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Issue 8_Comprehensive Practical Combat
Chapter1 laravel framework basics
1-1 laravel installation and operation 1
1-2 laravel installation and running 2
1-3 mvc operating principle
Chapter2 laravel framework basics 1
2-1 Creation and use of laraver controller 1
2-2 Creation and use of laraver controller 2
2-3 Creation and use of laravel model 1
2-4 Creation and use of laravel model 2
Chapter3 laravel framework basics 2
3-1 laravel view basics 1
3-2 laravel view basics 2
3-3 laravel view basics 3
Chapter4 laravel framework basics 3
4-1 blade template engine 1
4-2 blade template engine 2
4-3 blade template engine 3
Chapter5 laravel framework basics 4
5-1 laravel database access 1
5-2 laravel database access 2
5-3 laravel database access 3
Chapter6 laravel framework basics 5
6-1 laravel query builder 1
6-2 laravel query builder 2
6-3 Request with cookie1
6-4 Requests with cookies2
Chapter7 laravel framework basics 6
7-1 session and response 1
7-2 session and response 2
7-3 laravel middleware definition and use
Chapter8 laravel framework basics 7
8-1 Laravel basics review 1
8-2 Laravel Basics Review 2
8-3 Laravel Basics Review 3
Chapter9 cms practical development
9-1 cms system framework construction 1
9-2 cms system framework construction 2
9-3 Backend login
Chapter10 cms practical development 1
10-1 Backend login authentication and frequency limit 1
10-2 Backend login authentication and frequency limit 2
10-3 Load rendering background menu 1
10-4 Load rendering background menu 2
Chapter11 cms practical development 2
11-1 Introduction to the principle of background permission control 1
11-2 Introduction to the principle of background permission control 2
11-3 Background permission control implementation
Chapter12 cms practical development 3
12-1 Background permission control implementation 1
12-2 Background permission control implementation 2
12-3 Routing grouping implementation 1
12-4 Routing grouping implementation 2
Chapter13 cms practical development 4
13-1 Administrator management 1
13-2 Admin management 2
13-3 How to use laravel extension methods
Chapter14 cms practical development 5
14-1 Add admin 1
14-2 Add admin 2
14-3 Edit Save Delete Administrator 1
14-4 Edit Save Delete Administrator 2
Chapter15 cms practical development 6
15-1 Menu management 1
15-2 Menu management 2
15-3 role management
Chapter16 cms practical development 7
16-1 Role management 1
16-2 Role management 2
16-3 System settings 1
16-4 System settings 2
Chapter17 cms practical development 8
17-1 Introduction to the role of table of contents 1
17-2 Introduction to the role of table of contents 2
17-3 Content list and custom paging
Chapter18 cms practical development 9
18-1 Content search and paging 1
18-2 Content search and paging 2
18-3 Add and save content
Chapter19 cms practical development 10
19-1 File upload 1
19-2 File upload 2
19-3 File upload 2 and model table introduction
Chapter20 cms practical development 11
20-1 Implementation of information model 1
20-2 Implementation of information model 2
20-3 Relationship between model tables and other related tables
Chapter21 cms practical development 12
21-1 Front desk login verification 1
21-2 Front desk login verification 2
21-3 Explanation of shopping mall payment process
Chapter22 cms practical development 13
22-1 Product release 1
22-2 Product release 2
22-3 Implementation of product ordering process
Chapter23 cms practical development 14
23-1 WeChat payment sdk principle and use 1
23-2 WeChat payment sdk principle and use 2
23-3 laravel integrates wechat payment sdk
Chapter24 cms practical development 15
24-1 WeChat payment asynchronous notification processing 1
24-2 WeChat payment asynchronous notification processing 2
24-3 WeChat payment asynchronous notification processing 3
Chapter25 cms practical development 16
25-1 Shopping cart principle and implementation 1
25-2 Shopping cart principle and implementation 2
25-3 Shopping cart principle and implementation 3
Chapter26 cms practical development 17
26-1 Imitation Youdao Cloud Notes front page 1
26-2 Imitation Youdao Cloud Notes front page 2
26-3 The overall implementation of imitating Youdao Cloud Notes
Chapter27 cms practical development 18
27-1 Picture station backend management 1
27-2 Picture station backend management 2
27-3 Image upload and save
Chapter28 cms practical development 19
28-1 Picture classification management 1
28-2 Picture classification management 2
28-3 Picture station implementation
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Issue Fourteen_Comprehensive Practical Combat
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Issue 10_Comprehensive actual combat
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Issue 12_Comprehensive actual combat
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Issue 15_Comprehensive actual combat
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Issue 16_Comprehensive actual combat
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