js processing events for previous and next years
Processing the information of the previous and next month and the previous and next year
Add one after December to become January and add 1# to the year
##One month before subtracting one is December and the year should be subtracted by one
##The code is as follows:<?php
echo "<tr><td colspan='7'align='center'>";
echo "<a href='sy1.php?y={$prey}'><<</a> ";
echo "<div>{$year}年</div>";
echo "<a href='sy1.php?y={$nexty}'>>></a> ";
echo " ";
echo "<a href='sy1.php?m={$prem}'><</a> ";
echo "<div>{$mon}月</div> ";
echo "<a href='sy1.php?m={$nextm}'>></a>";
echo "</td></tr>";