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Issue 13_Front-end Development
Chapter1 First lesson of school
1-1 Detailed teaching plan
1-2 Step by step installation of vscode plug-in
1-3 Detailed explanation of markdown syntax
1-4 semantic structural elements
Chapter2 Detailed explanation of common HTML elements 1
2-1 Text and links
2-2 Lists and Images
2-3 Describe table elements in detail (1)
2-4 Detailed explanation of table elements (2)
Chapter3 Describe forms and common controls in detail
3-1 Text box/radio selection/check box/drop-down box (1)
3-2 Text box/radio selection/check box/drop-down box (2)
3-3 FileField/TextField/Button/InlineFrame-1
3-4 FileField/TextField/Button/InlineFrame-2
Chapter4 Describe css cascading and priority in detail
4-1 css terminology and style sources
4-2 css terminology and style source 1
4-3 css cascading and priority relationship
4-4 css cascading and priority relationship 1
Chapter5 css attribute abbreviation and relative unit
5-1 Abbreviation rules and applications of common css attributes
5-2 Abbreviation rules and applications of common css attributes 1
5-3 Introduction and examples of box model and em
5-4 Box model and em introduction and examples 1
Chapter6 em, rem, vm, vh and examples
6-1 Examples detailing em and rem
6-2 Example details em and rem1
6-3 Responsive principle and vw, vh, vmin, vmax and custom attributes
Chapter7 Details box model
7-1 Commonly used widths and box-sizing of box models
7-2 Commonly used widths and box-sizing1 of box models
7-3 The height of the model and the implementation of equal height columns 1
7-4 Implementation of model height and equal height columns 2
Chapter8 The solution of equal height columns and the problem of vertical centering
8-1 The solution of equal height columns and the problem of vertical centering
Chapter9 Floating and Flex Layout
9-1 Floating layout and BFC
9-2 Floating layout with BFC1
9-3 Detailed explanation of common properties of flex container
9-4 Detailed explanation of common properties of flex container 1
Chapter10 (1027) Project properties and flex instances
10-1 Project properties and order instances
10-2 Project properties and order instance 1
10-3 Flex layout demonstration case
10-4 Flex layout demonstration case 1
Chapter11 (1028)flex instance and Grid basics
11-1 flex example demonstration
11-2 flex example demonstration 1
11-3 Grid layout basics 1
Chapter12 (1029)Grid layout properties and example demonstration
12-1 Grid layout basics 1
12-2 Grid layout basics 2
12-3 grid example demonstration
12-4 grid example demonstration 1
Chapter13 (1030)Details on floating and actual combat
13-1 Introduction to grid media queries and floating 1
13-2 Introduction to grid media queries and floating 2
13-3 Modal box and precautions for positioning actual combat
13-4 Modal box and precautions for positioning actual combat 1
Chapter14 (1102) ES6 basic syntax
14-1 Variables and data types
14-2 Variables and data types 1
14-3 Templates, destructuring and branch control
14-4 Templates, deconstruction and branch control 1
Chapter15 (1103)Function and DOM
15-1 A closer look at loops and functions
15-2 Detailed explanation of loops and functions 1
15-3 DOM and common objects
Chapter16 (1104) Complete list of events and string/array methods
16-1 Principle and implementation of event addition and delivery mechanism
16-2 A complete list of commonly used methods for strings and arrays
16-3 A complete collection of common methods for strings and arrays 1
Chapter17 (1105)json and Ajax asynchronous interface
17-1 Son and ajax/get/post asynchronous request examples
17-2 Son and ajax/get/post asynchronous request example 1
17-3 Implementation of cross-domain requests-JSONP
Chapter18 (1106) JS classic practical case selection
18-1 ToDoList with tabs
18-2 ToDoList with Tab 1
18-3 One-click skin change and lazy loading
Chapter19 (1109) Carousel chart practice and jQuery basics
19-1 Carousel chart in action
19-2 Carousel chart practice 1
19-3 Introduction and import of jQury
Chapter20 (1110)jQuery common operations
20-1 Commonly used getters/setter1
20-2 Commonly used getters/setter2
20-3 Introduction to commonly used filters and events 1
20-4 Introduction to commonly used filters and events 2
Chapter21 (1111) jQuery’s Ajax and classic combat
21-1 Common Ajax operations in jQuery
21-2 Common Ajax operations in jQuery 1
21-3 Practical combat: Shopping cart full selection and automatic calculation
21-4 Practical combat: Shopping cart full selection and automatic calculation 1
Chapter22 (1112)Vue examples and basic syntax
22-1 Vue examples and basic syntax 1
22-2 Vue examples and basic syntax 2
22-3 Demonstration of commonly used data attributes in Vue
Chapter23 (1116)Vue Basics Part 2
23-1 Branch loop and component registration
23-2 Branch loop and component registration 1
23-3 Component communication and routing implementation
Chapter24 (1125) Analysis of some difficulties in JS
24-1 Prototypes and prototypal inheritance
24-2 Prototypes and prototypal inheritance 1
24-3 call/apply/bind/reduce usage scenarios
24-4 call/apply/bind/reduce usage scenario 1
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Source code on September 28 (Issue 13)
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Source code on September 29 (13)
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Source code on September 30 (13)
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1019 source code (13 issues)
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1020 source code (13 issues)
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1021 source code (13 issues)
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1022 source code (13 issues)
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1026 source code (13 issues)
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1027 source code (13 issues)
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1028 source code (13 issues)
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1029 source code and courseware (13)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 13_Front-end Development
1030 source code and courseware(13)
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1102 source code (13 issues)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 13_Front-end Development
1103 source code (13 issues)
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Teaching source code and courseware on November 4th (Issue 13)
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1105 source code (13 issues)
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1106 source code (13 issues)
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1109 source code (13 issues)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 13_Front-end Development
1110 source code (13 issues)
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Double Eleven courseware source code (Issue 13), dear, does your hand still hurt?
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1112 source code (13 issues)
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1116 source code (13 issues)
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