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The fourth issue_PHP development
Chapter1 PHP development environment construction and PHP basic syntax cases
1-1 PHP operating principle development environment and editor installation settings
1-2 php generate html file
1-3 Mixing php and html
1-4 Application of php variables
Chapter2 Process control and functions
2-1 Introduction to common data types in php
2-2 Associative array traversal output
2-3 Alternative syntax for flow control
2-4 Describe the functions in php in detail
2-5 Function encapsulation enables code reuse
2-6 Employee management system backend home page production
Chapter3 Database principles and query operations
3-1 Dynamic websites and databases
3-2 Download and installation of Adminer management tool
3-3 The process of creating databases and data tables
3-4 Introduction to basic SQL commands
3-5 Create a PDO object and connect to the database
3-6 Create PDO preprocessing object
3-7 Parameter binding of SQL statement template
3-8 Processing of single record query results
3-9 How to bind result set columns to variables
Chapter4 PDO writing operations and user management
4-1 PDO new record operation
4-2 PDO update record operation
4-3 PDO delete record operation
4-4 If you get the number of result set records correctly
4-5 User editing function of employee management system (1)
4-6 User editing function of employee management system (2)
4-7 User editing function of employee management system (3)
4-8 User editing function of employee management system (4)
Chapter5 Session control technology and user login practice
5-1 Cookie principle and implementation
5-2 session principle and implementation
5-3 Login control of employee management system (1)
5-4 Login control of employee management system (2)
5-5 Login control of employee management system (3)
5-6 Login control of employee management system (4)
Chapter6 Employee management of employee management system (addition, deletion and modification operations)
6-1 Additional: Principle and implementation of soft deletion
6-2 Add new employee operation (1)
6-3 Add new employee operation (2)
6-4 Edit employee actions
6-5 Delete employee operation
Chapter7 System settings of employee management system
7-1 System settings for employee management 1
7-2 System settings for employee management 2
7-3 System settings for employee management 3
7-4 Paging principle and implementation of employee management system (1)
7-5 Paging principle and implementation of employee management system (2)
7-6 Paging principle and implementation of employee management system (3)
Chapter8 Object-oriented programming (1)
8-1 The principle and implementation of file upload
8-2 Introduction and implementation of classes and objects
8-3 Definition and access of object properties
8-4 Definition and access of object methods
8-5 Definition and examples of constructor methods
8-6 Class inheritance and method overriding
Chapter9 Static members and method overloading
9-1 Access restrictions on object members
9-2 Definition and access of static members
9-3 Definition and access of class constants
9-4 Property overloading operations
9-5 Method overloading
9-6 Practical combat: Static method overloading implements database chain calling
Chapter10 Abstraction/Interface/Static Inheritance/Namespace and Practical Combat
10-1 Implementation principle of automatic loading of classes
10-2 Abstract classes and applications
10-3 Interface principle and implementation
10-4 Interface practice: CURD operation of database
10-5 Application scenarios and implementation principles of late static binding
10-6 The role of namespaces
10-7 How namespaces are defined
10-8 How to define multiple namespaces at the same time
10-9 Hierarchical management of namespaces
10-10 Autoloading technology with namespace classes
10-11 How to implement alias import of class space
10-12 Namespace practice
Chapter11 Sina micro-functions developed natively in PHP
11-1 Project introduction and database design
11-2 Database access class package 1
Chapter12 PHP native development Sina micro-function 1
12-1 Database access class package 2
12-2 Database access class package 3
Chapter13 PHP native development Sina micro-function 2
13-1 Database access class package 4
13-2 Weibo release and course summary
Chapter14 IM WeChat instant chat
14-1 Introduction and installation of Redis
14-2 AES data encryption and decryption technology
Chapter15 IM WeChat instant chat 1
15-1 User login 1
15-2 User login 2
15-3 websocket connection, send message, disconnect
Chapter16 IM WeChat instant chat 2
16-1 Php operation redis
16-2 The user logs in to Workerman and saves the user to redis
Chapter17 IM WeChat instant chat 3
17-1 Server sends message to browser
17-2 Users send messages to each other 1
17-3 Users send messages to each other 2
Chapter18 IM WeChat instant chat 4
18-1 Broadcast messages to implement group chat function
18-2 Course summary
Chapter19 IM WeChat instant chat 5
19-1 Native project development course Q&A 1
19-2 Native project development course Q&A 2
19-3 Native project development course Q&A 3
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