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Issue 16_PHP Programming
Chapter1 0802-What is php and how it works
1-1 PHP operating principle 01
1-2 PHP operating principle 02
1-3 PHP operating principle 03
1-4 The difference between PHP and js traversing arrays 01
1-5 The difference between PHP and js traversing arrays 02
Chapter2 0803-php variables and constants
2-1 Variable output and type conversion 01
2-2 Variable output and type conversion 02
2-3 Variable output and type conversion 03
2-4 Detailed analysis of PHP variables and constants 01
2-5 Detailed analysis of PHP variables and constants 02
Chapter3 0804-Custom functions and special forms of functions
3-1 Describe function return value and parameters 01
3-2 Describe function return values and parameters 02
3-3 Describe function return values and parameters 03
3-4 Closures and variable scope01
3-5 Closures and variable scope02
Chapter4 0805-Conditional branches and loop structures
4-1 Operators and conditional loop structures 01
4-2 Operators and conditional loop structures 02
4-3 Operators and conditional loop structures 03
4-4 PHP loop structure analysis 01
4-5 Analysis of PHP loop structure 02
Chapter5 0806-Callback functions and recursive functions
5-1 Calculator homework explanation
5-2 Callback function 01
5-3 Callback function 02
5-4 Recursive function 1
5-5 Recursive function 2
5-6 Recursive function 3
Chapter6 0809-Classic use of string function library
6-1 String interception, comparison and merging functions 01
6-2 String interception, comparison and merging functions 02
6-3 String interception, comparison and merging functions 03
6-4 String search and encoding functions 01
6-5 String search and encoding functions 02
Chapter7 0810-Array operation function
7-1 Parameter string processing function 01
7-2 Parameter string processing function 02
7-3 Parameter string processing function 03
7-4 Array key value operation function 01
7-5 Array key value operation function 02
Chapter8 0811-oop object-oriented programming
8-1 Array callback processing function 01
8-2 Array callback processing function 02
8-3 Classes and Objects 01
8-4 Classes and Objects 02
8-5 Constructor and automatic loading of classes 01
8-6 Constructor and automatic loading of classes 02
Chapter9 0812-oop class inheritance and class static members
9-1 Class inheritance (extension) 01
9-2 Class inheritance (extension) 02
9-3 Static members of class 01
9-4 Static members of class 02
9-5 Course Summary 01
9-6 Course Summary 02
Chapter10 0813-Interface (abstract class) and late static binding
10-1 abstract class
10-2 Polymorphic Programming—Interface 01
10-3 Polymorphic Programming—Interface 02
10-4 Late static binding 01
10-5 Late static binding 02
10-6 Singleton mode database connection 01
10-7 Singleton mode database connection 02
Chapter11 0816-PHP overloading and event delegation practice
11-1 Property Interceptor 01
11-2 Property Interceptor 02
11-3 Property Interceptor 03
11-4 method interceptor
11-5 Event delegation principle
11-6 Event delegation in action--database query constructor
Chapter12 0817-Introduction to namespaces and MYSQL
12-1 Interesting interpretation of namespace 01
12-2 Interesting interpretation of namespace 02
12-3 The role of use in namespaces
12-4 Small practice on automatic loading of namespace classes
12-5 Mysql data table creation and data type analysis 01
12-6 Mysql data table creation and data type analysis 02
Chapter13 0818-Create data tables and understand PDO
13-1 Field data explanation for creating data table 01
13-2 Field data explanation for creating data table 02
13-3 pdo connect to database
13-4 User registration front-end and back-end logic processing 01
13-5 User registration front-end and back-end logic processing 02
13-6 User registration front-end and back-end logic processing 03
Chapter14 0819-PDO preprocessing and session control
14-1 Application of pdo preprocessing in login process 01
14-2 Application of pdo preprocessing in login process 02
14-3 Application of pdo preprocessing in login process 03
14-4 Session control session and cookie01
14-5 Session control session and cookie02
Chapter15 0820-Session control practice and file upload
15-1 Session control practice 01
15-2 Session control practice 02
15-3 PHP (Multiple) File Upload 01
15-4 PHP (Multiple) File Upload 02
15-5 PHP (Multiple) File Upload 03
Chapter16 0823-mvc principle and dependency injection
16-1 mvc architecture pattern 01
16-2 mvc architecture pattern 02
16-3 mvc architecture pattern 03
16-4 Container takes over external dependent objects
16-5 Facade technology completes static takeover of classes
16-6 pathInfo route mapping
Chapter17 0824-curl extension and composer common commands
17-1 API basic knowledge summary 01
17-2 API basic knowledge summary 02
17-3 pathinfo route mapping
17-4 curl requests third-party interface 01
17-5 curl requests third-party interface 02
17-6 Composer common commands and installation verification code package 01
17-7 Common composer commands and installation verification code package 02
Chapter18 0825-Automatic loading and dynamic paging of the composer class
18-1 Automatic loading mechanism of composer class 01
18-2 Automatic loading mechanism of composer class 02
18-3 PHP implements dynamic paging 01
18-4 PHP implements dynamic paging 02
18-5 PHP implements dynamic paging 03
Chapter19 0826-composer self-made mvc framework
19-1 composer self-mvc framework 01
19-2 composer self-mvc framework 02
19-3 composer self-mvc framework 03
19-4 composer self-mvc framework 04
19-5 composer self-mvc framework 05
Chapter20 0827-Encapsulating recursive functions to achieve infinite classification
20-1 tp6 route registration
20-2 Recursive implementation of infinite classification 01
20-3 Recursive implementation of infinite classification 02
20-4 Recursive implementation of infinite classification 03
20-5 File cache
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