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Dugu Jiujian (4)_PHP video tutorial
Chapter1 Why choose PHP Chinese website to learn PHP?
1-1 You won’t get pregnant after watching an advertisement_PHP Chinese website 2017 latest promotional video
Chapter2 PHP development environment construction: integrated installation and independent installation
2-1 Mac system: Installation and configuration of MAMP Pro development tools
2-2 Windows system: Installation of WampServer tool
2-3 Windows environment: UPUPW integrated development tool
2-4 Windows environment: phpStudy integrated installation package
2-5 Independent installation (1): Apache service installation and testing
2-6 Independent installation (2): PHP and Apache integration
2-7 MySQL and PHP integration: enabling PHP to handle databases
2-8 [Exclusively developed by PHP Chinese website] Basic functions of PHP programmer toolbox
2-9 [Exclusively developed by PHP Chinese website] PHP Programmer Toolbox Practical Guide
2-10 Tips on using the front-end code artifact Emmet
Chapter3 PHP basic syntax: you must play according to its rules
3-1 Introduction to PHP: Why should you learn it? What can PHP do?
3-2 What is the basic syntax of PHP? Tags, annotations, etc.
Chapter4 PHP data types: the basis for all legal operations
4-1 Introduction to PHP data types: Quickly preview and understand the basic methods of type conversion
4-2 Boolean type Boolean: the simplest and most useful type
4-3 Integer type: seemingly simple but actually very meaningful
4-4 Float: Why can't it be used directly for comparison?
4-5 String: Flexible little fairy
4-6 Array (1): Quick preview of the soundtrack version
4-7 Array (2): Index array and associative array
4-8 Array (3): add/update/delete/view
4-9 Array (4): Introduction to array traversal and common output statements
4-10 Object (1): Creation and access of objects
4-11 Object type Object (2): Use and type conversion of stdClass standard class
Chapter5 Variables and constants: small warehouses for storing data in programs
5-1 Variable creation and naming rules: Do not give random names
5-2 Default value of variables: Default is not the best, so initialization is required
5-3 Assignment of variables: The difference between passing by value and passing by reference
5-4 Mutable variables: Provides a new idea for creating new variables
5-5 The scope of a variable: it is the effective scope or visible scope
5-6 Predefined variables (1): $GLOBALS/$_SERVER/$_GET/$_POST
5-7 Predefined variables (2): $_COOKIE little dessert on the browser
5-8 Predefined variables (3): $_SESSION, creating a more secure session mechanism
Chapter6 Program running process control in PHP
6-1 Conditional judgment structure: double branch process of if statement
6-2 Multi-branch structure: Detailed explanation of the usage of switch statement
6-3 for loop statement: It may be a universal loop, haha
6-4 while loop: executed only when the condition is true, or may never be executed
6-5 do~while loop: it must be executed once no matter what
Chapter7 Operators and expressions in PHP
7-1 Operators (1): arithmetic operators, string operators, assignment operators
7-2 Operators (2): comparison operators and logical operators
7-3 Introduction to expressions: Anything with a value can be called an expression
Chapter8 Functions and their applications in PHP
8-1 First experience with functions and syntax details: how to create and call functions
8-2 Four parameter types of functions: value parameters/reference parameters/default parameters/variable parameters
8-3 Variable function and callback implementation: the callback function is an elf
8-4 Using callbacks to call methods of objects or classes (optional content)
8-5 Function import and file inclusion: use of include and require
8-6 Implementation of anonymous functions and closures: the principles of function expressions and closures
8-7 Secrets of function creation and calling: I won’t tell you about it for ordinary people
Chapter9 Arrays in PHP and their usage techniques (full version)
9-1 Definition and classification of arrays: Array elements are composed of keys and values
9-2 Array creation and access: 3 creation methods and 2 access methods
9-3 Using for loops to traverse arrays: indexing and associative arrays
9-4 Iterating through arrays using while loops: indexing and associative arrays
9-5 Using foreach loop to traverse: index and associative array
9-6 List structure: Convert elements of the default index array into variables
9-7 Use each() function to split the array elements into two representations: index and association for traversal
9-8 Use the list() structure and each() to complete the array traversal operation: must master
9-9 Get the values of all elements in an array and return them in a default index array: array_values()
9-10 Get the key names of all elements and return them in the default index array: array_keys()
9-11 Check whether a key exists in the array: array_key_exists()
9-12 Check whether a value exists in the array: in_array()
9-13 Array statistical functions: count(), array_count_values() and array_unique()
9-14 Array filter array_filter(): callback function to process arrays
9-15 Array patroller array_walk(): uses callback function to traverse or update the array
9-16 Array mapper array_map(): Want to process multiple arrays at the same time? i can do it
9-17 Array sorting by value: sort() forward and rsort() reverse sorting functions
9-18 Array sorting by key name: ksort() ascending order and krsort() descending order function
9-19 Keep the key-value correspondence unchanged when sorting the array: asrot() and arsort() functions
9-20 To sort multiple arrays at the same time, the multi-dimensional array is first converted into a one-dimensional array by value: array_multisort()
9-21 Use arrays to implement stack operations: array_push and array_pop
9-22 Using arrays to implement queue operations: array_shift() and array_unshift() functions
9-23 Other array functions: array_rand()/array_sum()/shuffle()/range()
Chapter10 Essential lectures on classes and objects in PHP: You must understand this time
10-1 A quick introduction to object-oriented programming in PHP: the relationship between classes and objects
10-2 How to create a class and its properties and methods: naming conventions/access controls/pseudo variables
10-3 6 ways to create objects: Only using [new class name] is not a real PHP programmer
10-4 Creation and access of class constants: pay attention to the differences and connections with static properties
10-5 Class automatic loading technology: __autoload() and spl_autoload_register()
10-6 Class constructor and destructor methods: __construct() and __destruct()
10-7 Object encapsulation [not just security]: private, __get, __set, __isset, __unset
10-8 Class inheritance and polymorphism: extends and method overriding
10-9 Tips for creating and accessing static members in classes: static
10-10 Static binding and delayed binding technology of classes: detailed explanation of self, parent, static
10-11 Object cloning technology: Create new objects like variable value transfer
10-12 What should I do if I access a non-existent method or static method? Detailed explanation of __call() and __callSatatic()
10-13 Serialization of objects: a method of transmitting or saving an object
10-14 Abstract methods and abstract classes: templates for user classes
10-15 Implementation of interface technology: standardizing members and types of user classes
10-16 Declaration and usage skills of trait characteristics: Collection of class methods to achieve code reuse
10-17 Namespace: Although we have the same name and the same sex, we belong to different time and space
10-18 Object traversal: View object properties just like traversing an array
10-19 PHP5.6 extension to namespace: use can import functions and constant spaces
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