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Android development from zero to proficient
Chapter1 Chapter One
1-1 Introduction to course content
1-2 Android Studio download
1-3 Android Studio installation
1-4 Create an Android project
1-5 The first Android program runs
1-6 Pre-class benefits - "Introduction to Android Programming Tutorial"
1-7 Introduction to engineering structure
1-8 Control1_TextView1
1-9 Control1_TextView2
1-10 Control1_TextView3
Chapter2 Chapter two
2-1 Control2_Button1
2-2 Control2_Button2
2-3 Control 3_EditText
2-4 Control 4_ImageView
2-5 Control 5_ProgressBar
2-6 Control 6_Notification
2-7 Control 7_Toolbar
2-8 Control 8_AlertDialog
2-9 Control 9_PopupWindow
2-10 Layout1_LinearLayout
Chapter3 third chapter
3-1 Layout2_RelativeLayout
3-2 Layout3_FrameLayout
3-3 Layout 4_TableLayout
3-4 Layout5_GridLayout
3-5 Layout6_ConstraintLayout
3-6 ListView
3-7 RecyclerView
3-8 Animation 1_frame animation
3-9 Animation 2_Tweened animation
3-10 Animation 3_Attribute Animation
Chapter4 Chapter Four
4-1 Units and dimensions
4-2 ViewPager
4-3 Mvvm project actual combat
4-4 The generation of Fragment
4-5 what is fragment
4-6 How to use Fragment
4-7 Simply add 2 fragments to the activity
4-8 Fragment dynamic addition and management
4-9 Activity sends information to Fragment
4-10 Summary of dynamic addition and management of fragments
Chapter5 chapter Five
5-1 Interface solution for communication between Fragment and activity
5-2 Fragment life cycle experience
5-3 Summary of lessons learned from Fragment life cycle
5-4 fragment+viewPager sliding effect display
5-5 ViewPager2 basic application
5-6 ViewPager2 page switching
5-7 ViewPager and Fragment collection
5-8 ViewPager+fragment simulates WeChat homepage
5-9 Fragment summary
5-10 Get to know Activity
Chapter6 Chapter Six
6-1 Activity jump
6-2 Activity life cycle
6-3 Get to know Service
6-4 startService and life cycle
6-5 bindService and life cycle
6-6 Meet Receiver
6-7 Static registration to receive broadcast
6-8 Dynamically register to receive broadcasts
6-9 What is hot fix
6-10 Bugly hot update configuration
Chapter7 Chapter VII
7-1 Patch package generation and application
7-2 Introducing Amap
7-3 Show map in project
7-4 Map keyword search and positioning
7-5 Introduction to Glide
7-6 Basic uses of Glide and placeholders
7-7 transitions and transformations
7-8 Usage of Generatde API
7-9 Synchronous and asynchronous requests of OkHttp
7-10 Data format of POST request
Chapter8 chapter eight
8-1 OkHttp configuration
8-2 Basic use of Retrofit
8-3 Annotations in Retrofit
8-4 Retrofit converter
8-5 Retrofit Nested Requests and Adapters
8-6 File upload and download
8-7 Use Gson to complete serialization and deserialization of Java objects
8-8 Serialization and deserialization of Array and List
8-9 Map, Set collection and Gson annotation
8-10 RX thinking
Chapter9 Chapter nine
9-1 RX thinking download pictures
9-2 The charm of RX thinking
9-3 Custom Observer
9-4 What is data storage
9-5 Introduction to SP features
9-6 Simple use of SP
9-7 SP real combat
9-8 Introduction to SQLite
9-9 SQLite visualization tools
9-10 SQLite libraries and tables
Chapter10 chapter Ten
10-1 SQLite add, delete, check and modify
10-2 Room three role introduction
10-3 Room three character writing
10-4 Room practice
10-5 Intent basic type
10-6 Intent passes Bundle
10-7 Pass Serializable interface
10-8 Pass Parcelable interface
10-9 MediaRecorder_1
10-10 MediaRecorder_2
Chapter11 Chapter 11
11-1 MediaPlayer plays video
11-2 VideoView plays video
11-3 SoundPool plays sound effects
11-4 Project release
11-5 Git overview
11-6 The history of version management
11-7 The difference between Git and other version systems
11-8 Basic concepts of Git
11-9 Basic operations of Git
11-10 Git branch operations
Chapter12 Chapter 12
12-1 conflict resolution
12-2 Git's branching model
12-3 Suggestions for using Git
12-4 MVP and MVC
12-5 MVP project small case
12-6 Network access preparation
12-7 Startup page background image solves startup white screen problem
12-8 Home bottom menu
12-9 Bottom menu switch
12-10 Home page layout and list adapter
Chapter13 Chapter 13
13-1 Home MVP Practice
13-2 Adjustments to home page UI details
13-3 Product details page MVP implementation
13-4 Android development notes
13-5 Why need to customize
13-6 Customized View life cycle and key step principles
13-7 How to use MeasureSpec to customize xml in ViewGrop
13-8 Customize ViewGroup to measure your own process
13-9 What is the layout process of customizing ViewGroup?
