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Front-end zero foundation to vue practical course
Chapter1 Front-end introduction and HTML head tags
1-1 Front-end introduction and HTML head tag 01
1-2 Front-end introduction and HTML head tag 02
1-3 Front-end introduction and HTML head tag 03
1-4 Commonly used tags in body tags 01
1-5 Commonly used tags in body tags 02
1-6 Commonly used tags in the body tag 03
Chapter2 table form css introduction
2-1 table form css introduction 01
2-2 table form css introduction 02
2-3 table form css introduction 03
2-4 css selector and attributes 01
2-5 css selector and attributes 02
2-6 css selector and attributes 03
Chapter3 css size properties and layout properties
3-1 css size properties and layout properties 01
3-2 css size properties and layout properties 02
3-3 css size properties and layout properties 03
3-4 Floating and Flexible Box 01
3-5 Floating and Flexible Box 02
3-6 Floating and Flexible Box 03
Chapter4 Define layout framework file
4-1 Define layout framework file 01
4-2 Define layout framework file 02
4-3 Define layout framework file 03
4-4 Font Icon Header Layout 01
4-5 Font Icon Header Layout 02
4-6 Font Icon Header Layout 03
Chapter5 Animation and public headers
5-1 Animated and public headers 01
5-2 Animated and public headers 02
5-3 Animated and public headers 03
5-4 Home Page Layout 01
5-5 Home Page Layout 02
5-6 Home Page Layout 03
Chapter6 List page and detail page
6-1 List page and detail page—Part 01
6-2 List page and detail page—Part 02
6-3 List page and detail page—Part 03
6-4 Product details page 01
6-5 Product details page 02
6-6 Product details page 03
Chapter7 Shopping cart and order page
7-1 Shopping cart and order page 01
7-2 Shopping cart and order page 02
7-3 Shopping cart and order page 03
7-4 Order page and media inquiries 01
7-5 Order page and media inquiries 02
7-6 Order page and media inquiries 03
Chapter8 JavaScript basic syntax
8-1 JavaScript basic syntax 01
8-2 JavaScript basic syntax 02
8-3 JavaScript basic syntax 03
8-4 JavaScript basic syntax 04
8-5 JavaScript basic syntax 05
8-6 JavaScript basic syntax 06
8-7 JavaScript basic syntax 07
Chapter9 js function application
9-1 js function application 01
9-2 js function application 02
9-3 js function application 03
9-4 js function application 04
9-5 js object application 01
9-6 js object application 02
9-7 js object application 03
Chapter10 JS built-in objects
10-1 JS built-in object 01
10-2 JS built-in objects 02
10-3 JS built-in objects 03
10-4 JS built-in objects 04
10-5 JS built-in objects 05
10-6 JS built-in objects 06
10-7 JS built-in objects 07
Chapter11 BOM object operations
11-1 BOM object operation 01
11-2 BOM object operation 02
11-3 BOM object operation 03
11-4 BOM object operation 04
11-5 BOM object operation 05
11-6 BOM object operation 06
Chapter12 DOM manipulation
12-1 DOM manipulation 01
12-2 DOM manipulation 02
12-3 DOM manipulation 03
12-4 DOM manipulation 04
12-5 DOM manipulation 05
12-6 DOM manipulation 06
Chapter13 DOM node navigation
13-1 DOM node navigation 01
13-2 DOM node navigation 02
13-3 DOM node navigation 03
13-4 Position and animation 01
13-5 Position and Animation02
13-6 Position and Animation 03
Chapter14 event object
14-1 event object 01
14-2 event object 02
14-3 event object 03
14-4 DOM event 01
14-5 DOM event 02
14-6 DOM event 03
Chapter15 PHP project installation
15-1 PHP project installation 01
15-2 PHP project installation 02
15-3 PHP project installation 03
15-4 Slide Show 01
15-5 Slide Show 02
15-6 Slide Show 03
15-7 Slide Show 04
Chapter16 nodejs module application
16-1 Learn about Nodejs01
16-2 Learn about Nodejs02
16-3 Learn about Nodejs03
16-4 nodejs module application 01
16-5 nodejs module application 02
16-6 nodejs module application 03
Chapter17 NPM package management tool
17-1 NPM package management tool 01
17-2 NPM package management tool 02
17-3 NPM package management tool 03
17-4 Webpack installation and use 01
17-5 Webpack installation and use 02
17-6 Webpack installation and use 03
Chapter18 WebPack configuration and management
18-1 WebPack configuration and management 01
18-2 WebPack configuration and management 02
18-3 WebPack configuration and management 03
