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Weekend class (first period)_Front-end development
Chapter1 Development environment and common tags
1-1 Development environment setup 1
1-2 Development environment setup 2
1-3 Development environment setup 3
1-4 Semantic structure and text elements 1
1-5 Semantic structure and text elements 2
1-6 Semantic structure and text elements 3
1-7 Link and list elements
Chapter2 Detailed description of tables and forms
2-1 Detailed table
2-2 Detailed form 1
2-3 html5 new control type
2-4 Describe the button and its properties in detail
2-5 Drop-down boxes, buttons and inline frames
2-6 css preliminary knowledge 1
2-7 css preliminary knowledge 2
Chapter3 selector/text/box model
3-1 Selector 1
3-2 Selector 2
3-3 Selector 3
3-4 Selector 4
3-5 text setting technology
3-6 Use of Ali font icons
3-7 Box model basics
Chapter4 Model calculation methods and layout technology
4-1 Box size calculation and positioning 1
4-2 Box size calculation and positioning 2
4-3 Magical margin:auto
4-4 Floating and High Collapse Solutions
4-5 Practical combat: absolute positioning three-column layout
4-6 Practical Combat: Classic Holy Grail Layout
4-7 Holy Grail Layout Summary and Grid Experience
Chapter5 Flex layout and practice
5-1 Common properties of flex containers and projects 1
5-2 Common properties of flex containers and projects 2
5-3 Common properties of flex containers and projects 3
5-4 flex item properties 1
5-5 flex item properties 2
5-6 Flex quickly implements three-column layout on PC 1
5-7 Flex quickly implements three-column layout on PC 2
5-8 Flex quickly implements mobile layout 1
5-9 Flex quickly implements mobile layout 2
Chapter6 Grid layout and practice
6-1 Grid layout common attributes 1
6-2 Grid layout common attributes 2
6-3 Grid layout common attributes 3
6-4 Grid layout common attributes 4
6-5 Grid layout common attributes 5
6-6 Practical combat: Implementation of 12-column grid layout 1
6-7 Practical combat: Implementation of 12-column grid layout 2
6-8 Practical combat: Responsive online photo album
Chapter7 js basic syntax
7-1 JavaScript basic syntax 1
7-2 JavaScript basic syntax 2
7-3 JavaScript basic syntax 3
Chapter8 JS array object JSON and Ajax
8-1 JS Array and Object Programming 1
8-2 JS Array and Object Programming 2
8-3 JS Array and Object Programming 3
8-4 JS Array and Object Programming 4
8-5 JS Array and Object Programming 5
8-6 Describe the functions in JS in detail
8-7 JSON in detail
Chapter9 Ajax, API and cross-domain requests
9-1 Ajax implements front-end and back-end API interface requests and responses-1
9-2 Ajax implements front-end and back-end API interface requests and responses-2
9-3 Examples demonstrating commonly used DOM operations 1
9-4 Examples demonstrating commonly used DOM operations 2
9-5 Principle and implementation of jsonp cross-domain request
Chapter10 JS native classic practice and jQuery basics
10-1 Tab practice 1
10-2 Tab practice 2
10-3 Lazy loading practice
10-4 Native js realizes classic carousel effect 1
10-5 Native js implements classic carousel effect 2
10-6 jQuery basics 1
10-7 jQuery basics 2
Chapter11 jQuery DOM and Ajax programming
11-1 Commonly used getter and setter operations
11-2 Commonly used DOM operations and events 1
11-3 Commonly used DOM operations and events 2
11-4 Ajax and cross-domain operations in jQuery 1
11-5 Ajax and cross-domain operations in jQuery 2
11-6 Actual skin change and full selection
11-7 Practical shopping cart automatic calculation 1
11-8 Practical shopping cart automatic calculation 2
Chapter12 Vue.js programming basics
12-1 vue design ideas and vue examples
12-2 vue design ideas and vue examples 1
12-3 Common commands and attributes 1
12-4 Common commands and attributes 2
12-5 Common instructions and attributes 3
12-6 Common commands and attributes 4
12-7 Common commands and attributes 5
12-8 Common commands and attributes 6
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