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The crystallization of the experience of development experts-Java design patterns
Chapter1 Design Pattern (1)
1-1 Design pattern interview questions (1)
1-2 Design pattern interview questions (2)
1-3 When to use design patterns
1-4 Content and delivery methods
1-5 An introduction to the seven design principles
1-6 single responsibility principle
1-7 Summary of the Single Responsibility Principle
1-8 Interface isolation principle(1)
1-9 Interface isolation principle(2)
1-10 Summary of interface isolation principles
Chapter2 Design Pattern (2)
2-1 Dependency Inversion Principle(1)
2-2 Dependency Inversion Principle(2)
2-3 Summary of Dependency Inversion Principle
2-4 Richter Substitution Principle(1)
2-5 Richter Substitution Principle(2)
2-6 Open and Close Principle(1)
2-7 Open and Close Principle(2)
2-8 Summary of the opening and closing principle
2-9 Demeter's Law(1)
2-10 Demeter's Law(2)
Chapter3 Design Pattern (3)
3-1 Notes on Demeter's Law
3-2 Principles and summary of synthesis and reuse
3-3 Basic introduction to UML
3-4 UML class diagram
3-5 Class dependencies, generalization and implementation
3-6 Association, aggregation and composition of classes
3-7 Summary of the six major relationships in class diagrams
3-8 Overview and classification of design patterns
3-9 Singleton (static constant hungry Chinese style)
3-10 Singleton (static code block hungry Chinese style)
Chapter4 Design Pattern (4)
4-1 Singleton (thread-unsafe lazy style)
4-2 Singleton (thread-safe lazy style)
4-3 Singleton (synchronized code block lazy style)
4-4 Singleton(DoubleCheck)
4-5 Singleton (static inner class)
4-6 Singleton (enumeration method)
4-7 Singleton mode JKD source code analysis
4-8 Things to note about singleton pattern
4-9 Simple Factory Pattern (1)-Pizza Ordering
4-10 Simple Factory Pattern (2)-Pizza Ordering
Chapter5 Design Pattern (5)
5-1 Simple Factory Pattern (3)-Pizza Ordering
5-2 Simple Factory Pattern (4)-Pizza Ordering
5-3 Factory Method Pattern (1)-Pizza Ordering
5-4 Factory Method Pattern (2)-Pizza Ordering
5-5 Abstract Factory Pattern (1)-Pizza Ordering
5-6 Abstract Factory Pattern (2)-Pizza Ordering
5-7 Factory pattern-JDK source code analysis
5-8 Factory pattern - summary
5-9 Prototype Mode (1)-Clone Sheep
5-10 Prototype Mode (2)-Clone Sheep
Chapter6 Design Pattern (6)
6-1 Prototype pattern (3)-Spring source code analysis
6-2 Prototype mode (4)-deep copy
6-3 Prototype mode (5)-deep copy
6-4 Prototype mode (6)-content sorting
6-5 Builder Mode (1)-Build a House
6-6 Builder Pattern (2)-Principle Class Diagram
6-7 Builder Mode (3)-Build a House
6-8 Builder pattern (4)-StringBuilder source code
6-9 Builder Mode (5)-Content Sorting
6-10 Adapter Pattern - How it works
Chapter7 Design Pattern (7)
7-1 Class Adapter - Voltage Issues
7-2 Object adapter - voltage issue
7-3 Interface adapter - voltage issue
7-4 Adapter mode-Dispatcher source code
7-5 Adapter pattern-content sorting
7-6 Bridge Mode(1)-Phone Problem
7-7 Bridge mode (2)-principle class diagram
7-8 Bridge Mode (3) - Cell Phone Issues
7-9 Bridge mode (4)-JDBC source code
7-10 Bridge mode (5)-content sorting
Chapter8 Design Pattern (8)
8-1 Decorator Pattern (1)-Starbucks Coffee
8-2 Decorator pattern (2)-Starbucks coffee
8-3 Decorator Pattern (3)-How it works
8-4 Decorator Pattern (4)-Starbucks Coffee
8-5 Decorator pattern (5)-IO source code
