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Ideal video tutorial website front-end page video tutorial
Chapter1 html and xhtml
1-1 HTML structure
1-2 HTML syntax
1-3 HTML tags
1-4 HTML attributes
1-5 XHTML structure
1-6 XHTML type
1-7 DTD analysis
1-8 namespace
Chapter2 html5 introduction
2-1 HTML5 syntax
2-2 HTML5 elements
2-3 HTML5 attributes
2-4 HTML5 global attributes
2-5 HTML5 other features
2-6 Understand HTML5 document structure
2-7 HTML5 element classification
2-8 Identify articles
2-9 Segment content
2-10 Design navigation information
2-11 Design support information
2-12 Design microformats
2-13 Add release date
2-14 Add title block
2-15 Group titles
2-16 Add footnote block
2-17 Add contact information
2-18 design outline
2-19 design style
Chapter3 Example application
3-1 Email type applications
3-2 url type application
3-3 Number type applications
3-4 Range type applications
3-5 Date checker type application
3-6 search type applications
3-7 tel type application
3-8 color type applications
Chapter4 New content
4-1 New autocomplete attribute
4-2 New autofocus attribute
4-3 New form attribute
4-4 New form override properties
4-5 New height and width attributes
4-6 New list attribute
4-7 New min, max and step attributes
4-8 New multiple attribute
4-9 New pattern attribute
4-10 New placeholder attribute
4-11 New required attribute
4-12 New datalist element
4-13 New keygen element
4-14 New output element
4-15 New autocomplete attribute
4-16 New novalidate attribute
Chapter5 canvas drawing
5-1 Add canvas element to page
5-2 How Canvas draws graphics
5-3 Understanding Canvas coordinates
5-4 When not to use Canvas
5-5 If the browser does not support Canvas
5-6 Check browser support
5-7 Draw a straight line
5-8 Draw a rectangle
5-9 Draw a circle
5-10 draw triangle
5-11 Clear canvas
5-12 Draw a quadratic Bezier curve
5-13 Draw cubic Bezier curve
5-14 Save and restore Canvas state
5-15 Move coordinate space
5-16 Rotate coordinate space
5-17 Rotate coordinate space
5-18 Zoom graphics
5-19 matrix transformation
5-20 combination of graphics
5-21 clipping path
5-22 Apply different line styles
5-23 Draw a linear gradient
5-24 Draw a radial gradient
5-25 draw patterns
5-26 Set the transparency of graphics
5-27 Create shadow
5-28 Draw filler text
5-29 Draw outline text
5-30 Measure text width
5-31 Import images into Canvas
5-32 Change image size
5-33 Create image slices
Chapter6 audio and video
6-1 Detect audio format support with JavaScript
6-2 Detect video format support with JavaScript
6-3 Understand audio elements
6-4 Play audio
6-5 Understanding video elements
6-6 play video
6-7 Audio and video related properties
6-8 Audio and video related methods
6-9 Audio and video related methods
6-10 Audio and video related events
6-11 Control music playback with script
6-12 View video frames
Chapter7 Web browser application
7-1 Check browser support
7-2 Set and get data
7-3 Prevent data leakage
7-4 Other uses of Web Storage
7-5 Web Storage event monitoring
7-6 Example 1: Design web skin
7-7 Example 2: Tracking localStorage data
7-8 Example 3: Design counter
7-9 Comprehensive application: real-time tracking of web application projects
7-10 Using a Web SQL database
7-11 Example 1: Create a simple local database
7-12 Example 2: Store local data in batches
7-13 Comprehensive application: mixed development of Web Storage and Web SQL
7-14 Practical Combat 1: Caching the Home Page
7-15 Practical combat 2: Edit content offline
7-16 Practical Combat 3: Offline Tracking
7-17 Check browser support
7-18 Create Web Workers
7-19 Communicate with Web Workers
7-20 Hands-on practice using Web Workers
Chapter8 Multi-threaded application
8-1 Use multi-threading to implement background operations
