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React Native e-commerce project practice
Chapter1 First experience with React Native
1-1 Introduction to React Native
1-2 React Native environment construction
1-3 React Native first experience and other environment construction
1-4 Detailed explanation of React Native project directory structure
Chapter2 FlexBox layout and general settings
2-1 Introduction to component View
2-2 On FlexBox layout
2-3 Under FlexBox layout
2-4 Screen adaptation to obtain the screen resolution
Chapter3 Core components and cases
3-1 Review of yesterday’s knowledge points
3-2 image case package shows the construction interface
3-3 Picture setting data and layout
3-4 Common properties of TextInput component
3-5 QQ login interface case layout
3-6 QQ login interface style setting and adaptation to dual systems
3-7 Touchable touch interaction component
3-8 component life cycle
3-9 Under the component life cycle
3-10 Basic settings of ScrollView component
3-11 Case Focus Map-Set Picture
3-12 Case Focus Chart-Set Dots
3-13 Case Focus Chart-Set the timer
3-14 Introduction to ListView component
3-15 ListView component data and layout
Chapter4 Under core components and cases
4-1 Review of yesterday’s content
4-2 ListView case nine-square grid-layout
4-3 ListView case nine-square grid - specific implementation
4-4 ListView ceiling effect principle
4-5 ListView data structure and data processing
4-6 ListView implements ceiling effect and setting style
4-7 The specific implementation of TaBbarIOS
4-8 Switching between TabBarIOS interfaces
4-9 News app small project-initialization project
4-10 News app small project-packaging navigation controller
4-11 News app small project-request network data
4-12 News app small project-handling network anomalies
4-13 News app small project-set specific interface data
4-14 News app small project-set header data
4-15 News app small project-set up news details page
Chapter5 E-commerce project in practice
5-1 Initial settings (mastery)
5-2 Set up the main framework (mastery)
5-3 Packaging Navigator (mastery)
5-4 Packaging and Encapsulation Navigation (Mastery)
5-5 Set the structure of the home page header (master)
5-6 Set the style of the home page header (master)
5-7 Set startup image in Android (master)
5-8 More navigation settings (master)
5-9 Set up a common cell (master)
5-10 Set other styles and types of cells (master)
5-11 My PR's Cell(mastery)
5-12 Set the style of my public Cell (master)
5-13 My middle content settings (mastery)
5-14 Contents of the lower part of the head (mastery)
Chapter6 E-commerce project practice
6-1 Home page header (master)
6-2 Set the content and structure in the home page header (master)
6-3 Set the content in ListView (master)
6-4 Improve the content of the header (mastery)
6-5 Set the structure of the middle View (master)
6-6 Intermediate component settings (mastery)
6-7 Middle Component - Right (Mastered)
6-8 View (mastery) on the left side of the middle
6-9 Structure construction of middle and lower content (mastery)
6-10 Content style of the middle and lower parts (mastery)
6-11 Shopping Mall - Upper Part (Mastery)
6-12 Setting up a shopping mall - the next part (mastery)
6-13 Set up mall details (master)
6-14 Settings Guess You Like (Master)
6-15 Home-guess you like settings
6-16 Merchant Supplement (Mastery)
Chapter7 TypeScript+React+Redux simple weather forecast system
7-1 TypeScript + React + Redux Literacy Practical Sharing Session – A simple city weather forecast query system
7-2 TypeScript + React + Redux Literacy Practical Sharing Session – A simple city weather forecast query system
7-3 TypeScript + React + Redux Literacy Practical Sharing Session – A simple city weather forecast query system
7-4 TypeScript + React + Redux Literacy Practical Sharing Session – A simple city weather forecast query system
7-5 TypeScript + React + Redux Literacy Practical Sharing Session – A simple city weather forecast query system
7-6 TypeScript + React + Redux Literacy Practical Sharing Session – A simple city weather forecast query system
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