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Webpack+react family bucket develops grain backend project
Chapter1 Chapter One
1-1 Introduction to build tools
1-2 Introduction to webpack
1-3 Webpack is a small test
1-4 Using webpack configuration files
1-5 less-loader parses less
1-6 eslint-loader syntax check
1-7 js syntax conversion
1-8 New js syntax is introduced on demand
1-9 url-loader parses images in styles
1-10 Package html files
Chapter2 Chapter two
2-1 Packaging image resources in html
2-2 Package other resources
2-3 Automatically compile, package and run
2-4 HMR (Hot Mold Replacement)
2-5 devtool mapping technology
2-6 Prepare production environment
2-7 Clear the packaged file directory
2-8 Extract css into separate files
2-9 Compatibility processing of css files
2-10 compress css
Chapter3 third chapter
3-1 compress html
3-2 Use of vscode compiler
3-3 Introduction to react
3-4 hello-react
3-5 Two ways to create virtual DOM
3-6 A few small questions
3-7 jsx syntax rules
3-8 A small exercise in jsx
3-9 Two ways to create components
3-10 review
Chapter4 Chapter Four
4-1 The state of the three major attributes of components
4-2 abbreviation for state
4-3 props, the three major properties of components
4-4 Simplified writing method of passing tag attributes through props
4-5 ref&event handling of the three major attributes of components
4-6 ref new syntax
4-7 review
4-8 todolist implements static components
4-9 todolist dynamically displays data
4-10 Complete todolist
Chapter5 chapter Five
5-1 Controlled and uncontrolled components
5-2 Component life cycle
5-3 review
5-4 About forceUpdate and willRecriveProps
5-5 getDerivedStateFromProps
5-6 getSnapshotBeforeUpdate
5-7 Verify diff algorithm
5-8 The function of key
5-9 Download react scaffolding
5-10 A simple description of react scaffolding
Chapter6 Chapter Six
6-1 Detailed description of react scaffolding
6-2 A simple combination of components
6-3 Comment case—static page
6-4 User comment case—dynamic initialization
6-5 User comment case—add comments
6-6 User review case—complete interaction
6-7 User Reviews—Second Edition
6-8 axios exercise
6-9 Simple exercise of fetch
6-10 Github search case—static page
Chapter7 Chapter VII
7-1 github search case—send a request
7-2 github search case—complete interaction
7-3 review
7-4 github search case—pubsub version
7-5 Communication method between react components
7-6 Introduction to routing
7-7 Basic routing usage
7-8 Detailed description of basic routing
7-9 Construction of secondary routing (1)
7-10 review
Chapter8 chapter eight
8-1 Construction of secondary routing (2)
8-2 Routing component passing parameters
8-3 Programmatic route navigation
8-4 Simple use of antd
8-5 review
8-6 Folder introduction - project effect demonstration
8-7 Review git
8-8 Project technology selection
8-9 Build applications using create-react-app
8-10 Configure on-demand introduction of antd style
Chapter9 Chapter nine
9-1 antd custom theme
9-2 Build login and admin routes
9-3 login static page
9-4 antd's From component-static
9-5 Declarative validation of usernames
9-6 Custom verification of passwords
9-7 Unified verification of login form
9-8 Higher-order components & higher-order functions
9-9 review
9-10 Prepare redux branch
Chapter10 chapter Ten
10-1 Introduction to redux interaction model
10-2 Detailed explanation of redux schematic diagram
10-3 Case-react version
10-4 Case-redux-no-action version
10-5 Case-redux final version
10-6 Introduction to react-redux
10-7 Case-react-redux (first version)
10-8 Case-react-redux (Second Edition)
10-9 react-redux asynchronous programming
10-10 Use of redux debugging tools
Chapter11 Chapter 11
11-1 Modular coding for react-redux
11-2 review
11-3 Build a redux development environment
11-4 API interface and testing
11-5 Configure proxy to solve cross-domain issues
11-6 post request json format encoding parameters
11-7 Using axios request interceptor
11-8 Using axios response interceptor
11-9 Configure project base path
11-10 Request progress bar effect
Chapter12 Chapter 12
12-1 Handle the user information returned by the server to redux management
12-2 auto login
12-3 Log out function
12-4 review
12-5 Decorator syntax
12-6 token verification
12-7 Admin overall layout construction
12-8 Admin sub-routing construction
12-9 Header static layout
12-10 Automatic jump when login status expires
Chapter13 Chapter 13
13-1 Head interaction-full screen switching
13-2 Head interaction - log out
13-3 Head time display
13-4 Get weather information
13-5 Display weather information
13-6 Use of withRouter
13-7 Left navigation static layout
13-8 Left navigation static - switching effect
13-9 Dynamically generate menus
Chapter14 Chapter 14
14-1 The menu is selected by default and automatically opened
14-2 Display the title in the header component
14-3 Use redux to manage titles
14-4 Product classification static page (1)
14-5 Product classification static page (2)
14-6 Dynamically initialize data
14-7 Add and modify pop-up windows
14-8 Add new product
14-9 Update product category
14-10 Solve the navigation default selection problem
Chapter15 Chapter 15
15-1 Product management static page
15-2 Initialization list display + paging
15-3 Operation item status
15-4 Send search request
15-5 Implementation of search function
15-6 Construction of product details and modified routing
15-7 Solve the problem of label selection and title
15-8 Product details-static page
15-9 Show details
15-10 Pull details from server
Chapter16 Chapter 16
16-1 Display product details-redux
16-2 Display product details-request backend
16-3 Add new products-static page
16-4 Collect some product data
16-5 Photo wall-static
16-6 Upload a file using the Upload component
16-7 Upload and delete responses
16-8 Complete upload function
16-9 Rich text editor
16-10 Complete new product
Chapter17 Chapter 17
17-1 Product modification
17-2 Introduction to role management
17-3 Add new role
17-4 tree menu
17-5 Complete the authorization function
17-6 Get user list
17-7 New users
17-8 Traverse menu-some method of array
17-9 Use of echarts
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