8-6 Decorator pattern (6)-content sorting
8-7 Combination mode (1)-College display
8-8 Combination mode (2)-school display
8-9 Combination mode (3)-HashMap source code
8-10 Combination mode (4)-content sorting
Chapter9 Design Pattern (9)
9-1 Appearance Mode (1)-Cinema Management
9-2 Appearance Mode(2)-How it works
9-3 Appearance Mode (3)-Cinema Management
9-4 Appearance mode (4)-MyBatis source code
9-5 Appearance Mode (5)-Notes
9-6 Flying Dollar Model (1)-Website Outsourcing
9-7 Flyweight mode (2) - working principle
9-8 Flying Dollar Model (3)-Website Outsourcing
9-9 Flyweight mode (4)-Integer source code
9-10 Flying Yuan Mode (5)-Content Sorting
Chapter10 Design Patterns (10)
10-1 Agent mode (1)-Basic introduction
10-2 Proxy mode (2)-static proxy
10-3 Proxy mode (3)-Dynamic proxy
10-4 Proxy mode (4)-Cglib proxy
10-5 Proxy Pattern (5) - several variations
10-6 Template mode (1) - working principle
10-7 Template mode (2)-soy milk making
10-8 Template pattern (3)-hook method
10-9 Template mode (4)-IOC source code
10-10 Template mode (5)-details
Chapter11 Design Pattern (11)
11-1 Command mode (1) - working principle
11-2 Command mode(2)-remote control
11-3 Command mode(3)-remote control
11-4 Command mode (4)-JdbcTml source code
11-5 Command mode (5)-Content sorting
11-6 Visitor Mode (1)-Singer Rating
11-7 Visitor pattern (2)-principle class diagram
11-8 Visitor Mode (3)-Singer Rating
11-9 Visitor mode (4)-double dispatch
11-10 Visitor Mode (5)-Usage Details
Chapter12 Design Patterns (12)
12-1 Iterator pattern (1)-uniform traversal problem
12-2 Iterator pattern (2)-principle class diagram
12-3 Iterator pattern (3)-uniform traversal problem
12-4 Iterator pattern (4)-uniform traversal problem
12-5 Iterator pattern (5)-JDK source code
12-6 Iterator pattern (6)-usage details
12-7 Observer Mode (1)-Weather Forecast
12-8 Observer Mode (2)-Weather Forecast
12-9 Observer pattern (3) - working principle
12-10 Observer Mode (4)-Weather Forecast
12-11 Observer pattern (5)-Observable source code
Chapter13 Design Patterns (13)
13-1 Observer pattern (6)-content sorting
13-2 Intermediary model (1)-smart home
13-3 Mediator Pattern (2) - Working Principle
13-4 Intermediary model (3)-smart home
13-5 Intermediary model (4)-content sorting
13-6 Memo Mode (1)-Game Character
13-7 Memo Mode(2)-How it works
13-8 Memo Mode(3)-Game Character
13-9 Memo Mode (4)-Notes
13-10 Interpreter mode (1)-calculation evaluation
Chapter14 Design Patterns (14)
14-1 Interpreter Mode (2)-Principle Class Diagram
14-2 Interpreter mode (3)-calculation evaluation
14-3 Interpreter mode (4)-SpelExp source code
14-4 Interpreter Mode (5)-Summary
14-5 State Mode (1)-Working Principle Diagram
14-6 Status Mode (2) - Lottery
14-7 Status mode (3)-Lending platform source code
14-8 Status Mode (4)-Notes
14-9 Strategy Pattern (1)-Duck Problem
14-10 Strategy Mode (2)-How it works
Chapter15 Design Patterns (15)
15-1 Strategy Pattern (3)-Duck Problem
15-2 Strategy Mode (4)-Arrays source code
15-3 Strategy mode (5)-Content sorting
15-4 Chain of Responsibility Model (1)-Procurement Approval
15-5 Chain of Responsibility Model (2)-Working Principle
15-6 Chain of Responsibility Model (3)-Procurement Approval
15-7 Chain of responsibility pattern (4)-SpringMVC source code
15-8 Chain of Responsibility Model (5)-Content Sorting
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