Add shopping cart and purchase product functions
1, introduce jquery file
<script src="./jquery-1.11.0.js"></script>
2, Add to cart function
Add click event in a tag
<a href= "javascript:;" onclick="buynow()">Buy Now</a> <a href="javascript:;" onclick="addshoppingcart ()">Add to shopping cart</a>
To add to the shopping cart, you only need to know two attributes of the product: one is the product ID, and the other is the purchase quantity
3, add ajax implementation method for shopping
<?php //添加到购物车 function addshoppingcart(){ $.ajax({ url:"shoppingcart.php?a=addshoppingcart", type:"post", data:{'buynum':$("#buynum").val(),'id':$("#id").val()}, dataType:"html", success:function (data) { location.href="shoppingcart.php?a=buynow"; if(data){ alert("添加购物车成功!"); } } }) }
4, based on cookie Implementation of adding shopping cart
New shoppingcart.php file
The code is as follows:
<?php header("Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); include "mysqli.php"; $a=isset($_GET["a"])?$_GET["a"]:""; //添加购物车 if($a=="addshoppingcart"){ $buynum=$_POST["buynum"]; $id=$_POST["id"]; // echo "<script>alert($buynum+$id)</script>"; if(!empty($_COOKIE["shoppingcart"])) $shoppingcart=unserialize($_COOKIE["shoppingcart"]); else $shoppingcart=array(); if(isset($id) && isset($buynum)){ $id=intval($id); $buynum=intval($buynum); $shoppingcart[]=array($id,$buynum); } setcookie('shoppingcart',serialize($shoppingcart));//商品属性进行序列化保存到cookie中 return"true"; }
5, shopping cart purchase implementation
click When purchasing, you need to add it to the shopping cart first and then jump to the purchase page. Modify the goodsshow.php code as follows:
<?php <script> //立即购买 function buynow(){ //先添加到购物车再进行跳转到购买页面 addshoppingcart("buy"); } //添加到购物车 function addshoppingcart(a){ $.ajax({ url:"shoppingcart.php?a=addshoppingcart", type:"post", data:{'buynum':$("#buynum").val(),'id':$("#id").val()}, dataType:"html", success:function (data) { if(a=="buy"){ location.href="shoppingcart.php?a=buynow"; }else{ if(data){ alert("添加购物车成功!"); } } } }) } </script>
Add the code in shoppingcart.php:
<?php elseif($a=="buynow") { //下面写购物车页面 }