18-4 WebPack configuration and management 04
18-5 ES6 new standard 01
18-6 ES6 new standard 02
18-7 ES6 new standard 03
Chapter19 The new standard for ES6
19-1 ES6’s new standard 01
19-2 ES6’s new standard 02
19-3 ES6’s new standard 03
19-4 ES6 Advanced Syntax 01
19-5 ES6 Advanced Syntax 02
19-6 ES6 Advanced Syntax 03
Chapter20 Vue first experience and template syntax
20-1 Vue first experience and installation 01
20-2 Vue first experience and installation 02
20-3 Vue first experience and installation 03
20-4 Vue’s template syntax 01
20-5 Vue’s template syntax 02
20-6 Vue’s template syntax 03
Chapter21 Vue’s template syntax-2
21-1 Vue’s template syntax-2 (01)
21-2 Vue’s template syntax-2 (02)
21-3 Vue’s template syntax-2 (03)
21-4 Vue’s template syntax-3 (01)
21-5 Vue’s template syntax-3 (02)
21-6 Vue’s template syntax-3 (03)
Chapter22 Component creation and use
22-1 Component creation and use 01
22-2 Component creation and use 02
22-3 Component creation and use 03
22-4 Component development ideas 01
22-5 Component development ideas 02
Chapter23 Component life cycle and Element-plus
23-1 Component life cycle and Element-plus01
23-2 Component life cycle and Element-plus02
23-3 Component life cycle and Element-plus03
23-4 Vue routing basics 01
23-5 Vue routing basics 02
Chapter24 The second half of Vue routing
24-1 The second half of Vue routing 01
24-2 Vue routing second half 02
24-3 The second half of Vue routing 03
24-4 Vuex state management01
24-5 Vuex state management02
24-6 Vuex state management 03
Chapter25 Vue3 new feature combination API-setup() method application
25-1 Vue3 new feature combination API-setup method application 01
25-2 Vue3 new feature combination API-setup method application 02
25-3 Vue3 new feature combination API-setup method application 03
25-4 API Part 01 of the Combination API
25-5 API Part 02 of the Combination API
25-6 API Part 03 of the Combination API
25-7 API Part 07 of the Combination API
Chapter26 Axios asynchronous network request
26-1 Axios asynchronous network request 01
26-2 Axios asynchronous network request 02
26-3 Axios asynchronous network request 03
26-4 Encapsulating network request 01
26-5 Encapsulating network request 02
Chapter27 Project initialization
27-1 Project initialization 01
27-2 Project initialization 02
27-3 Project initialization 03
27-4 Project menu and title bar 01
27-5 Project menu and title bar 02
Chapter28 Product recommendations and tabs on the homepage
28-1 Product recommendations and tabs on the homepage 01
28-2 Product recommendations and tabs on the homepage 02
28-3 Product recommendations and tabs on the homepage 03
28-4 Home page pulls up to load more 01
28-5 Home page pulls up to load more 02
28-6 Home page pulls up to load more 03
Chapter29 Improve the development of home page
29-1 Improve the development of home page 01
29-2 Improve the development of home page 02
29-3 Improve the development of home page 03
29-4 Categories and product details 01
29-5 Categories and product details 02
29-6 Categories and product details 03
Chapter30 Login and register
30-1 Login and registration 01
30-2 Login and registration 02
30-3 Login and registration 03
30-4 Add to cart 01
30-5 Add to cart 02
30-6 Add to cart 03
Chapter31 Project installation and deployment
31-1 Project installation and deployment 01
31-2 Project installation and deployment 02
31-3 Project installation and deployment 03
31-4 Project Overview 01
31-5 Project Quick View 02
Chapter32 Backend API construction
32-1 Backend API construction 01
32-2 Backend API construction 02
32-3 Front-end project construction 01
32-4 Front-end project construction 02
32-5 Front-end project construction 03
Chapter33 Common positions and introductions in Internet companies
33-1 Common positions and introductions in Internet companies 01
33-2 Common positions and introductions in Internet companies 02
33-3 Common positions and introductions in Internet companies 03
33-4 Introduction to common Internet positions and R&D processes 01
33-5 Introduction to common Internet positions and R&D processes 02
33-6 Introduction to common Internet positions and R&D processes 03
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