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The road to growth in PHP web development
Chapter1 Introduction to web development and HTML basics
1-1 Introduction to WEB development
1-2 Introduction to html
1-3 body attributes and text tags
1-4 Typesetting mark
1-5 entities and lists
1-6 Pictures and Hot Topics
1-7 scroll mark
1-8 multimedia markup
1-9 review
1-10 Hyperlink
1-11 anchor link
1-12 meta tag
1-13 Form 1
1-14 Form 2
1-15 sheet
1-16 Very detailed form
1-17 Case
1-18 Rubik's Cube Station
Chapter2 HTML Basics Review
2-1 review
2-2 Division of the frame
2-3 Framework case
2-4 iframe
2-5 HTML project home page production
2-6 HTML project project introduction production
2-7 HTML project news production
2-8 HTML project life supporting production
Chapter3 CSS basics
3-1 Introduction to CSS
3-2 CSS basic syntax
3-3 CSS introduction method
3-4 CSS selector
3-5 CSS pseudo-class selector
3-6 Basic properties--font-text-size
3-7 list properties
3-8 background properties
3-9 review
3-10 display attribute
3-11 box model
3-12 floating layout
3-13 Floating case--class opening information
3-14 Design layouts and multi-column cases
3-15 Comprehensive layout case
Chapter4 CSS Basics Review
4-1 review
4-2 Fixed positioning
4-3 Relative and absolute positioning
4-4 compatibility
4-5 inheritance and precedence
4-6 Other properties
4-7 Project-top
4-8 Project 2
Chapter5 HTML5+CSS3
5-1 HTML5--1
5-2 HTML5-2
5-3 CSS3-1
5-4 CSS3-2
5-5 CSS3-3
5-6 CSS3-4
5-7 CSS3-5
Chapter6 Wampserver installation and PHP basics
6-1 Introduction to PHP
6-2 wampser installation
6-3 wampser installation 2
6-4 wampserver directory structure
6-5 Basic syntax of PHP
6-6 PHP variables
6-7 PHP scalar type-int-float-string-bool
6-8 Other types --null-res
6-9 Operator-Arithmetic-Assignment-Comparison
Chapter7 PHP operators and conditional statements
7-1 review
7-2 operator-error-linker-not
7-3 logical AND and or
7-4 increasing and decreasing
7-5 if statement
7-6 ifelse and ifelseif
7-7 switch-date function
7-8 ternary operator
7-9 require和include
7-10 Receive data in get method
7-11 session
Chapter8 PHP loop statements and arrays
8-1 review
8-2 for loop
8-3 99 multiplication table
8-4 pyramid
8-5 for case
8-6 while
8-7 array 1
8-8 Traverse array
8-9 Two-dimensional array
8-10 function
Chapter9 MySQL introduction and basic operations
9-1 Review-Assignment
9-2 Data introduction
9-3 MySQL basic syntax rules
9-4 MySQL-4 library operations
9-5 Table operation-Create table 1
9-6 Table operation-Create table 2
9-7 Table operations-delete-view-modify
9-8 Data operations - insert data
9-9 Data operation-delete-modify data
9-10 Data Operation-Query
Chapter10 PHP operates MySQL
10-1 review
10-2 Review 02.mysql-query
10-3 PHP operation MySQL-1
10-4 PHP operation MySQL-library operation-create database
10-5 PHP operation MySQL-library operation-query database
10-6 PHP operation MySQL-library operation-delete database
10-7 PHP operation MySQL-library operation-modify database
10-8 PHP operation MySQL-table operation-create table
10-9 PHP operation MySQL-table operation-delete and query table
10-10 PHP operation MySQL-table operation-modify table
10-11 PHP operation MySQL-data operation-insert data
10-12 PHP operation MySQL-data operation-query data
10-13 PHP operation MySQL-data operation-delete data
10-14 PHP operation MySQL-data operation-modify data
10-15 PHP operation MySQL-Summary
Chapter11 PHP variables, constants, mutable variables and magic constants
11-1 PHP identifier
11-2 PHP split command symbol - semicolon
11-3 PHP program notes
11-4 PHP hybrid method
11-5 Introduction and declaration of variables
11-6 mutable variable
11-7 How to pass values to variables
11-8 variable scope
11-9 5 commonly used functions for variables
11-10 Predefined variables-GLOBALS-SEVER-FILES
11-11 Predefined variables-REQUEST
11-12 constant
11-13 magic constant
Chapter12 PHP data types and operators
12-1 review
12-2 Data type-string
12-3 Data type-common string functions
12-4 Data type-int
12-5 Data type-float
12-6 Data type-boolean
12-7 Data type-object
12-8 datatype-null-resource
12-9 Data types - several types provided by the manual
12-10 Data type-conversion
12-11 Operator - arithmetic operator
12-12 Operator - assignment operator
12-13 Operator - comparison operator
12-14 Operator - Error Suppression Operator
12-15 Operators - Increment and Decrement Operators
12-16 Operator - logical operator
12-17 Operators - string operators
Chapter13 Bit operators and flow control
13-1 Bit operators--binary
13-2 Bit operators--original code, one's complement, one's complement
13-3 Bit operators--use bit operations
13-4 Array operators
13-5 Process control--if and ifelse
13-6 Process control--elseif and switch
13-7 Process control--while loop
13-8 Process control--dowhile loop