8-2 Filter values in the background
8-3 Multi-tasking concurrent processing
8-4 Communicate between multiple threads
8-5 Calculate Fibonacci series using threading technology
8-6 Using multithreading for drawing
8-7 Write application main page
8-8 Writing Worker js
8-9 Communicate with Web Workers
Chapter9 Detailed explanation of CSS3 knowledge points
9-1 Overview of CSS1.0 and CSS2.0
9-2 The relationship between CSS and DIV tags
9-3 CSS coding standards
9-4 attribute selector
9-5 RGBA transparency
9-6 multi-column layout
9-7 Multiple background images
9-8 String overflow
9-9 Block shadows and rounded shadows
9-10 rounded corners
9-11 Border picture
9-12 deformation
9-13 Application scope of CSS 3
9-14 Browsers that currently support CSS 3
9-15 Case practice: Design beautiful forms
9-16 Understanding attribute selectors
9-17 Case practice
9-18 Understanding structural pseudo-class selectors
9-19 Case practice
9-20 Understand common UI pseudo-class selectors
9-21 Case practice
9-22 Other selectors
9-23 Define text-shadow property
9-24 Apply shadow effect
9-25 Comprehensive practice: designing the homepage of a hacker website
9-26 overflow text
9-27 text wrap
9-28 Use RGBA color values
9-29 Use HSL color values
9-30 Use HSLA color values
9-31 Define opacity attribute
9-32 Define transparent color value
9-33 Detailed usage explanation
9-34 Case practice
9-35 Detailed usage explanation
9-36 Case practice
9-37 Detailed usage explanation
9-38 Case practice: Designing elliptical graphics
9-39 Detailed usage explanation
9-40 Case practice: Designing the interface effect of Windows 7
9-41 Define background coordinates
9-42 Define background cropping area
9-43 Define background image size
9-44 Define how the background image loops
9-45 Define multiple background images
9-46 Get to know transform
9-47 Rotation animation
9-48 Zoom animation
9-49 moving animation
9-50 Tilt animation
9-51 Transform animation
9-52 Case practice: Designing a graffiti wall
9-53 Custom transformation
9-54 Define complex deformations
9-55 Define transition properties
9-56 Define transition time
9-57 Define transition delay time
9-58 Define transition effects
9-59 Case practice: Designing OS Navigator
9-60 Case practice: Designing picture flipping effects
9-61 Designing Webkit Gradient
9-62 Webkit case practice
9-63 Designing Webkit Gradient
9-64 Webkit case practice
9-65 Design Gecko Gradient
9-66 Gecko case practice
9-67 Designing IE Gradient
9-68 Designing W3C Gradient
9-69 Design gift box
9-70 Design folding panels
9-71 design can
9-72 Design disc sliding animation
9-73 Design drop-down menu
9-74 Exquisitely designed buttons
Chapter10 layout
10-1 Design a multi-column layout
10-2 Define column width
10-3 Define the number of columns
10-4 Define column spacing
10-5 Define column border style
10-6 Define display across columns
10-7 Define column height
10-8 Design box layout
10-9 Define adaptive width ok
10-10 Define column display order
10-11 Define column arrangement direction
10-12 Define module size adaptation
10-13 Eliminate white space
10-14 Define alignment
10-15 Comprehensive practice: designing multi-column web pages
10-16 Change the way the box model is composed
10-17 Adjust element size
10-18 Define outline
10-19 Define contour displacement
10-20 Define navigation order
10-21 Define the direction key control sequence
10-22 Add display content
10-23 Cancel element style
10-24 Be careful when using initial
10-25 Overflow handling
10-26 Use @font-face rules
10-27 Meet the Media Queries module
10-28 Know the @media rules
10-29 Use @media rules
10-30 Apply @media rules to your site
10-31 Add voice function
10-32 design reflection
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