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JavaScript core tutorial [DOM BOM operations that JS must know]
Chapter1 Chapter One
1-1 Introduction to Web APIs
1-2 The relationship between the two stages of js basics and Web APIs
1-3 APIJapan Web API
1-4 Introduction to DOM
1-5 Introduction to DOM
1-6 getElementById gets the element
1-7 getElementsByTagName Gets a certain type of tag element
1-8 H5 adds new way to obtain elements
1-9 Get body and html elements
1-10 three elements of event
Chapter2 Chapter two
2-1 Execute event process
2-2 Manipulate elements - modify element content
2-3 The difference between innerText and innerHTML
2-4 Manipulate elements - modify element attributes
2-5 Time-sharing greeting case
2-6 Operation element-modify form attributes
2-7 Example of imitating to display hidden passwords in clear text (Part 1)
2-8 Example of imitating to display hidden passwords in clear text (Part 2)
2-9 Manipulate elements - modify style attributes
2-10 Case of imitation Taobao closing QR code
Chapter3 third chapter
3-1 Looping sprites
3-2 Show hidden text box content
3-3 Use className to modify style attributes
3-4 Password box verification information
3-5 Summary of operational elements and assignments
3-6 Exclusive thinking (algorithm)
3-7 Baidu skin resurfacing effect
3-8 Color changing effect of table rows
3-9 Form Select All-Cancel Select All (Part 1)
3-10 Form Select All-Cancel Select All (Part 2)
Chapter4 Chapter Four
4-1 Get custom attribute value
4-2 Set remove custom properties
4-3 Tab bar switching layout analysis (important)
4-4 Tab bar switching production (Part 1)
4-5 Tab bar switching production (Part 2)
4-6 H5 custom attributes
4-7 Why learn node operations and node introduction
4-8 The parent node of the node operation
4-9 Child node of node operation
4-10 Node operation first child element and last child element
Chapter5 chapter Five
5-1 Sina drop down menu
5-2 Node operation's sibling node
5-3 Node operations: create and add nodes
5-4 Simple version of posting message case
5-5 Node operation-delete node
5-6 Delete message case
5-7 Node operation-copy node
5-8 Dynamically generate tables - create student data
5-9 Dynamically generate tables - create rows
5-10 Dynamically generate tables - create cells
Chapter6 Chapter Six
6-1 Dynamically generate tables - fill cells with data
6-2 Dynamically generate tables - create and delete cells
6-3 Dynamically generate tables - add and delete operations
6-4 document.write creates elements
6-5 Comparison of efficiency between innerHTML and createElement
6-6 DOM key core
6-7 Advanced guide to events
6-8 Two ways to register events
6-9 attachEvent registration event
6-10 delete event
Chapter7 Chapter VII
7-1 DOM event flow theory
7-2 DOM event flow code verification
7-3 What is an event object
7-4 The difference between and this
7-5 Block default behavior
7-6 Prevent events from bubbling up
7-7 event delegation
7-8 Disable text selection and right-click menu
7-9 Get the coordinates of the mouse on the page
7-10 Angel following the mouse
Chapter8 chapter eight
8-1 Commonly used keyboard events
8-2 keyCode determines which key the user pressed
8-3 Case study of simulating JD key input content
8-4 Simulate Jingdong express tracking number inquiry (Part 1)
8-5 Simulate Jingdong express tracking number inquiry (Part 2)
8-6 BOM introduction
8-7 BOM overview
8-8 page load event
8-9 window resize event
8-10 Timer setTimeout
Chapter9 Chapter nine
9-1 Callback function and ads that automatically close after 5 seconds
9-2 clear timer
9-3 Timer setInterval
9-4 Countdown effect
9-5 clear timer
9-6 Send SMS case
9-7 this points to the problem
9-8 js sync and asynchronous
9-9 Synchronous task and asynchronous task execution process
9-10 js execution mechanism
Chapter10 chapter Ten
10-1 Common properties of location objects
10-2 Jump to the page after 5 seconds
10-3 Get URL parameters
10-4 Common methods of location
10-5 navigator object
10-6 history object
10-7 PC web page special effects reading
10-8 offsetLeft and offsetTop get the element offset
10-9 offsetWidth and offsetHeight get the element size
10-10 The difference between offset and style
Chapter11 Chapter 11
11-1 Get the coordinates of the mouse inside the box
11-2 Drag modal box (top)
11-3 Drag modal box (middle)
11-4 Drag the modal box (below)
11-5 Building a page structure that imitates Jingdong’s magnifying glass effect
11-6 Imitation Jingdong magnifying glass effect showing hidden occlusion layer and big box
11-7 Imitation Jingdong magnifying glass effect occlusion layer follows the mouse
11-8 Jingdong magnifying glass imitation effect limits the movement range of the occlusion layer
11-9 Imitation Jingdong magnifying glass effect large picture movement
11-10 client series
Chapter12 Chapter 12
12-1 Execute function immediately
12-2 The core principles of Taobao flexibleJS source code analysis
12-3 Taobao flexibleJS source code analysis pageshow event
12-4 scroll series
12-5 Imitation Taobao fixed sidebar (Part 1)
12-6 Imitation Taobao fixed sidebar (below)
12-7 Summary of three major series
12-8 The difference between mouseover and mouseenter
12-9 Animation principles
12-10 Simple animation function encapsulation
Chapter13 Chapter 13
13-1 Animation function - record different timers for different elements
13-2 Principle of easing animation
13-3 Basic code implementation of easing animation
13-4 Easing animation to move between multiple target values
13-5 Add callback function for easing animation
13-6 Use of animation functions
13-7 Web page carousel diagram-structure construction
13-8 Web page carousel - display and hide the left and right buttons when the mouse passes
13-9 Web page carousel-dynamically generated small circles
13-10 Web page carousel chart-small circle exclusive thought
Chapter14 Chapter 14
14-1 Web page carousel - click on the small circle to scroll through the images
14-2 Web page carousel - seamless scrolling with buttons on the right
14-3 Web page carousel - clone the first picture
14-4 The small circle of the web page carousel changes with the button on the right
14-5 Web page carousel-two small bug solutions
14-6 Web page carousel-button function on the left
14-7 Web page carousel-auto play function
14-8 Throttle valve and logic interrupt application
14-9 Return to top with animation
14-10 Somersault cloud case
Chapter15 Chapter 15
15-1 Introduction to mobile website special effects
15-2 Mobile touch event
15-3 Mobile TouchEvent touch event object
15-4 Drag elements on mobile
15-5 Mobile terminal carousel chart-structure construction
15-6 Mobile Carousel Chart-Layout Analysis
15-7 Mobile carousel-scrolling pictures
15-8 Mobile carousel-seamless scrolling
15-9 classList class name operation
15-10 Mobile carousel chart - small dots follow changes
Chapter16 Chapter 16
16-1 Carousel chart on mobile terminal - drag carousel chart with finger
16-2 Mobile carousel - slide your finger to slide the carousel to the previous and next pictures
16-3 Mobile carousel image-rebound effect
16-4 Back to topTemplate making
16-5 Solution to the 300ms delay problem of click events on mobile terminals
16-6 Fastclick plug-in usage
16-7 Using swioper plug-in - introducing related files
16-8 Mobile carousel image - used according to grammar specifications
16-9 swiper plug-in usage-parameter change
16-10 Other mobile plug-ins and usage summary
Chapter17 Chapter 17
17-1 Use of video plug-in
17-2 bootstrap carousel
17-3 Alibaba 100 show carousel picture production
17-4 Local storage guide
17-5 Local storage sessionStrage
17-6 local storage localStorage
17-7 Remember username case
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