13-9 Process control--for loop
13-10 Case - One hundred dollars buys one hundred ducks
13-11 Process Control--Cycle Case
13-12 Process control --break
13-13 The difference between process control--continue-- and break
13-14 Process control--goto statement
13-15 Process control--return statement
13-16 Process control--file loading
Chapter14 function
14-1 PHP identifier
14-2 review
14-3 PHP split command symbol - semicolon
14-4 Introduction to functions
14-5 PHP program notes
14-6 Function calling mechanism
14-7 PHP hybrid method
14-8 function encapsulation
14-9 Introduction and declaration of variables
14-10 variadic function
14-11 Callback
14-12 anonymous function
14-13 internal function
14-14 recursive call
14-15 Website layout
14-16 recursive call
14-17 Website layout
Chapter15 Array creation and traversal
15-1 review
15-2 Introduction to arrays
15-3 How to create an array
15-4 Array details
15-5 Coverage-Growth-Classification of Arrays
15-6 Array traversal--for loop traversal
15-7 Array traversal--foreach loop traversal
15-8 Array traversal--while+each+list
15-9 Array traversal--several commonly used functions
15-10 Array traversal--multidimensional array
15-11 Bubble Sort
15-12 selection sort
Chapter16 Introduction to object-oriented
16-1 Methods of learning technology Quick start with object-oriented
16-2 Introduction to object-oriented
16-3 member properties
16-4 How objects are passed
16-5 member method
16-6 Member methods(2)
16-7 Member methods(3)
16-8 Basic usage of constructor (1)
16-9 Constructor (2) details
16-10 default constructor
16-11 Constructor summary and this
16-12 Basic introduction to destructor and PHP program execution process
16-13 Detailed explanation and best practices of destructor
16-14 Garbage collection mechanism (understand)
Chapter17 A basic introduction to access modifiers
17-1 review
17-2 A basic introduction to access modifiers
17-3 get and homework evaluation
17-4 __set
17-5 Additional information
17-6 toString and added knowledge points
17-7 Comparison of __clone and objects
17-8 __call magic method
17-9 Automatic loading of classes
17-10 static properties
Chapter18 Singleton mode, encapsulation
18-1 review
18-2 Homework comments
18-3 Basic introduction and detailed discussion of static methods
18-4 Best Practices for Static Methods - Singleton Pattern (1)
18-5 Best Practices for Static Methods - Singleton Pattern (2)
18-6 abstract
18-7 Introduction to packaging
18-8 How to operate properties (protected and private) in three ways
18-9 Details of encapsulation and use of object operators
18-10 Basic introduction to inheritance
Chapter19 Static methods, overloading, overriding, abstract classes
19-1 Overload 1
19-2 Overloading static methods
19-3 Classroom practice review of overloaded methods
19-4 Overloading of properties
19-5 A basic introduction to method rewriting
19-6 Details of method overriding
19-7 Details of method overriding
19-8 Property override
19-9 Polymorphism
19-10 Exercise 1
19-11 Exercise 2
19-12 Introduction to abstract classes
19-13 Details of abstract classes
19-14 Interface explanation
19-15 Interface explanation 2
Chapter20 Interface, serialization, reflection mechanism
20-1 review
20-2 Basic introduction to the interface
20-3 Discussion of interface details
20-4 Comparison of interfaces and inheritance
20-5 final
20-6 class constant
20-7 Object traversal
20-8 Built-in standard classes
20-9 Convert data types and objects to each other
20-10 Basic introduction to serialization and deserialization
20-11 Serialization and deserialization details
20-12 Description of related functions of classes and objects
20-13 traits
20-14 first contact of reflex mechanism
20-15 Reflection proxy call
20-16 comprehensive reflex exercises
Chapter21 Basic introduction to mysql database
21-1 review
21-2 Basic introduction to mysql database (1)
21-3 Basic introduction to mysql database (2)-installing mysql
21-4 Basic introduction to mysql database (3)-Basic use of mysql
21-5 Basic introduction to mysql database (4)-three-tier structure
21-6 Basic introduction to mysql database (5)-sql statement classification
21-7 Basic introduction to creating a database
21-8 Character set and validation rules
21-9 Common database operations
21-10 Database modification, backup and recovery
21-11 Create table
21-12 integer
21-13 zerofill
21-14 bit
21-15 float and decimal
Chapter22 Basic use of strings, date types, and insert\select statements
22-1 review
22-2 String type(1)
22-3 String type(2)
22-4 date type
22-5 enum and set
22-6 Small exercises and tips for aligning data
22-7 Modify table
22-8 Program framework diagram of insert statement and comprehensive case
22-9 Comprehensive case curd
22-10 Basic usage of select statement
22-11 Basic use of select statement (2)
