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Issue 10_PHP Programming
Chapter1 php variables and types
1-1 PHP basic syntax 1
1-2 PHP basic syntax 2
1-3 PHP basic syntax 3
Chapter2 php first lesson
2-1 PHP operating principle
2-2 php basic syntax
2-3 Detailed explanation of variables and variable types 1
2-4 Detailed explanation of variables and variable types 2
Chapter3 PHP array and branch judgment
3-1 constant knowledge
3-2 Single quotes and double quotes
3-3 A closer look at arrays (Part 1)
3-4 A closer look at arrays (Part 2)
3-5 Branch judgment of process control
Chapter4 Loop control and form validation
4-1 Process control loop 1
4-2 Process control loop 2
4-3 php form data validation
Chapter5 Template syntax and site modularity
5-1 Template syntax for branching structures
5-2 Template syntax for loop structures
5-3 Preliminary knowledge of site modularity
Chapter6 Site Modularity and Functions
6-1 Site modularization home page and list page 1
6-2 Site modularization home page and list page 2
6-3 Details page template and function encapsulation
Chapter7 Data and request validation
7-1 Data verification technology 1
7-2 Data Validation Technology 2
7-3 Request source verification and data serialization
Chapter8 Session control in action
8-1 User login and authentication (COOKIE) implementation 1
8-2 User login and authentication (COOKIE) implementation 2
8-3 User login and authentication (COOKIE) implementation 3
8-4 User login and verification (SESSION implementation) 4
Chapter9 Basic knowledge of classes and objects
9-1 Basic knowledge of classes and objects 1
9-2 Basic knowledge of classes and objects 2
9-3 Basic knowledge of classes and objects 3
Chapter10 Namespace and MVC preliminary
10-1 Static members and namespaces 1
10-2 Static members and namespaces 2
10-3 MVC principle and implementation
Chapter11 Database basics and PDO preliminary
11-1 Database basics (Part 1)
11-2 Basic knowledge of database (Part 2)
11-3 PDO basic operations: add, delete, modify and check 1
11-4 PDO basic operations: add, delete, modify and check 2
Chapter12 Elaborate on the key technologies of namespace
12-1 Anonymous classes and type constraints
12-2 Access methods of global members (1)
12-3 Access methods of global members (2)
12-4 Access methods of global members (3)
12-5 How to import global members
12-6 Namespace alias access mechanism
Chapter13 MySQLi/interfaces and polymorphism
13-1 MySQLi database operation (1)
13-2 MySQLi database operation (2)
13-3 Interface and polymorphism in practice (1)
13-4 Interface and polymorphism in practice (2)
13-5 Interface and polymorphism in practice (3)
Chapter14 A closer look at traits and generators
14-1 Elaborate on trait traits (1)
14-2 Elaborate on trait traits(2)
14-3 Elaboration Generator(1)
14-4 Elaborate Generator(2)
Chapter15 PSR specification and Composer
15-1 Detailed explanation of PHP programming specification PSR 1
15-2 Detailed explanation of PHP programming specification PSR 2
15-3 PSR-4 automatic loading principle
15-4 Introduction to composer
15-5 composer actual combat
Chapter16 Closures and exceptions
16-1 Do you really understand closures? (1)
16-2 Do you really understand closures? (2)
16-3 Do you really understand closures? (3)
16-4 It smells so good, don’t you want to know more about it?
Chapter17 Service container and routing principles
17-1 Dependency injection and service container 1
17-2 Dependency injection and service container 2
17-3 Service Containers and Facade Technology
17-4 Principle and implementation of routing 1
17-5 Principle and implementation of routing 2
Chapter18 Service Containers and Design Patterns
18-1 Dependency injection principles and applications
18-2 Service container principles and applications
18-3 Facade implementation
18-4 Singleton pattern and factory pattern
18-5 Abstract factory pattern and applications
Chapter19 Principles and practice of file and multiple file uploads
19-1 File upload principles and practice 1
19-2 File upload principles and practice 2
19-3 File upload principles and practice 3
19-4 Principle and practice of multi-file upload
Chapter20 A complete list of PHP array functions you must know
20-1 Complete collection of PHP array functions (1)
20-2 Complete collection of PHP array functions (2)
20-3 Complete collection of PHP array functions (3)
20-4 Complete collection of PHP array functions (4)
20-5 Complete collection of PHP array functions (5)
Chapter21 Use Composer to create a framework from scratch
21-1 Hands-on PHP development framework (1)
21-2 Hands-on PHP development framework (2)
21-3 Hands-on PHP development framework (3)
21-4 Hands-on PHP development framework (4)
21-5 Hands-on PHP development framework (5)
21-6 Hands-on PHP development framework (6)
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Teaching source code and courseware on January 6 (Issue 10)
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January 7 Teaching Source Code and Courseware (Issue 10)
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Teaching source code and courseware on January 8 (Issue 10)
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January 9th Teaching Source Code and Courseware (Issue 10)
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Teaching source code and courseware on January 10 (Issue 10)
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January 13th Teaching Source Code and Courseware (Issue 10)
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January 14th Teaching Source Code and Courseware (Issue 10)
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January 15th Teaching Source Code and Courseware (Issue 10)
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Teaching source code and courseware on January 16 (Issue 10)
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Teaching source code and courseware on January 17 (Issue 10)
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February 10th Teaching Source Code and Courseware (Issue 10)
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February 11 Teaching Source Code and Courseware (Issue 10)
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Teaching source code and courseware on February 12 (Issue 10)
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February 13th Teaching Source Code and Courseware (Issue 10)
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February 14th Teaching Source Code and Courseware (Issue 10)
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February 17 Teaching Source Code and Courseware (Issue 10)
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February 18th Teaching Source Code and Courseware (Issue 10)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 10_PHP Programming
February 19th Teaching Source Code and Courseware (Issue 10)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 10_PHP Programming
Teaching source code and courseware on February 20 (Issue 10)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 10_PHP Programming
Teaching source code and courseware on February 21 (Issue 10)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 10_PHP Programming
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