View model displays data

View model displays data

We use the view model to display the columns and brands of the list


We need to display the names of 3 and 1 in the above picture, and the view model we need to use


model folder creation file

namespace Admin\Model;
use Think\Model\ViewModel;
class GoodsViewModel extends ViewModel {

    protected $viewFields = array(
        'Cate'=>array('catename', '_on'=>'','_type'=>'LEFT'),
        'Brand'=>array('brand_name', '_on'=>''),


Modify goods product controller

  public function index(){
        $goods = D('GoodsView');
        $count      = $goods->count();
        $Page       = new \Think\Page($count,25);
        $show       = $Page->show();
        $list = $goods->order('id desc')->limit($Page->firstRow.','.$Page->listRows)->select();

GoodsView is the name of the above view model and is loaded using the D method.

The column and brand displayed in the list are changed to the newly defined name of the view model

<td align="left"><a target="_brank" href="#">{$vo.catename}</a></td>
<td align="left"><a target="_brank" href="#">{$vo.brand_name}</a></td>


The name is displayed successfully

Continuing Learning
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