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Live classroom recording of the second full-stack development training class (PHP part)
Chapter1 4_11PHP basic syntax
1-1 PHP basic syntax
1-2 Mixed writing of PHP and HTML
1-3 PHP generated content sent to client
1-4 Basic understanding of variables
1-5 Basic understanding of string characters
Chapter2 4_12 Describe variables and arrays in detail
2-1 Variable type detection and conversion
2-2 A detailed explanation of the differences between is_null(), empty() and isset()
2-3 Scope of variables (emphasis)
Chapter3 4_13 Array and process control
3-1 Commonly used variable operations
3-2 Creation, access and detection of constants
3-3 Array creation, access, update and deletion
3-4 Process control of multi-branch judgment
3-5 for loop structure
3-6 Table automatic generator
3-7 Table automatic generator 2
Chapter4 4_16PHP and Ajax to implement form validation
4-1 Front-end form production
4-2 Ajax submission and PHP validation
4-3 Front-end output of verification results
4-4 Password and password confirmation verification
4-5 Basic knowledge of functions
Chapter5 4-17 Loops and array functions
5-1 while loop
5-2 Array key value and pointer cruise function
5-3 Stack and queue operations
5-4 Split, merge, delete and replace
5-5 Array traversal and examples
Chapter6 4_18 Lecture on String Functions
6-1 Detailed description of array sorting function
6-2 How to correct string length
6-3 character comparison function
6-4 Conversion between string and array
6-5 Conversion between html font characters
6-6 Delete or fill specified content
6-7 Commonly used find and replace functions
Chapter7 4_19 File and directory operations
7-1 File operations
7-2 Directory traversal (Part 1)
7-3 Directory traversal (Part 2)
7-4 File path parsing
7-5 Common operations on files and directories
7-6 Describe in detail the principle and implementation of file upload
Chapter8 4_20Cookies and Sessions
8-1 How cookies work and common operations
8-2 Practical cookie implementation for user login
8-3 Practical cookie implementation for user login 2
8-4 Practical Cookie Implementation of User Login Three
8-5 The working principle and common operations of session
8-6 Actual modification of cookie login to session login
Chapter9 4_23mysqli process-oriented programming technology
9-1 Administrator installation and common SQL statements
9-2 Describe database connection technology in detail
9-3 Proper steps to perform database operations
9-4 Add new operation skills
9-5 Update operation process
9-6 6.1 Query operations involve technology
9-7 An easy way to query operations
9-8 Delete operation
9-9 Multi-statement query and multi-result set processing technology
Chapter10 4_24mysqli_fields and preprocessing operations
10-1 How to execute multiple SQL write operation statements
10-2 Basic operations of field pointers
10-3 Basic operations of record pointers
10-4 Preprocessing new operations
10-5 Simplification of new preprocessing operations
10-6 Preprocessing operations on result sets
Chapter11 4_25MySQLi object-oriented and PDO basics
11-1 MySQLi object-oriented connection operation
11-2 New object-oriented operations in MySQLi
11-3 Simplify MySQLi object-oriented new operations
11-4 MySQLi object-oriented processing of query result sets
11-5 PDO connects to database
11-6 PDO preprocessing insert operation
11-7 Simplify PDO preprocessing insert operations
11-8 PDO preprocessing update operations
Chapter12 4_26PDO query and encapsulation of common operations
12-1 Basic steps for PDO preprocessing query operations
12-2 Chained implementation of PDO preprocessing query operations
12-3 PDO preprocessing implements traversal of multiple result sets
12-4 Library encapsulation connection operation
12-5 New operations for library encapsulation
12-6 Library encapsulation update operation
12-7 Library encapsulation of single query operation
12-8 Library encapsulation of multiple query operations
12-9 Library closure deletion operation
Chapter13 4_27 Detailed explanation of paging and paging function encapsulation
13-1 Paging principle and manual paging
13-2 Implement previous page and next page
13-3 Generation of intermediate page number sequence
13-4 Simplify pagination code
13-5 Current page number highlighting and page number jump
13-6 Encapsulate paging functions and calls
Chapter14 5_2 First experience with object-oriented programming
14-1 Relationship between classes and objects and member access methods
14-2 Constructors, property queryers and setters
14-3 Magic methods __get() and __set()
Chapter15 5_3 Class attributes, class automatic loading and class inheritance
15-1 Class attributes and class constants
15-2 Automatic loading of classes
15-3 Class inheritance and method overloading
15-4 Creation and access of static members
Chapter16 5_4 Function processing functions and static members
16-1 Parameter handling function
16-2 User callback agent execution function
16-3 eval() and creating anonymous functions
16-4 A closer look at range parsers
16-5 Elaborate on static and late static binding
Chapter17 5_7 Abstract class interface and trait
17-1 What is abstract class
17-2 Describe the interface and implementation in detail
17-3 A closer look at traits and inheritance
17-4 How to iterate over objects
17-5 How to clone an object
Chapter18 5_8 Cross-class calls and namespaces
18-1 Object serialization with __sleep() and __wackup()
18-2 Class attribute detection and deletion __isset() and __unset()
18-3 Cross-class calls to __call() and __callStatic()
18-4 Namespaces and space members
18-5 Namespace declaration and global space access
18-6 Classification and access methods of namespaces
18-7 Namespace aliases and import methods
Chapter19 5_9MVC and common design patterns
19-1 Elaborating on MVC design ideas (Part 1)
19-2 Elaborating on MVC design ideas (Part 2)
19-3 Describe MVC design ideas in detail (Part 2)
19-4 Introduction to singleton pattern
19-5 Introduction to Factory Pattern
19-6 Introduction to registration tree mode
Chapter20 5_11 Similarities and differences between enterprise-level project development and learning
20-1 Similarities and differences between enterprise-level project development and learning 1
20-2 Similarities and differences between enterprise-level project development and learning 2
Chapter21 5_14Product birth process
21-1 Product birth process
Chapter22 5_15html page part
22-1 html page part 1
22-2 html page part 2
Chapter23 5_16html page part
23-1 html page part 3
23-2 html page part 4
Chapter24 5_17html page part
24-1 html page part 5
24-2 Leave messages and comments
Chapter25 5_18php development part
25-1 Develop message board
25-2 Post a blog
25-3 Post log 1
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