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Master the basics of MySQL in 6 days video
Chapter1 Chapter One
1-1 MySQL learning path
1-2 Basic introduction to database learning path
1-3 Database basics
1-4 Database classification
1-5 Relational Database
1-6 non-relational database
1-7 Basic introduction to SQL
1-8 Basic introduction to MySQL
1-9 MySQL access
1-10 Summary of basic introduction to database
Chapter2 Chapter two
2-1 MySQL basic operation learning path
2-2 SQL syntax rules
2-3 SQL library operation learning path
2-4 Create database
2-5 show database
2-6 Use database
2-7 Modify database
2-8 Delete database
2-9 Summary of SQL library operations
2-10 SQL table operation learning path
Chapter3 third chapter
3-1 Create data table
3-2 show data table
3-3 View datasheet
3-4 Change data table
3-5 Change field learning path
3-6 Add new field
3-7 field position
3-8 Change field name
3-9 Modify fields
3-10 Delete field
Chapter4 Chapter Four
4-1 Summary of SQL table operations
4-2 SQL database operation learning path
4-3 Add new data
4-4 View data
4-5 update data
4-6 delete data
4-7 Summary of SQL data operations
4-8 Character set learning path
4-9 Character set concept
4-10 MySQL character set
Chapter5 chapter Five
5-1 Solving the problem of garbled characters
5-2 Character set setting principle
5-3 Character set summary
5-4 Proofreading Set Learning Path
5-5 Proofreading set concept
5-6 Proofing set settings
5-7 Proofreading set application
5-8 Proofreading set summary
5-9 Field type learning path
5-10 Field type role
Chapter6 Chapter Six
6-1 integer type
6-2 display width
6-3 Decimal type (floating point number)
6-4 Decimal type (fixed point number)
6-5 String type (fixed length)
6-6 String type (variable length)
6-7 String type (text string)
6-8 String type (enumeration)
6-9 String type (collection)
6-10 Time date type (year)
Chapter7 Chapter VII
7-1 Time date type (timestamp)
7-2 Time date type (date)
7-3 Time date type (date time)
7-4 Time date type (time)
7-5 Field type summary
7-6 Attribute learning path
7-7 Attribute function
7-8 Null attribute
7-9 Default attribute
7-10 primary key
Chapter8 chapter eight
8-1 Primary key management
8-2 self-increasing property
8-3 self-growth management
8-4 unique key
8-5 Unique key management
8-6 comment attribute
8-7 Property summary
8-8 MySQL record length
8-9 Paradigm learning path
8-10 First normal form 1NF
Chapter9 Chapter nine
9-1 Second normal form 2NF
9-2 Third normal form 3NF
9-3 denormalization
9-4 Summary of design paradigms
9-5 Table relationship learning path
9-6 one-to-one relationship
9-7 one-to-many relationship
9-8 many-to-many relationship
9-9 Table relationship summary
9-10 MySQL advanced SQL operation learning path
Chapter10 chapter Ten
10-1 New learning path for data
10-2 Batch insert
10-3 worm replication
10-4 primary key conflict
10-5 Data query learning path
10-6 Query options
10-7 Field selection and aliasing
10-8 data source
10-9 where child clause
10-10 operator
Chapter11 Chapter 11
11-1 Group statistics (group by)
11-2 Lookback statistics
11-3 Group sorting
11-4 having clause
11-5 order by child clause
11-6 limit clause
11-7 Data query summary
11-8 Update data (restrict updates)
11-9 Restrict deletion
11-10 Clear data
Chapter12 Chapter 12
12-1 MySQL multi-table operation learning path
12-2 Federated Query Learning Path
12-3 Union query
12-4 Union query sorting
12-5 Connect Query Learning Path
12-6 cross connect
12-7 inner join
12-8 outer join
12-9 natural connection
12-10 using keyword
Chapter13 Chapter 13
13-1 Join query summary
13-2 Subquery learning path
13-3 subquery classification
13-4 scalar subquery
13-5 column subquery
13-6 row subquery
13-7 Table subquery
13-8 exists subquery
13-9 comparison method
13-10 Subquery summary
Chapter14 Chapter 14
14-1 MySQL security management learning path
14-2 Foreign key constraint learning path
14-3 foreign key
14-4 foreign key constraints
14-5 Foreign key management
14-6 Transaction Security Learning Path
14-7 affairs
14-8 transaction processing
14-9 Transaction characteristics
14-10 Preprocessing learning path
Chapter15 Chapter 15
15-1 preprocessing
15-2 Preprocessing parameters
15-3 View Learning Path
15-4 view
15-5 View management
15-6 View data operations
15-7 View algorithm
15-8 Data backup and restore learning path
15-9 Table data backup
15-10 Table data restoration
Chapter16 Chapter 16
16-1 File backup
16-2 File restore
16-3 SQL backup
16-4 SQL restore
16-5 Data backup and restore summary
16-6 User management learning path
16-7 Account management
16-8 authority management
16-9 role management
16-10 PHP operation MySQL database learning path
Chapter17 Chapter 17
17-1 PHP extension
17-2 MySQLi extension
17-3 MySQLi common functions
17-4 Add new data
17-5 update data
17-6 delete data
17-7 Query data
17-8 Summary of operating MySQL database with PHP
17-9 Form value passing learning path
17-10 form value
Chapter18 Chapter 18
18-1 post value
18-2 get pass value
18-3 PHP receives form data
18-4 News Management System Learning Path
18-5 Database Design
18-6 Add news (display form)
18-7 Add new news (data into database)
18-8 encapsulation
18-9 news list
18-10 delete news
Chapter19 Chapter 19
19-1 View news
19-2 Editorial News
19-3 Pagination (top)
19-4 Pagination (below)
19-5 Project improvement and summary
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