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"Getting Started and Mastering PHP in 20 Days" Video Tutorial
Chapter1 Getting Started with PHP Day 1
1-1 01_Network software classification
1-2 02_The most basic principles
1-3 03_URL explanation
1-4 04_Dynamic website and composition
1-5 05_Let’s talk about how to study
1-6 To be added
Chapter2 Getting Started with PHP Day 2
2-1 01_Review
2-2 002_Keywords, description, scheduled refresh
2-3 003_Character entity
2-4 004_Common text labels
2-5 005_List tag
2-6 006_Hyperlink tag
2-7 007_Anchor tag
2-8 008_Multimedia tag
Chapter3 php entry day 3
3-1 01_Review review
3-2 02_Photo album example description
3-3 03_Subwindow label
3-4 04_Form basics
3-5 05_Cell spacing and filling
3-6 06_Across rows and columns
3-7 07_Alignment
3-8 08_Table header and table title
3-9 09_thead,tbody,tfoot
3-10 10_Form Basics
3-11 11_GET and POST simple explanation
3-12 12_Common attributes of table text boxes
3-13 13_Radio button and multi-select box
Chapter4 Getting Started with PHP Day 4
4-1 01_map demo
4-2 02_Drop-down list
4-3 03_hidden domain
4-4 To be added
4-5 05_Text field
4-6 06_Submit button and reset button
4-7 07_h5 new form type
4-8 08_rgb represents color
4-9 9_Representation of hexadecimal color
4-10 10_Three basic selectors
4-11 11_External link style
4-12 12_Relationship Selector
4-13 13_combination selector
Chapter5 Getting Started with PHP Day 5
5-1 01_Priority and weight of selector
5-2 02_hover effect
5-3 03_Font attributes
5-4 04_Text attribute
5-5 05_List attributes, mouse attributes, transparency
5-6 06_Box model border rounded corners
Chapter6 Getting Started with PHP Day 6
6-1 01_Review review
6-2 02_Box Shadow
6-3 03_Background attributes (1)
6-4 04_Background attribute (2) example practice
6-5 05_Multiple background settings
6-6 06_Block-level elements and row-level elements
6-7 07_display attribute
6-8 08_Positioning attributes
Chapter7 Getting Started with PHP Day 7
7-1 01_Review
7-2 02_Transition effect
7-3 03_Pseudo object selector
7-4 04_Tai Chi practice
7-5 05_Red Heart
7-6 06_Pseudo-class selector (2)
7-7 07_Pseudo-class selector (3)
7-8 08_Attribute selector
7-9 09_floating
7-10 10_Level navigation menu
Chapter8 PHP advanced day 1
8-1 01_Review
8-2 02_Side menu
8-3 03_Side menu supplement
8-4 04_List exercise
8-5 05_Third level menu
8-6 06_Media Inquiry
8-7 07_Three column layout
8-8 08_Classic layout
Chapter9 PHP advanced day 2
9-1 01_Review homework instructions
9-2 02_Install the integrated environment
9-3 03_First php
9-4 04_The relationship between php and html
9-5 05_View php information
9-6 06_Understanding variables
9-7 07_The essence of variables
9-8 08_Data types that variables can store
9-9 09_Variable naming
9-10 10_String definition and difference
Chapter10 PHP advanced day 3
10-1 01_Review
10-2 02_Single and double quotation marks added
10-3 03_String concatenator
10-4 04_Data type supplement
10-5 05_Destroy variables
10-6 06_Reference variables
10-7 07_Whether the variable is defined
10-8 08_Whether the variable is empty
10-9 09_Automatic conversion of data types
10-10 10_Data type coercion
10-11 11_Definition and use of constants
10-12 12_Arithmetic operators
Chapter11 PHP advanced day 4
11-1 01_Review review
11-2 02_Manual download
11-3 03_Assignment operator
11-4 04_Comparison operator
11-5 05_Logical operations
11-6 06_short circuit
11-7 07_Ternary operator
11-8 08_Error suppressor
11-9 09_Command executor
11-10 10_Operator precedence
11-11 11_GET and POST receiving methods
11-12 12_Single branch
11-13 13_double branch
Chapter12 PHP advanced day 5
12-1 01_Review
12-2 02_Is it a number?
