
3-32 Details of abstract classes and abstract methods
3-33 Overloading concept
3-34 Simple example of overloading, property overloading
3-35 get_set magic method
3-36 isset_unset magic method
3-37 Method overloading
3-38 Use PHP overloading technology to implement common method overloading
3-39 Interface preliminary
3-40 Interface application examples
3-41 A summary of classes and interfaces
3-42 Optimization of mysql tool class
3-43 Application method of mysql tool class
3-44 Review (3)
3-45 Homework explanation, mysql tool class and more functions
3-46 Improve mysql tool class and optimize statement execution
3-47 mysql tool class improvement and singletonization
3-48 Automatic loading of classes
3-49 Copying (cloning) of objects
3-50 Object traversal
3-51 Built-in standard classes
3-52 Convert to object type
3-53 type constraints
3-54 Enhancement of singleton classes and prohibition of cloning
3-55 Serialization of data
3-56 Deserialization of objects
3-57 _tostring and __invoke magic methods
3-58 Fragmented constants, functions and operators
3-59 Use of static keyword
3-60 Three major ideas of object-oriented
3-61 Review (4)
3-62 Introduction to project development process
3-63 Showing separation of ideas from logic
3-64 template technology
3-65 Simple demonstration of mvc idea 1
3-66 mvc ideological framework schematic diagram
3-67 mvc typical demonstration, data model
3-68 mvc typical demonstration, controller file
3-69 mvc typical demonstration, view file
3-70 The main role of the model layer
3-71 Typical code patterns for the model layer
3-72 Typical methods of calling the model layer in the controller to obtain data
3-73 Basic model class
3-74 Basic model class (2) - debugging successful
3-75 Singleton factory class that implements singletons of model classes
3-76 Overall class library structure diagram of model class
3-77 Use mvc framework mode to complete the delete function
3-78 Review (5)
3-79 Show user details
3-80 Add user
3-81 The "source" of the controller class
3-82 User profile modification function
3-83 product controller
3-84 Common practices for controller classes
3-85 Basic controller class
3-86 Typical approach to view layer
3-87 Request dispatcher (front-end controller)
3-88 Review (6)
3-89 Directory structure settings
3-90 product removal
3-91 Platform concepts and directory settings
3-92 Demonstrates the creation of a new platform backend
3-93 Setting and application of common constants
3-94 Implementation of automatic loading
3-95 Disable access to other directories
3-96 ecshop installation
3-97 Design login interface
3-98 Implementation of login function
3-99 pdo object
3-100 Common methods of pdo objects
3-101 pdo preprocessing syntax
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