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Issue 6_PHP Programming
Chapter1 PHP operating principle and program structure
1-1 How PHP works
1-2 Creation and parsing of dynamic content
1-3 Basic structure of PHP program
Chapter2 Array and file inclusion practice
2-1 Production of dynamic pages
2-2 Page public module separation technology
2-3 Template principle and production process revealed 1
2-4 Template principle and production process revealed 2
Chapter3 Database principles and PDO technology
3-1 Database principles
3-2 Commonly used CURD operations (add, delete, modify, check)
3-3 PDO operation database (Part 1)
3-4 PDO operation database (Part 2)
Chapter4 Website database and session control
4-1 Database management website dynamic data
4-2 The principle and implementation of cookies and sessions
4-3 The principle and implementation of cookies and sessions 1
Chapter5 Session control practice: login and authentication
5-1 COOKIE version of user login and authentication (Part 1)
5-2 COOKIE version of user login and verification (Part 2)
5-3 SESSION version of user login and authentication
Chapter6 Ajax paging principle and practice
6-1 The principle of paging
6-2 Implementation of Ajax asynchronous request
6-3 Ajax realizes paging display of table data 1
6-4 Ajax realizes paging display of table data 2
Chapter7 Detailed explanation of functions in PHP
7-1 Function declaration and calling
7-2 Function parameters and return types
7-3 Knowledge of anonymous functions and closures
Chapter8 Classes and objects, class inheritance and encapsulation
8-1 Definition and member access of classes and objects
8-2 Initialization and construction methods of class instances
8-3 Class extension (inheritance)
8-4 Class access control and encapsulation technology
Chapter9 [Review] Access to classes and class members
9-1 Classes and class instantiations
9-2 Describe the role of instance attributes in detail
9-3 Describe the functions of instance methods in detail
9-4 Describe construction methods and practical cases in detail
9-5 Describe class inheritance and method extension in detail
9-6 Describe access control of class members in detail
Chapter10 6/15 Saturday Question Answering Course
10-1 Course Answers 1
10-2 Course Answers 2
Chapter11 Static members and class member overloading
11-1 Static members are defined as access
11-2 Definition and access of class constants
11-3 Property overloading technology for class members
11-4 Static method overloading implements chained access to the database (1)
11-5 Static method overloading implements chained access to the database (2)
Chapter12 Abstract class/interface and practical combat
12-1 The principle and implementation of class automatic loading
12-2 Describe abstract classes in detail
12-3 Describe the interface and implementation process in detail
12-4 Interface practice: CURD operation 1
12-5 Interface practice: CURD operation 2
Chapter13 Namespace and automatic loading in practice
13-1 Creation and use of namespaces
13-2 Hierarchical management of namespaces
13-3 If automatically loading a class with a namespace
13-4 Namespace alias access and instances
13-5 Static late binding knowledge
Chapter14 Practical employee management system 1
14-1 Administrator login module 1
14-2 Administrator login module 2
14-3 Data paging output for employee management
Chapter15 Practical employee management system 2
15-1 Tips for making paging strips
15-2 Add employee operations
15-3 Analysis of front-end and back-end JSON data interaction principles
15-4 How to implement editing and deletion operations
Chapter16 php crawler technology
16-1 php crawl function 1
16-2 php crawl function 2
16-3 php regular function
16-4 pgp regular expression atom
Chapter17 php crawler technology 1
17-1 php regular expression quantifier
17-2 php regular expression predefined characters
17-3 php regular expression special characters
17-4 php regular expression modifier
Chapter18 php crawler technology 2
18-1 php regular expression priority
18-2 php string functions
18-3 json data format
18-4 php capture interface data
Chapter19 php crawler technology 3
19-1 php web scraping 1
19-2 php web scraping 2
19-3 php web scraping 3
Chapter20 php crawler technology 4
20-1 php web scraping 1
20-2 php web scraping 2
20-3 php interface 1
20-4 php interface 2
Chapter21 6/29 Saturday Question and Answer Course
21-1 Course Answers
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Issue 11_PHP Programming
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Issue 12_PHP Programming
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Issue 13_PHP Programming
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Issue 14_PHP Programming
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Issue 15_PHP Programming
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Issue 16_PHP Programming
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Issue 17_PHP Programming
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Issue 22_PHP Programming
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June 3 teaching source code (sixth issue)
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June 4 teaching source code (sixth issue)
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June 5 teaching source code (sixth issue)
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June 6 teaching source code (sixth issue)
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June 10 courseware source code (sixth issue)
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June 11 courseware source code (sixth issue)
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June 12 courseware source code (sixth issue)
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June 13 courseware source code (sixth issue)
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June 14 courseware source code (sixth issue)
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June 17 courseware source code (sixth issue)
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June 18 courseware source code (sixth issue)
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June 19 courseware source code (sixth issue)
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June 20-21 Teaching Courseware and Source Code (Six Issues)
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June 24-28 Teaching Courseware and Source Code (Six Issues)
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