13-10 See who is a senior engineer from a custom view
Chapter14 Chapter 14
14-1 Do you know how mastering the principles helps reading source code?
14-2 measureSpec principle solution parsing XML wrap_cotent
14-3 An explanation of the principle of View's xml parsing process
14-4 Custom View Basics
14-5 Analysis of the drawing process principle of View
14-6 MeasureSpec principle analysis
14-7 Canvas cutting and text drawing
14-8 Basic introduction to ViewPager nested fragment architecture
14-9 The principle and adapter mode of ViewPager cache fragment
14-10 Fragment life cycle management mechanism in ViewPager nested Fragment mode
Chapter15 Chapter 15
15-1 ViewPager lazy loading principle analysis and performance optimization project practice
15-2 Introduction to the home page’s secondary linkage layout and sliding issues
15-3 Introduction to event distribution
15-4 Solve ceiling problem
15-5 Resolve nested sliding conflicts
15-6 Realize inertial sliding
15-7 Event introduction
15-8 Event handling process
15-9 Possible problems caused by event distribution
15-10 Down event distribution process
Chapter16 Chapter 16
16-1 Move event distribution process
16-2 An explanation of ideas for implementing complex UI
16-3 Application of algorithms in UI implementation
16-4 Realize the drawing of koi fish
16-5 Realize the principle of fish tail swinging
16-6 Achieve click water ripple effect
16-7 How to achieve intelligent steering of fish
16-8 Implement koi swimming animation
16-9 Analysis of app UI architecture solution
16-10 Android preloading scheme performance pitfalls
Chapter17 Chapter 17
17-1 Analysis of viewPager principle of android preloading principle
17-2 Fragment’s life cycle in viewPager adapter
17-3 One of the source code analysis of lazy loading solution
17-4 Analysis of Lazy Loading Source Code Solution 2
17-5 Why study the framework layer source code
17-6 From boot to desktop, what does the system do?
17-7 APP startup process source code analysis
17-8 setContentView interview analysis at major manufacturers
17-9 view drawing process
17-10 Cut into the source code execution process to achieve screen adaptation
Chapter18 Chapter 18
18-1 Several common problems related to memory
18-2 Basic usage and analysis of LeakCanary
18-3 How LeakCanary automatically detects object leaks
18-4 Handwritten LeakCanary core code
18-5 What is apk? Why optimization is needed
18-6 Basic introduction to ViewPager nested fragment architecture
18-7 How to optimize image resources
18-8 Internationalization and dynamic library addition optimization
18-9 How to remove useless resources and code
18-10 Anr abnormal interview questions explained
Chapter19 Chapter 19
19-1 OOM abnormal interview questions explained
19-2 Bitmap interview questions explained
19-3 Explanation of UI stuck interview questions
19-4 Memory leak interview questions explained
19-5 Memory management interview questions explained
19-6 Cold start optimization interview questions explained
19-7 Other optimization interview questions explained
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