12-3 03_Background color change
12-4 04_if..elseif multiple branches
12-5 05_switch multi-branch structure
12-6 06_for loop
Chapter13 PHP advanced day 6
13-1 00_Explanation of test questions
13-2 01_Review + Sum of Even Numbers
13-3 02_Fibonacci Sequence
13-4 03_Multiplication table
13-5 04_One hundred coins and one hundred chickens
13-6 05_10 rows and 10 columns table
13-7 06_break,continue,die
13-8 loop
13-9 08_Function and parameters
Chapter14 PHP advanced day 7
14-1 01_Review
14-2 02_Parameter default value
14-3 03_return function return value
14-4 04_return return value
14-5 05_Code execution sequence when function is called
14-6 06_Local variables
14-7 07_Global variables
14-8 08_Static variable
14-9 09_Bullshit about the importance of memory space
14-10 10_Passing parameters by reference
14-11 11_Variable function
Chapter15 php mastery day 1
15-1 01_Review 1
15-2 02_Floating point numbers are not suitable for direct operation
15-3 03_Package function to determine whether it is a leap year
15-4 04_Prime numbers from 0 to 100
15-5 05_Anonymous function
15-6 06_Callback function
15-7 07_Recursive function 1
15-8 08_Recursive function 2
15-9 09_Recursive function 3
15-10 10_Introduce files include and require
Chapter16 php mastery day 2
16-1 01_Review
16-2 02_System function
16-3 03_String replacement, reading, writing
16-4 04_Replace string exercises
16-5 05_trim and htmlspecialchar functions
16-6 06_Password encryption and md5
16-7 07_String function
16-8 08_Definition of array
16-9 09_When the array has a blank subscript
Chapter17 php mastery day 3
17-1 01_Explanation of last week’s weekly test
17-2 02_Review
17-3 03_Two ways to define arrays
17-4 04_Traversal of array elements
17-5 05_foreach exercise 1
17-6 06_foreach exercise 2
17-7 07_Change the original value in the array
17-8 08_Definition of two-dimensional array
17-9 09_Output two-dimensional array to table
17-10 10_Conversion between array and string
17-11 11_Mathematical functions
Chapter18 php mastery day 4
18-1 01_Review
18-2 02_Filter to generate a new array
18-3 03_Age and
18-4 04_Get the specified column in the two-dimensional array
18-5 05_Super global array
18-6 06_Message board 1
18-7 07_Message Board 2-Save message
18-8 08_Message board 3-View messages
18-9 09_Message board 4-Delete message
18-10 10_Stack and Queue Monkey King
Chapter19 php mastery day 5
19-1 01_Count the number of elements in a multidimensional array
19-2 02_Two-dimensional array plus height
19-3 03_Message board and questions
19-4 04_Choose the Monkey King
19-5 05_Replacement, deletion and insertion in the middle part of the array
19-6 06_Array functions unique, merge, shuffle
19-7 07_Get parameter array
19-8 08_One-dimensional array sorting
19-9 09_Whether it contains a certain string
19-10 10_regular expression-character range
19-11 11_regular expression-number of characters
Chapter20 php mastery day 6
20-1 01_Quiz explanation
20-2 02_Review the regular rules
20-3 03_beginning, ending or word
20-4 04_Lazy mode
20-5 05_Sub-mode
20-6 06_Form validation 1
20-7 07_Form validation 2
20-8 08_Character boundary is not blank
20-9 09_Regular string replacement 1
20-10 10_Collect pictures on the page
20-11 11_Regular cutting
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