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Issue 12_Comprehensive actual combat
Chapter1 ES6 must-know basics
1-1 Improvement of variables and functions 1
1-2 Improvement of variables and functions 2
1-3 Scope and limitations of var
Chapter2 let, const and destructuring assignment
2-1 let and const and destructuring assignment 1
2-2 let and const and destructuring assignment 2
2-3 Destructuring assignment
Chapter3 Template literals and label templates
3-1 Application of template deconstruction
3-2 template literal
3-3 Label template and original value acquisition method
Chapter4 function/closure/class
4-1 Functions and closures 1
4-2 Functions and closures 2
4-3 The principle and implementation of classes in es
Chapter5 Class members and class inheritance
5-1 Declaration and access of members in a class 1
5-2 Declaration and access of members in class 2
5-3 Detailed description of class integration
Chapter6 Introduction to modules and Vue
6-1 Modules in ES6 (1)
6-2 Modules in ES6 (2)
6-3 Introduction to Vue(1)
6-4 Introduction to Vue (2)
Chapter7 Vue common instructions and syntax basics
7-1 Common commands and syntax basics 1
7-2 Common commands and syntax basics 2
7-3 Common commands and syntax basics 3
Chapter8 Detailed explanation of components and parameter passing in Vue
8-1 Component registration and parameter passing 1
8-2 Component registration and parameter passing 2
8-3 Messaging methods and practices between components
Chapter9 Routing Principle and Implementation
9-1 Routing Principle and Implementation 1
9-2 Routing Principle and Implementation 2
9-3 Common operations of git version control (Gitee code cloud)
Chapter10 laravel basics
10-1 Laravel introduction and installation
10-2 Introduction to laravel directory structure
Chapter11 laravel basics 1
11-1 laravel routes and controllers
11-2 blade template engine syntax 1
Chapter12 laravel basics 2
12-1 Blade template engine syntax 2 and database native query 1
12-2 Blade template engine syntax 2 and database native query 2
12-3 Database native addition, deletion and modification operations
Chapter13 laravel basics 3
13-1 Database access class chain query method
13-2 Database access class chain query method 1
13-3 Database access class chain query method 2
Chapter14 laravel basics 4
14-1 Database access class chain query method
14-2 Database access class chain query method 1
14-3 Middleware and course summary
Chapter15 Universal backend management framework
15-1 Backend login page implementation 1
15-2 Background login page implementation 2
15-3 Background login implementation 1
Chapter16 Universal backend management framework 1
16-1 Background login implementation
16-2 Background login implementation 1
16-3 Backend menu
Chapter17 Universal backend management framework 2
17-1 Administrator management 1
17-2 Admin management 2
17-3 Admin Management 2 and Adding Admins
Chapter18 Universal backend management framework 3
18-1 Administrator modified and deleted 1
18-2 Administrator modification and deletion 2
18-3 Extended database access class 1
Chapter19 Universal backend management framework 4
19-1 Extended database access class 1
19-2 Extended database access class 2
19-3 Backstage menu management
19-4 Backstage menu management 1
Chapter20 Universal backend management framework 5
20-1 Submenu management 1
20-2 Submenu management 2
20-3 role management
Chapter21 Universal backend management framework 6
21-1 Role addition and modification 1
21-2 Role addition and modification 2
21-3 Permission control
Chapter22 Universal backend management framework 7
22-1 Permission control
22-2 Permission control 1
22-3 Menu saving optimization and course summary
Chapter23 Article management module
23-1 Database design and optimization plan 1
23-2 Database design and optimization plan 2
23-3 Background paging processing
Chapter24 Article management module 1
24-1 Add and save articles
24-2 Adding and saving articles 1
Chapter25 Article management module 2
25-1 Backend article modification
25-2 Backend article modification 1
Chapter26 vue imitates today's headlines
26-1 vue-cli scaffolding installation
26-2 vue-cli scaffolding installation 1
Chapter27 vue imitates today's headlines 1
27-1 Develop Toutiao homepage based on vue
27-2 Developing Today's Toutiao homepage 2 based on vue
27-3 Access laravel interface data
Chapter28 vue imitates today's headlines 2
28-1 News details processing and program optimization
28-2 News details processing and program optimization 1
28-3 AES encryption, decryption and digital signature principles
28-4 AES encryption, decryption and digital signature principles 1
Chapter29 MVC principle and TP51 installation and operation
29-1 MVC principle analysis and implementation
29-2 Composer downloads ThinkPHP5.1 source code
29-3 Use ThinkPHP5.1 to implement a simple MVC access
Chapter30 Configure routing requests and responses
30-1 Principles and Applications of Configuration
30-2 Principles and applications of routing(1)
30-3 Principles and Applications of Routing(2)
30-4 Principles and Applications of Routing(3)
30-5 Principles and Applications of Routing(4)
Chapter31 Databases and models
31-1 Query builder for database operations (1)
31-2 Query builder for database operations (2)
31-3 Query builder for database operations (3)
31-4 Model operation database(1)
31-5 Model operation database(2)
Chapter32 Template rendering/layout/inheritance/common tags
32-1 Template rendering layout and inheritance(1)
32-2 Template rendering layout and inheritance (2)
32-3 Template rendering layout and inheritance (3)
32-4 Commonly used template labels and paging display
Chapter33 How to read development manuals efficiently
33-1 The difference and connection between framework and CMS (1)
33-2 The difference and connection between framework and CMS(2)
33-3 How to read development manuals efficiently
Chapter34 Validator/Independent Validation/Form Validation
34-1 Validators vs. Independent Verification(1)
34-2 Validators vs. Independent Verification(2)
34-3 Form validation(1)
34-4 Form validation(2)
Chapter35 An introduction to commonly used design patterns in ThinkPHP
35-1 Dependency injection and container dependency management (1)
35-2 Dependency injection and container dependency management (2)
35-3 Introduction to Facade technology
Chapter36 Douyin applet developed with ThinkPHP framework 1
36-1 Mini program software installation
36-2 Tools needed for small programs
36-3 Mini Program API 1
36-4 Mini program api two
Chapter37 Douyin Mini Program 2 developed with ThinkPHP framework
37-1 Network request api (1)
37-2 Network request api (2)
37-3 Get interface data
37-4 What to do after changing the video
Chapter38 Douyin Mini Program 3 developed with ThinkPHP framework
38-1 Like function(1)
38-2 Like function(2)
38-3 Video paused
38-4 Video repeats
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