PHP develops simple news release system and news list page deletion function module
Introduction to this section This section introduces how to delete news from the news list page and delete the record of the news in the database.
We still cannot do without operating the database. Here we need to use delete: delete the data in the data table
By deleting Use the id field in the new table of the data path table to delete a news item
The SQL statement is:
<?php $sql = "delete from new where id = '$id'"; ?>
The complete delete.php file that implements the deletion function:
<?php header("content-type:text/html;charset=utf8"); $link = mysqli_connect('localhost','root','root','test'); mysqli_set_charset($link, "utf8"); if (!$link) { die("连接失败:".mysqli_connect_error()); } $id = $_GET['id']; $sql = "delete from new where id = '$id'"; //echo $sql; $rel = mysqli_query($link,$sql); if($rel){ echo "<script>alert('删除成功');window.location.href='list.php'</script>"; }else{ echo "<script>alert('删除失败');window.location.href='list.php'</script>"; } ?>