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Issue 10_Front-end Development
Chapter1 First lesson of school
1-1 The first lesson of school (Part 1)
1-2 The first lesson of school (middle)
1-3 The first lesson of school (Part 2)
Chapter2 html basics
2-1 html common tags 1
2-2 html common tags 2
2-3 html common tags 3
Chapter3 css basics
3-1 css basics 1
3-2 css basics 2
3-3 css basics 3
3-4 css basics 4
Chapter4 Getting Started with Flexible Layout
4-1 Elaborate on assignment 1 on December 20th
4-2 Elaborate on assignment 2 of 12.20
4-3 Detailed explanation of flex container properties
Chapter5 Flex project properties and practice
5-1 Detailed explanation of flex project properties 1
5-2 Detailed explanation of flex project properties 2
5-3 Component development ideas and navigation examples
Chapter6 flex actual combat
6-1 Flex practical product list 1
6-2 Flex practical product list 2
6-3 Flex Practical Comments and Replies
Chapter7 Summary of Flex Layout and Basics of Grid Layout
7-1 Flex layout general reference (PC side)
7-2 Flex Layout General Reference (Mobile)
7-3 Grid layout basics 1
Chapter8 Homework Tutoring and Grid Basics 2
8-1 Assignment on December 27th: Flex layout of the home page of the php Chinese website mobile website 1
8-2 Assignment on December 27th Flex layout 2 of the homepage of the php Chinese website mobile website
8-3 Grid layout basics 2
Chapter9 Describe Grid container and project properties in detail
9-1 Implicit Grid Principles and Applications
9-2 Principles and applications of grid area templates
9-3 Grid Templates in Action: Holy Grail Layout
9-4 Details the overall alignment of items within containers and cells
9-5 Detail the alignment of an item in a cell
9-6 Implementation principles and applications of 12-column grid layout
Chapter10 Mall components of practical projects
10-1 Mall public header component
10-2 Mall main navigation and carousel components
10-3 New Year's Day Homework
Chapter11 Shopping cart/JIUI framework/front-end summary
11-1 Shopping cart practice (Part 1)
11-2 Shopping cart practice (Part 2)
11-3 Jiui introduction and front-end summary
Chapter12 js basics
12-1 Introduction to JS language
12-2 JS syntax variable basics 1
12-3 JS syntax variable basics 2
12-4 JS flow control 1
12-5 JS flow control 2
Chapter13 Details of data types
13-1 Detailed description of data type 1
13-2 Detailed description of data type 2
13-3 Detailed description of data type 3
13-4 Detailed description of data type 4
13-5 Detailed description of data type 5
Chapter14 Array traversal and function calling
14-1 Describe in detail the declaration access and traversal of arrays 1
14-2 Describe in detail the declaration access and traversal of array 2
14-3 Function declaration call and parameters 1
14-4 Function declaration call and parameters 2
14-5 Function declaration call and parameters 3
Chapter15 DOM and event principles and applications
15-1 DOM and event principles and applications 1
15-2 DOM and event principles and applications 2
15-3 DOM and event principles and applications 3
15-4 DOM and event principles and applications 4
15-5 Practical classic TodoList1
15-6 Practical classic TodoList2
Chapter16 JS actual combat
16-1 Tab 1
16-2 Tab 2
16-3 Lazy loading 1
16-4 Lazy loading 2
16-5 Principle and implementation of fade-in and fade-out
16-6 Principle and implementation of carousel chart 1
16-7 Principle and implementation of carousel chart 2
16-8 Principle and implementation of carousel chart 3
Chapter17 A closer look at JSON and AJAX
17-1 Describe JSON data format and common operations in detail (1)
17-2 Describe JSON data format and common operations in detail (2)
17-3 Ajax request and processing basics
17-4 AJAX+JSON practical form verification (1)
17-5 AJAX+JSON practical form verification (2)
Chapter18 Introduction to jQuery and factory functions
18-1 Introduction to jQuery and factory functions (1)
18-2 Introduction to jQuery and factory functions (2)
18-3 Introduction to jQuery and factory functions (3)
18-4 Detailed explanation of jQuery common terms
18-5 jQuery query result processing technology
Chapter19 jQuery properties and DOM operations
19-1 Common attribute operations (1)
19-2 Common attribute operations (2)
19-3 Common attribute operations (3)
19-4 Common attribute operations (4)
19-5 Common DOM operations
Chapter20 Filters and Ajax
20-1 Filters and Events(1)
20-2 Filters and Events(2)
20-3 Detailed explanation of Ajax methods and examples (1)
20-4 Detailed explanation of Ajax methods and examples (2)
Chapter21 Course summary and experience sharing
21-1 Front-end course summary
21-2 PHP course summary
21-3 Study Guide and Experience Sharing
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Issue 10_Front-end Development
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Issue 9_Front-end Development
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Issue 11_Front-end Development
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Issue 12_Front-end Development
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Issue 13_Front-end Development
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Issue 14_Front-end development
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Issue 15_Front-end development
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Issue 16_Front-end Development
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Issue 17_Front-end Development
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Issue 22_Front-end development
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Issue 23_Front-end development
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December 19th Source Code and Courseware (Issue 10)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 10_Front-end Development
December 20 Reference Teaching Source Code and Courseware (Tenth Issue)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 10_Front-end Development
Teaching source code and courseware on December 23 (Issue 10)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 10_Front-end Development
Teaching source code and courseware on December 25 (Issue 10)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 10_Front-end Development
Teaching source code and courseware on December 26 (Issue 10)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 10_Front-end Development
December 27 Teaching Source Code and Courseware (Issue 10)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 10_Front-end Development
Teaching source code and courseware on December 28 (Issue 10)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 10_Front-end Development
Teaching source code and courseware on December 30 (Issue 10)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 10_Front-end Development
Teaching source code and courseware on January 2 (Issue 10)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 10_Front-end Development
Teaching source code and courseware on February 24 (Issue 10)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 10_Front-end Development
Teaching source code and courseware on February 25 (Issue 10)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 10_Front-end Development
Teaching source code and courseware on February 25 (Issue 10)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 10_Front-end Development
Teaching source code and courseware on February 26 (Issue 10)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 10_Front-end Development
February 27 Teaching Source Code and Courseware (Issue 10)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 10_Front-end Development
Teaching source code and courseware on February 28 (Issue 10)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 10_Front-end Development
Teaching source code and courseware on March 2 (Issue 10)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 10_Front-end Development
Teaching source code and courseware on March 3 (Issue 10)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 10_Front-end Development
Teaching source code and courseware on March 4 (Issue 10)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 10_Front-end Development
Teaching source code and courseware on March 5 (Issue 10)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 10_Front-end Development
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