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The latest Java complete video tutorial
Chapter1 The latest Java complete video tutorial
1-1 Editplus installation and basic use
1-2 Commonly used shortcut keys
1-3 computer components
1-4 Software classification
1-5 Common DOS commands
1-6 Java language development history
1-7 Java language features
1-8 History of computer language development
1-9 Installation of jdk and configuration of environment variables
1-10 components of java program
1-11 Output statements in java program
1-12 Comments in java program
1-13 The difference between public Class and class
1-14 Review what was taught in the last class
1-15 identifier
1-16 Keywords and reserved words
1-17 Literal value
1-18 Conversion between base and base
1-19 variable
1-20 Common mistakes in variables
1-21 Classification of variables
1-22 Basic data types
1-23 Conversion between data types
1-24 Review what was taught in the last class
1-25 After class exercises
1-26 escape sequence character
1-27 arithmetic operators
1-28 concatenation operator
1-29 assignment operator
1-30 Relational operators
1-31 Logical Operators
1-32 ternary operator
1-33 keyboard input
1-34 Review what was said before
1-35 After class exercises
1-36 if judgment
1-37 random number
1-38 if Else
1-39 multiple choice structure
1-40 if nested
1-41 Nested if example
1-42 Review what was said before
1-43 After class exercises
1-44 switch Case
1-45 for loop
1-46 for loop summary
1-47 while loop
1-48 do While loop
1-49 Use break in a loop
1-50 Use continue in a loop
1-51 The difference between break and continue
1-52 Review what was taught in the last class
1-53 After class exercises
1-54 Similarities and differences between the three types of cycles
1-55 double loop
1-56 Print isosceles triangle
1-57 Use break statement in double loop
1-58 Use continue statement in double loop
1-59 array
1-60 array 2
1-61 Review what was taught in the last class
1-62 After class exercises
1-63 Use of eclipse
1-64 Use of packages
1-65 Use of import
1-66 Review what was taught in the last class
1-67 Basic operations of methods
1-68 Method with no parameters and no return value
1-69 Method with no parameters and return value
1-70 Method with parameters and no return value
1-71 Methods that take parameters and return values
1-72 The method return value is a boolean type case
1-73 Greatest common divisor and least common multiple methods completed
1-74 Method overloading
1-75 recursion
1-76 After class exercises
1-77 classes and objects
1-78 Basic operations of classes
1-79 Object memory analysis graph
1-80 Construction method
1-81 Review what was taught in the last class
1-82 After-class exercises-1
1-83 Null pointer exception
1-84 this keyword
1-85 Encapsulation
1-86 Singleton design pattern
1-87 Continue the singleton design pattern
1-88 After class exercise 3
1-89 Homework 6
1-90 Basic data types are passed as parameters
1-91 Reference data types are passed as parameters
1-92 inherit
1-93 What does the parent class do when it instantiates a subclass?
1-94 Inheritance case
1-95 rewrite
1-96 Review what was taught in the last class
1-97 After class exercises
1-98 After-class exercises-2
1-99 After-class exercises 3
1-100 Polymorphism
1-101 Use the parent class as the return value type of the method
1-102 Conversion between parent class and child class
1-103 After class exercises
1-104 final keyword
1-105 abstract class
1-106 interface
1-107 Interface case
1-108 Interface case-2
1-109 The difference between interface and abstract class
1-110 The difference between next() and nextline()
1-111 access modifier
1-112 Commonly used methods in object class
1-113 anonymous inner class
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