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Dart Flutter2 Getting Started Practical Video Tutorial
Chapter1 Chapter One
1-1 Introduction to Dart: Build the Dart environment, configure development tools and run Dart on Win and Mac.
1-2 Dart entry method introduction Dart printing Dart annotations Dart variables constant declaration variable naming rules
1-3 Detailed explanation of Dart's data types int double String bool List Maps
1-4 Dart operator conditional expression Dart type conversion
1-5 Dart loop statement for while do...while break continue multidimensional list loop
1-6 Dart collection type List Set Map detailed explanation and loop statement forEach map where any every
1-7 Functions in Dart Function definition Optional parameters Default parameters Named parameters Arrow functions Anonymous functions Closures, etc. (Part 1)
1-8 Functions in Dart, arrow functions, anonymous functions, closures, etc.
1-9 Objects in Dart Classes Class Creation Constructors Named Constructors Class Modularity Private Properties Private Methods Get Set
1-10 Classes in Dart Static members Operators Class inheritance
Chapter2 Chapter two
2-1 Abstract classes, polymorphism and interfaces in Dart
2-2 A class in Dart implements multiple interfaces and Mixins in Dart
2-3 Generics in Dart Generic Methods Generic Classes Generic Interfaces - 2021 Update
2-4 Libraries in Dart Custom libraries, system libraries, and third-party libraries
2-5 What are some new features after Dart 2.13? Null safety, late keyword, and empty type declarator? , non-empty assertion! , required keyword
2-6 Introduction to Flutter - Flutter Windows Android environment construction and real machine debugging
2-7 Flutter Android real machine debugging, virtual machine debugging and developing Flutter applications in Vscode
2-8 Flutter tutorial Mac computer builds Flutter Ios environment and lets Flutter run on ios devices
2-9 Flutter directory structure introduction, entrance, custom Widget, Center component, Text component, MaterialApp component, Scaffold component
2-10 Detailed explanation of Flutter Container component and Text component
Chapter3 third chapter
3-1 Flutter picture component Image, local picture, remote picture, picture cutting
3-2 Flutter ListView basic list component, horizontal list component, icon component
3-3 Flutter ListView dynamic list component and loop dynamic data
3-4 Flutter GridView component and dynamic GridView
3-5 Flutter page layout Paddiing Row Column Expanded component detailed explanation
3-6 Flutter page layout Stack cascading component Stack and Align Stack and Positioned implement positioning layout
3-7 Flutter page layout Flutter AspectRatio, Card card component
3-8 Flutter page layout Wrap component
3-9 Flutter StatefulWidget has stateful components, binds data on the page, changes page data, and implements counter functions and dynamic lists
3-10 Flutter BottomNavigationBar customizes the bottom navigation bar, and implements page switching and modularization
Chapter4 Chapter Four
4-1 Routing in flutter Basic routing Basic routing jump value (Part 1)
4-2 Routing in flutter: named routing, named routing value passing, stateless component value passing, stateful component value passing (Part 2)
4-3 Routing in flutter Route replacement Return to root route
4-4 Flutter customizes AppBar to define top tab switching. The bottom tab is combined with the top tab to achieve a page layout similar to headlines.
4-5 Define top tab switching through TabController in Flutter and introduce life cycle functions
4-6 Flutter Drawer sidebar, DrawerHeader, UserAccountsDrawerHeader and sidebar content layout
4-7 Button components in Flutter RaisedButton, FlatButton, OutlineButton, IconButton, ButtonBar and customization
4-8 [Expansion] New button components in Flutter2.x and some changes using Flutter2.2.1
4-9 Flutter FloatingActionButton implements a raised button similar to the bottom navigation of Xianyu App
4-10 Forms in Flutter TextField single-line text box multi-line text box CheckBox CheckboxListTile (Part 1)
Chapter5 chapter Five
5-1 The form in Flutter Radio Switch RadioListTile SwitchListTile and form components implement a simple student registration system (Part 2)
5-2 Flutter date and timestamp, formatted date library, Future asynchronous, official date component showDatePicker, time component showTimePicker and internationalization
5-3 Use of flutter date time component flutter_datetime_picker
5-4 Flutter carousel chart flutter_swiper
5-5 Flutter Dialog AlertDialog 、SimpleDialog、showModalBottomSheet、showToast
5-6 FlutterDialog Custom Dialog
5-7 Flutter http get request data, post submit data
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