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HTML front-end basics Part 6
Chapter1 html basics
1-1 Html common tags
1-2 table element
1-3 form elements
Chapter2 css basics
2-1 Creation and priority of CSS style sheets
2-2 Common CSS selectors and weights 1
2-3 Common CSS selectors and weights 2
2-4 Text class attributes
2-5 list properties
2-6 background properties
2-7 float property
2-8 box model 1
2-9 box model 2
2-10 Text overflow 1
2-11 Text overflow 2
2-12 Element type 1
2-13 Element type 2
2-14 Element positioning settings
2-15 anchor link
2-16 Image integration
2-17 Width adaptive
2-18 Browser compatible
2-19 Form form advanced
2-20 html5 new tags
2-21 CSS3 selector 1
2-22 CSS3 selector 2
2-23 CSS3 selector 3
2-24 Server side fonts and iconfont1
2-25 New properties in CSS3
2-26 2d effect 1
2-27 2d effect 2
2-28 3d effect 1
2-29 3d effect 2
2-30 Flexbox 1
2-31 Flexbox 2
2-32 Flexbox 3
2-33 Flexbox 4
2-34 Flexbox 5
2-35 Flexbox 6
2-36 Media inquiries
2-37 Mobile layout
Chapter3 JS basics
3-1 js history
3-2 script tag
3-3 Detailed explanation of variables
3-4 Automatic data type conversion
3-5 Expressions and assignment operators
3-6 Force data type conversion
3-7 unary operator
3-8 Relational operators
3-9 Logical Operators
3-10 Base conversion
3-11 single branch statement
3-12 double branch statement
3-13 Multiple branches and nesting
3-14 switch and ternary operator
3-15 loop_while
3-16 Loop_dowhile
3-17 for loop
3-18 break和continue
3-19 The concept of function
3-20 function with parameters
3-21 arguments
3-22 return value
3-23 Scope
3-24 practise
3-25 recursion
3-26 Fibonacci Sequence
3-27 event driven function
3-28 Array definition
3-29 Properties and traversal
3-30 stack methods and queue methods
3-31 Detailed explanation of method
3-32 Two-dimensional array
3-33 System sorting
3-34 Bubble Sort
3-35 selection sort
3-36 Detailed quote-
3-37 string_concept
3-38 string_method
3-39 String_find method
3-40 string_split
3-41 ecma5_strict mode
3-42 ecma5_New array method
3-43 math object
3-44 Know the object
3-45 Know the date object
3-46 Know the date object
3-47 date object_method
3-48 Date Object_Exercise
3-49 date object_timer and innerhtml
3-50 Stopwatch implementation
3-51 bom_system dialog
3-52 bom_open method
3-53 bom_location attribute
3-54 bom_location method
3-55 bom_history object
3-56 bom_search processing
3-57 dom_concept
3-58 dom_byid element node attribute
3-59 dom_bytagname
3-60 dom_byname
3-61 dom_byclassname
3-62 dom_Get the current style
3-63 dom_package function
3-64 dom_attribute method
3-65 dom_element node attributes
3-66 dom_delete blank nodes
3-67 dom_element node attributes and attributes
3-68 dom_Creates an element node with text
3-69 dom_insertbefore
3-70 dom_element node operation method
3-71 Event details 1
3-72 Event details 02
3-73 Event details 03
3-74 Event details 04
3-75 Event details 05
3-76 Event details 06
3-77 Basic cookie operations
3-78 Cookie basic application
3-79 Regular basic grammar
3-80 Regular Basic Grammar 02
3-81 Regular Basic Grammar 03
3-82 Regular Basic Grammar 04
3-83 Es6 basic grammar 01
3-84 Es6 basic grammar 02
3-85 Es6 basic grammar 03
3-86 Es6 basic grammar 04
3-87 Es6 basic grammar 05
3-88 Es6 basic grammar 06
3-89 js_animation_principle_uniform speed
3-90 js_animation_collision detection_edge
3-91 js_animation_collision detection_block and block
3-92 js_animation_encapsulated animation function
3-93 js_animation_transparency carousel
3-94 js_animation_horizontal carousel
3-95 object-oriented
3-96 Constructors and inheritance
3-97 Prototype chain and inheritance
3-98 Ajax_get
3-99 Ajax_post_json
3-100 Ajax_callbackHell_Promise
3-101 Ajax_ajax_chain_promise
3-102 Cross-domain and JSONP
3-103 CORS
3-104 jQuery_Introduction
3-105 jQuery_html_val
3-106 jQuery_attr_prop_class
3-107 jQuery_select all box
3-108 jQuery_animation
3-109 jQuery_node traversal
3-110 jQuery_ajax
3-111 jQuery_jsonp
3-112 jQuery_event
3-113 jQuery_multiple
3-114 jQuery_plugin
3-115 jQuery_plugin
3-116 jQuery_plugin_magnifier
3-117 designPattern_UML
3-118 designPattern_single case
3-119 designPattern_factory
3-120 designPattern_Strategy
3-121 designPattern_Adapter
3-122 designPattern_Observer
3-123 ESM_native
3-124 ESM_AMD
3-126 php_environment installation
3-127 php_IP and Port
3-128 php_helloworld
3-129 php_define variables
3-130 php_variable type
3-131 php_loop
3-132 php_ajax_json
3-133 sass_Introduction
3-134 ruby installation
3-135 output_variable_nested
3-136 mixin_extended_function_expression
3-137 Basic use of gulp
3-138 gulp plugin_concat_uglify
3-139 gulp plugin_sass_minify
3-140 gulp plugin_rename
3-141 gulp plugin_rename
3-142 gulp_watch_plumber
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