PHP infinite classification drop-down list classification (Part 2)
<?php include ("conn.php"); function getList($pid=0,&$result=array(),$space=0){ $space=$space+2; $sql="SELECT*FROM deepcate WHERE pid = $pid"; $res = mysql_query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){ $row['catename']=str_repeat(' ',$space).'|--|'.$row['catename']; $result[]=$row; getList($row['id'],$result,$space); } return $result; } $rs=getList(); echo"<select name='cate'>"; foreach ($rs as $key=>$val){ echo "<option>{$val['catename']}</option>"; } echo'</<select>' ?>
Beautify the obtained data to get the above picture style, which is infinite classification.
For the convenience of future calls, we encapsulate the recursive function.
<?php include ("conn.php"); function getList($pid=0,&$result=array(),$space=0){ $space=$space+2; $sql="SELECT*FROM deepcate WHERE pid = $pid"; $res = mysql_query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){ $row['catename']=str_repeat(' ',$space).'|--|'.$row['catename']; $result[]=$row; getList($row['id'],$result,$space); } return $result; } $rs=getList(); function displayCate($pid=0,$selected=1){ $rs=getList($pid); $str=''; $str.="<select name='cate'>"; foreach ($rs as $key=>$val){ $selectedstr=''; if ($val['id'] == $selected){ $selectedstr="selected"; } $str.="<option{$selectedstr}>{$val['catename']}</option>"; } return $str.='</select>'; } echo displayCate(0,2); ?>
This completes our infinite category list style.