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Issue 11_Comprehensive Practical Combat
Chapter1 layui basics
1-1 layui basic framework foundation 1
1-2 layui basic framework foundation 2
1-3 How to use layui form form elements
Chapter2 layui is based on laravel
2-1 Introduction to each component of layui and how to use it 1
2-2 Introduction to each component of layui and how to use it 2
2-3 Laravel installation and directory introduction
Chapter3 laravel basics 1
3-1 laravel mvc process analysis 1
3-2 laravel mvc process analysis 2
3-3 laravel database native query 1
3-4 laravel database native query 2
Chapter4 laravel basics 2
4-1 laravel query builder 1
4-2 laravel query builder 2
4-3 laravel model 1
4-4 laravel model 2
Chapter5 laravel basics 3
5-1 blade template engine 1
5-2 blade template engine 2
5-3 laravel middleware 1
5-4 laravel middleware 2
Chapter6 Backend framework construction
6-1 Backend login 1
6-2 Backend login 2
6-3 Backend login 3
6-4 Backend login 4
Chapter7 Administrator management
7-1 Administrator list 1
7-2 Administrator list 2
7-3 Extended database access class 1
7-4 Extended database access class 2
Chapter8 Administrator management 1
8-1 Add delete administrator 1
8-2 Add and delete administrator 2
8-3 Permission verification middleware 1
8-4 Permission verification middleware 2
Chapter9 Admin management 2
9-1 Administrator management 1
9-2 Admin management 2
9-3 Menu management 1
9-4 Menu management 2
Chapter10 Menu management
10-1 Menu management 1
10-2 Menu management 2
10-3 Role management 1
10-4 Role management 2
Chapter11 role management
11-1 Role addition and modification 1
11-2 Role addition and modification 2
11-3 System settings 1
11-4 System settings 2
Chapter12 Article management
12-1 Article classification management 1
12-2 Article classification management 2
12-3 Article list and pagination 1
12-4 Article list and paging 2
Chapter13 Article management 1
13-1 Adding articles and uploading pictures 1
13-2 Adding articles and uploading pictures 2
13-3 Adding articles and uploading pictures 3
13-4 Adding articles and uploading pictures 4
Chapter14 Article management 2
14-1 Adding articles and uploading pictures 1
14-2 Adding articles and uploading pictures 2
14-3 News System Course Summary 1
14-4 News System Course Summary 2
Chapter15 Practical development of imitation Douyin project
15-1 Play Square page development 1
15-2 Play Square Page Development 2
15-3 Backstage video release 1
15-4 Backstage video release 2
Chapter16 Practical development of imitation Douyin project 1
16-1 Play recorded video 1
16-2 Play recorded video 2
16-3 Live streaming and playback 1
16-4 Live streaming and playback 2
Chapter17 Imitation of Baidu Shangqiao IM communication
17-1 Introduction to websocket and workerman 1
17-2 Introduction to websocket and workerman 2
17-3 websocket message sent to group 1
17-4 websocket message sent to group 2
Chapter18 Imitation of Baidu Shangqiao im communication 1
18-1 Implementation of private chat between customers and customer service 1
18-2 Implementation of private chat between customers and customer service 2
18-3 Implementation of private chat between customers and customer service 3
18-4 Implementation of private chat between customers and customer service 4
Chapter19 Imitation of Baidu Shangqiao im communication 2
19-1 Optimization of private chat between customers and customer service 1
19-2 Optimization of private chat between customers and customer service 2
19-3 Private chat messages between customers and customer service are saved to database 1
19-4 Private chat messages between customers and customer service are saved to database 2
Chapter20 Imitation of Baidu Shangqiao IM Communication 3
20-1 Private chat messages between customers and customer service are saved to database 1
20-2 Private chat messages between customers and customer service are saved to database 2
20-3 Online mall system development-product release 1
20-4 Online mall system development-product release 2
Chapter21 Online mall system development
21-1 Mall front page construction 1
21-2 Mall front page construction 2
21-3 User login and product order 1
21-4 User login and product order 2
Chapter22 Online mall system development 1
22-1 Online deployment of business bridge project 1
22-2 Online deployment of business bridge project 2
22-3 Front desk login verification middleware 1
22-4 Front desk login verification middleware 2
Chapter23 Online Payment
23-1 Implementation of order process 1
23-2 Implementation of order process 2
23-3 WeChat payment access and payment QR code generation 1
23-4 WeChat payment access and payment QR code generation 2
Chapter24 Pay online 1
24-1 Deploy WeChat payment online 1
24-2 Online deployment of WeChat payment 2
24-3 WeChat payment asynchronous notification processing 1
24-4 WeChat payment asynchronous notification processing 2
Chapter25 Pay online 2
25-1 Deploy Alipay payment online 1
25-2 Online deployment of Alipay payment 2
25-3 Mall system summary 1
25-4 Mall system summary 2
Chapter26 Product High Concurrency Flash Sale
26-1 Problems caused by high concurrency and solutions 1
26-2 Problems caused by high concurrency and solutions 2
26-3 ab stress test simulates high concurrency and oversold items 1
26-4 ab stress test simulates high concurrency and oversold goods 2
Chapter27 Product High Concurrency Flash Sale 1
27-1 Redis introduction and installation 1
27-2 Introduction and installation of redis 2
27-3 Common redis commands and operating redis1 in laravel
27-4 Common redis commands and operating redis2 in laravel
Chapter28 Product High Concurrency Flash Sale 2
28-1 Flash sale principle and course summary 1
28-2 Flash sale principle and course summary 2
28-3 Flash sale principle and course summary 3
28-4 Flash sale principle and course summary 4
Chapter29 7.11 Course Answers
29-1 Three-level linkage between provinces and municipalities
29-2 Mall SKU design ideas and asynchronously adding products to the shopping cart
29-3 Attachment upload topic - ueditor custom file upload interface, layui multi-image upload
29-4 Excel and database data mutual transfer-layui Excel plug-in and PhpExcel third-party class
29-5 Interface communication-signature design
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