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Issue 13_Comprehensive Practical Combat
Chapter1 12-18 dminlte+tp completes the background login jump function
1-1 adminlte+tp builds the background login page
1-2 adminlte+tp builds background login page 1
1-3 Asynchronous implementation of form verification login jump
1-4 Form asynchronous implementation of verification login jump 1
Chapter2 12-21 Clever use of tp6 routing rules and intermediate controllers
2-1 TP basic routing rules and request objects
2-2 TP basic routing rules and request object 1
2-3 The intermediate controller implements anti-login spoofing
Chapter3 12-22 One-click cache clearing and rbac permission table design
3-1 Background layout and one-click cache clearing
3-2 Background layout and one-click cache clearing 1
3-3 rbac permission table design and join table query
3-4 rbac permission table design and join table query 1
Chapter4 12-23 First experience with Infinitus menu rendering and datables
4-1 Rendering of background menu after TP actual combat
4-2 Rendering of the background menu after TP actual combat 1
4-3 First experience using irane tags and datatables skillfully
Chapter5 12-24 Implement permission management logic (user management and rule management)
5-1 User management of authority management
5-2 Permission management user management 1
5-3 Rights management rule management
Chapter6 12-25 Implement role management and rule management
6-1 Implement rule management
6-2 Implement rule management 1
6-3 Implement role management
6-4 Implement role management 1
Chapter7 12-28 Permission authentication and article management
7-1 Permission authentication and multi-level menu addition
7-2 Permission authentication and multi-level menu added1
7-3 Article list and article editing
Chapter8 12-29 Webuploader and rich text tool ueditor configuration
8-1 Article recycling and restoration processing
8-2 Article recycling and restoration processing 1
8-3 Asynchronous image upload and ueditor configuration
Chapter9 12-30 Article front page layout and function explanation
9-1 Bug after forced routing is enabled
9-2 Article details routing optimization
Chapter10 1-04 Initial uniapp
10-1 Complete the WeChat tabbar based on uniapp
10-2 Basics of uniapp - Complete WeChat tabbar1
10-3 Usage of common APIs in uniapp
10-4 Usage of uniapp common api 1
Chapter11 1-05 Life cycle and page routing
11-1 Page value transfer and drop-down loading
11-2 Page value transfer and drop-down loading 1
11-3 Uniapp network request requests tp6 interface data
Chapter12 1-06 uniapp data cache and vuex status management
12-1 uniapp data cache
12-2 uniapp data cache 1
12-3 vuex state management
Chapter13 1-07 uniapp obtains tp6 interface data
13-1 Passing values between components and obtaining news data interface data
13-2 Passing values between components and obtaining news data interface data 1
13-3 Multi-level rendering of comment data on news details page
13-4 Multi-level rendering of comment data on news details page 1
Chapter14 1-08 uniapp makes a call to get the location and app Android package apk
14-1 Call the phone and get the location
14-2 Call the mobile phone to make a call and get the location 1
14-3 h5 and Android apk packaging
Chapter15 1-11 laravel basics
15-1 Introduction to laravel and directory structure
15-2 Introduction to laravel and directory structure 1
15-3 laravel routing and controller basics
Chapter16 1-12 laravel basics 1
16-1 Models and Views
16-2 Models and Views 1
16-3 blade template engine
Chapter17 1-13 laravel basics 2
17-1 laravel database access class 1
17-2 laravel database access class 2
17-3 laravel database access class 3
Chapter18 1-14 laravel basics 3
18-1 laravel database access class 1
18-2 laravel database access class 2
18-3 laravel database access class 3
Chapter19 1-15 laravel basics 4
19-1 laravel middleware
19-2 laravel middleware 1
19-3 Summary of laravel basics
Chapter20 1-18 Universal backend management system
20-1 Implementation of login function later
20-2 Later login function implementation 1
20-3 Background login function implementation 2
Chapter21 1-19 Universal backend management system 1
21-1 Backend menu loading
21-2 Backend menu loading 1
21-3 Permission table design and administrator list
Chapter22 1-20 Universal backend management system 2
22-1 Background permission menu
22-2 Background permission menu 1
22-3 Permission verification middleware
Chapter23 1-21 Universal backend management system 3
23-1 Extended database access class
23-2 Extended database access class 1
23-3 Modified by administrator
Chapter24 1-22 Universal backend management system 4
24-1 Administrator addition and deletion
24-2 Administrator addition and deletion1
24-3 Menu and submenu management
Chapter25 1-25 Universal backend management system 5
25-1 Menu addition and modification
25-2 Menu addition and modification 1
25-3 Add and save roles
Chapter26 1-26 Universal backend management system 6
26-1 Character modification and program optimization
26-2 Character modification and program optimization 1
26-3 Pointers and recursion
Chapter27 1-27 imitation qq music client
27-1 Electron introduction and installation
27-2 Introduction and installation of electron 1
27-3 Develop qq music interface
Chapter28 1-28 Imitation qq music client 1
28-1 The electron main process communicates with the rendering process
28-2 Communication between electron main process and rendering process 1
28-3 electron remote module
Chapter29 1-29 Imitation qq music client 2
29-1 Music playback and control
29-2 Music playback and control1
29-3 The use of vue in electron
Chapter30 2-1 Imitation qq music client 3
30-1 Backstage singer management
30-2 Backstage singer management 1
30-3 laravel pagination
Chapter31 2-2 Imitation qq music client 4
31-1 Backstage album management and query optimization
31-2 Backstage album management and query optimization 1
31-3 Re-extension of laravel database class
Chapter32 2-3 Imitation qq music client 5
32-1 Search and add music
32-2 Search and Music Add 1
32-3 Add and save music
Chapter33 2-4 Imitation qq music client 6
33-1 Background music upload and modification
33-2 Background music upload and modification 1
33-3 laravel api request and AES encryption
Chapter34 2-22 Imitation qq music client 7
34-1 AES decryption and token generation and transmission
34-2 AES decryption and token generation and transmission 1
34-3 system tray
Chapter35 2-23 Imitation qq music client 8
35-1 electron client package exe
35-2 electron client package exe1
35-3 Course Summary and Questions and Answers
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Issue 9_Comprehensive Practical Combat
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Issue 11_Comprehensive Practical Combat
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Issue Fourteen_Comprehensive Practical Combat
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Issue 10_Comprehensive actual combat
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Issue 12_Comprehensive actual combat
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Issue 15_Comprehensive actual combat
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Issue 16_Comprehensive actual combat
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Issue 17_Comprehensive actual combat
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Issue 22_Comprehensive actual combat
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Issue 23_Comprehensive actual combat
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2021-02-04(13th issue)
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