Other common methods of Window object
open() method
Function: Open a new browser window.
Syntax: var winObj = window.open([url][,name][,options]);
Description: Parameters can Dispensable. If no parameters are specified, a tabbed window is opened (size is maximized).
url: Which file is to be displayed in the new window. url can be an empty string, indicating that an empty page is displayed.
name: The name of the new window. This name is used for the target attribute of the tag.
options: The specifications of the window.
#Oth: The width of the new window
# Height: The height of the new window
# Top: The distance on the new window distance on the screen # Menubar: Whether the menu bar is displayed, the value: yes, no Toolbar: Whether the toolbar is displayed. Location: Whether to display the address bar. status: Whether to display the status bar.scrollbars: Whether the scroll bar is displayed, you cannot omit the S letter.
4. Return value: Return a variable of Window object, you can track the window through this name. winObj has all the properties and methods of the window object.
onload event: This event (condition) is triggered only when the web page is loaded and all contents of the indicator mark are loaded. . Use the onload event attribute to call the JS function. The onload attribute is only available in the body tag.
onclick event: When clicked, call the JS code. All HTML tags have this event attribute.
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>php.cn</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function init(){ window.open("","php.cn") } </script> </head> <body onload="init()"> </body> </html>
Delayer method——setTimeout()
Function: Set a delayer, in other words: Once the time is up, execute the JS code once.
Syntax: var timer = window.setTimeout(code,millisec)
code: is any legal JS code, usually a JS function. The function should be placed in quotes.
Example: Window.Settimeout ("Close ()", 2000)
For example: Window.Settimeout (init, 2000); // The function address of the function is not required. If parentheses are added, the execution result of the function is passed to the method.
millisec: millisecond value. 1 second = 1000 milliseconds
Return value: Returns the id variable of a delayer. This id variable is used for clearTimeout().
Function: Clear the delayer id variable
Syntax: window.clearTimeout(timer)
Parameters: timer is the id variable of the delayer set by setTimeout().
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>php.cn</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function init(){ //打开一个新窗口 var win=window.open(); win.document.write("欢迎来到php.cn") ; //新窗口2秒后关闭 win.setTimeout("window.close()",2000); } </script> </head> <body onload="init()"> </body> </html>
##Timer method
- Function: Set a timer. Timer, execute JS code repeatedly (periodic).
- Syntax: var timer = window.setInterval(code, millisec)
code: is any legal JS code, usually a JS function. The function should be placed in quotes.
Example: Window.SetInterVal ("Init ()", 2000)
Example: Window.SetInterval (Init, 2000); // pass the function address, so no parentheses are needed. If parentheses are added, the execution result of the function is passed to the method.
millisec: millisecond value. 1 second = 1000 milliseconds
Return value: Returns the id variable of a timer. This id variable is used for clearInterval().
Function: Clear the timer id variable
Syntax: window.clearInterval(timer)
Parameters: timer is the id variable of the timer set by setInterval().