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Issue 11_PHP Programming
Chapter1 php environment and variables
1-1 PHP environment 1
1-2 PHP environment 2
1-3 PHP variable knowledge 1
1-4 PHP variable knowledge 2
Chapter2 Explain variables and constants in detail
2-1 A closer look at variables and filters 1
2-2 A closer look at variables and filters 2
2-3 Elaborate on constants
Chapter3 Arithmetic operators and flow control
3-1 Detailed description of operation operator 1
3-2 Detailed description of operation operator 2
3-3 Detailed description of process control 1
3-4 Detailed description of process control 2
Chapter4 Detailed function
4-1 Describe function types and return values 1
4-2 Describe function types and return values 2
4-3 Function return value and parameter type 1
4-4 Function return value and parameter type 2
Chapter5 Details about strings
5-1 Definition and analysis of strings 1
5-2 Definition and analysis of strings 2
5-3 String functions
Chapter6 String functions
6-1 Detailed description of string functions 1
6-2 Detailed description of string function 2
6-3 Detailed description of string function 3
Chapter7 Detailed function
7-1 Array definition and traversal 1
7-2 Array definition and traversal 2
7-3 Array definition and traversal 3
Chapter8 Describe array functions in detail
8-1 Common array functions 1
8-2 Common array functions 2
8-3 Common array functions 3
8-4 Common array functions 4
Chapter9 File loading and object basics
9-1 File loading and actual combat 1
9-2 File loading and actual combat 2
9-3 Class and object basics
9-4 Elaborate on properties
Chapter10 Inherited abstractions and interfaces
10-1 Methods and Inheritance 1
10-2 Methods and Inheritance 2
10-3 Abstract classes and interfaces 1
10-4 Abstract classes and interfaces 2
Chapter11 interface-oriented programming
11-1 Interface programming 1
11-2 Interface programming 2
11-3 Interface and trait1
11-4 Interface and trait2
Chapter12 Traits and interfaces, abstract class practice
12-1 Trait composition and conflict resolution
12-2 Mixed programming of traits and interfaces
12-3 Traits and interfaces, abstract class practice 1
12-4 Traits and interfaces, abstract class practice 2
Chapter13 Static binding and interceptors
13-1 Late static binding and construction method 1
13-2 Late static binding and construction method 2
13-3 Principle and implementation of attribute interceptor
13-4 Method interceptor principle and practice
13-5 Practical Combat: Database Query Constructor
Chapter14 Object serialization and practical cases
14-1 Object serialization and practical cases
14-2 Exceptions and __toString()
14-3 Anonymous classes and usage scenarios
Chapter15 A closer look at namespaces
15-1 Elaborating on namespace 1
15-2 Elaborating on namespace 2
15-3 Elaborating on namespace 3
Chapter16 Database basics and common operations
16-1 Database basics
16-2 Database connection (PDO)
16-3 Commonly used CURD operations (PDO) 1
16-4 Commonly used CURD operations (PDO) 2
Chapter17 PHP operation database (MySQLi version)
17-1 mysqli operation database 1
17-2 mysqli operation database 2
17-3 mysqli operation database 3
Chapter18 Session control and practice
18-1 Cookie and session principle and implementation 1
18-2 Cookie and session principle and implementation 2
18-3 User registration/login/verification/logout and other practical operations (cooke/session) 1
18-4 User registration/login/verification/logout and other practical operations (cooke/session) 2
18-5 User registration/login/verification/logout and other practical operations (cooke/session) 3
Chapter19 Describe the principles and practice of file upload in detail
19-1 File upload principles and common functions
19-2 File upload principle and error checking
19-3 Single file and multiple file batch upload principles and practice 1
19-4 Single file and multiple file batch upload principles and practice 2
Chapter20 Paging practice and MVC practice
20-1 Paging principles and practice 1
20-2 Paging Principles and Practice 2
20-3 mvc principle and implementation
Chapter21 Pagination extensions and design patterns
21-1 Detailed explanation of paging operations and editing and other business processing 1
21-2 Detailed explanation of paging operations and editing and other business processing 2
21-3 MVC and service container
Chapter22 Routing principles and Composer installation
22-1 Facade technology and routing principles 1
22-2 Facade technology and routing principles 2
22-3 Facade technology and routing principles 3
22-4 Analysis of path variables in routing and introduction to composer
Chapter23 Composer automatically loads and framework components
23-1 Facade and composer automatic loading mechanism 1
23-2 Facade and composer automatic loading mechanism 2
23-3 Composer common command demonstration 1
23-4 Composer common command demonstration 2
Chapter24 Use composer to quickly draw a frame by hand
24-1 Practical demonstration and summary of common composer commands 1
24-2 Practical demonstration and summary of common composer commands 2
24-3 The whole composer hand-made a mini MVC small frame 1
24-4 The whole composer hand-made a mini MVC small frame 2
Chapter25 laravel basics
25-1 Laravel installation and directory introduction
Chapter26 laravel basics 1
26-1 laravel mvc process analysis 1
26-2 laravel mvc process analysis 2
26-3 laravel database native query 1
26-4 laravel database native query 2
Chapter27 laravel basics 2
27-1 laravel query builder 1
27-2 laravel query builder 2
27-3 laravel model 1
27-4 laravel model 2
Chapter28 laravel basics 3
28-1 blade template engine 1
28-2 blade template engine 2
28-3 laravel middleware 1
28-4 laravel middleware 2
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April 16 teaching source code (11th issue)
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April 17 Teaching Source Code (Issue 11)
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April 21 teaching source code (11th issue)
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April 22 Teaching Source Code (Issue 11)
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April 23 teaching source code (11th issue)
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April 24 teaching source code (11th issue)
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April 27 Teaching Source Code (Issue 11)
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April 28 teaching source code (11th issue)
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Teaching source code on April 29 (11th issue)
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April 30 courseware and source code (11th issue)
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May 1 courseware and source code (11th issue)
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May 4 teaching source code (11th issue)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 11_PHP Programming
May 5 teaching source code (11th issue)
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May 6 courseware and source code (11th issue)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 11_PHP Programming
May 7 teaching source code (11th issue)
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May 8 courseware and source code (11th issue)
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May 11 courseware and source code (11th issue)
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May 12 courseware and source code (11th issue)
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Teaching source code on May 13 (11th issue)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 11_PHP Programming
Teaching source code on May 14th (11th issue)
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Teaching source code on May 15th (11th issue)
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May 18 courseware and source code (11th issue)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 11_PHP Programming
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