Comprehensive examples of conditional statements and loop statements
1. Print the multiplication table
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # 打印九九乘法表 for i in range(1, 10): for j in range(1, i+1): # 打印语句中,大括号及其里面的字符 (称作格式化字段) 将会被 .format() 中的参数替换,注意有个点的 print('{}x{}={}\t'.format(i, j, i*j), end='') print()
The output result:
1x1=1 2x1=2 2x2=4 3x1=3 3x2=6 3x3=9 4x1=4 4x2=8 4x3=12 4x4=16 5x1=5 5x2=10 5x3=15 5x4=20 5x5=25 6x1=6 6x2=12 6x3=18 6x4=24 6x5=30 6x6=36 7x1=7 7x2=14 7x3=21 7x4=28 7x5=35 7x6=42 7x7=49 8x1=8 8x2=16 8x3=24 8x4=32 8x5=40 8x6=48 8x7=56 8x8=64 9x1=9 9x2=18 9x3=27 9x4=36 9x5=45 9x6=54 9x7=63 9x8=72 9x9=81
2. Determine whether it is a leap year
# 判断是否是闰年 year = int(input("请输入一个年份: ")) if (year % 4) == 0 and (year % 100) != 0 or (year % 400) == 0: print('{0} 是闰年' .format(year)) else: print('{0} 不是闰年' .format(year))