Chapter23 Aggregation functions, date functions, other functions
23-1 review
23-2 Aggregation function count
23-3 Aggregation function sum
23-4 aggregate function avg
23-5 Aggregation function max min
23-6 Aggregation function group by
23-7 mysql date function (1)
23-8 Date function(3)
23-9 String functions
23-10 Math functions
23-11 branch control function
23-12 Other functions
23-13 Enhancement of select statement (1)-enhancement of where clause
23-14 Enhancement of select statement (2)-enhancement of order by clause
23-15 Enhancement of select statement (3) - paging query
Chapter24 Multi-table query, subquery, merge query
24-1 review
24-2 Aggregation function enhancement
24-3 group by having strengthened
24-4 Comments on homework
24-5 Summary of group statistics
24-6 Basic introduction to multi-table query Cartesian set
24-7 Practice and analysis of ideas for completing multi-table queries
24-8 self-connection
24-9 Subquery (single-row subquery and multi-row subquery)
24-10 Subquery (multi-column subquery)
24-11 from clause
24-12 Homework Review Go to Repeat
24-13 merge query union union all
24-14 mysql inner connection
24-15 Outer joins and jobs
24-16 primary key constraints
24-17 Description of unique
24-18 foreign key constraints
24-19 check constraints
24-20 Comprehensive exercise in creating tables
24-21 Maintenance of table constraints (add, delete, modify, check)
24-22 Maintenance of table constraints (add, delete, modify, check) 2
Chapter25 Index, transaction isolation level
25-1 review
25-2 Self Growth
25-3 The principle of indexing
25-4 indexed category
25-5 Primary key index and unique index
25-6 General index and full-text index
25-7 Index attention
25-8 Introduction to business
25-9 Implementing transactions in PHP programs
25-10 Transaction isolation sector 1
25-11 Transaction isolation sector 2
25-12 storage engine
25-13 view
25-14 User Management
Chapter26 mysqli extension, DAOMysqli introduction, mysqli preprocessing
26-1 review
26-2 Review of mysql extension
26-3 Basic introduction to mysqli extension
26-4 Use mysqli to complete query operations
26-5 mysqli extension details 1
26-6 mysqli extension details 2
26-7 mysqli extension details 3
26-8 Basic introduction to DAOMysqli
26-9 DAOMysqli development 1
26-10 DAOMysqli object-query
26-11 DAOMysqli object-dml and job placement
26-12 mysqli extended transaction control
26-13 mysqli executes sql in batches
26-14 Mysqli preprocessing explanation 1
26-15 Mysqli preprocessing explanation 2
Chapter27 http protocol, http request, predefined super global array
27-1 review
27-2 Introduction of http protocol
27-3 Flow chart of http protocol operation
27-4 Virtual host configuration
27-5 How to capture packets
27-6 http requests a page and a description of the content of the page
27-7 Basic introduction to http requests
27-8 http request details 1
27-9 http request details 2
27-10 http request headers and application cases 1
27-11 http request header and application case 2
27-12 Basic introduction to http response
27-13 http response status code
27-14 HTTP protocol response headers and jobs
27-15 Basic introduction and working principle of predefined superglobal array
27-16 How to receive form submitted data
27-17 Predefined superglobal array
Chapter28 PHP reads, creates, deletes, modifies, and traverses files
28-1 review
28-2 Basic introduction to files
28-3 Get file information
28-4 PHP read file 1
28-5 php read file 2
28-6 php read file 3
28-7 Create file and write content
28-8 Delete Files
28-9 Modify files
28-10 Directory operations
28-11 Traverse a folder
28-12 Count the size of a folder
28-13 Delete and copy directories
28-14 summary
Chapter29 File upload, restricted upload, file download
29-1 Installation and simple use of zendstudio editor
29-2 File upload introduction
29-3 Simple implementation of file upload
29-4 Limit uploaded file size
29-5 Give the uploaded file a unique file name
29-6 Store uploaded files in separate directories
29-7 Limit uploaded file types
29-8 Encapsulate file upload into a class
29-9 Download Document
Chapter30 Paginated introduction
30-1 Yesterday reappears
30-2 Paging introduction, creating a dead paging navigation bar
30-3 Dynamically create paging navigation based on the total number of records and the records displayed on each page
30-4 Pagination navigation displays the first 3 pages and the next 3 pages
30-5 Summary of pagination details
30-6 Comprehensive application for product list and paging
30-7 Paging summary (may be an encrypted file, please verify)
30-8 Introduction to drawing, drawing lines
30-9 Draw rectangles, circles, images
30-10 Draw text and arcs
30-11 Create canvas and randomly generate characters
30-12 Draw random characters into the canvas
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