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Node.js complete introductory tutorial [es6+npm+express+webpack+promise]
Chapter1 Initial Node
1-1 learning target
1-2 JavaScript runtime environment in the browser
1-3 What is Node.js
1-4 Install Node.js
1-5 Run JS code using Node
Chapter2 fs module
2-1 Read file contents
2-2 Write file contents
2-3 Case study of organizing results
2-4 Handling path issues
Chapter3 path module
3-1 Use the path module to process paths
Chapter4 Clock case
4-1 Analyze requirements & read file content
4-2 Handle CSS, JS, HTML
4-3 Two points to note about the clock case
Chapter5 http module
5-1 Understand the concept and function of the http module
5-2 Server related concepts
5-3 Create the most basic web server
5-4 Respond to different html content according to different urls
5-5 Clock web server case
Chapter6 Modular
6-1 Modular concept
6-2 Classification of modules & use of require
6-3 Module scope and module object
6-4 Use of module.exports object
6-5 exports object
6-6 Misunderstandings in the use of exports and module.exports
6-7 CommonJS modular specification
Chapter7 Packages and npm
7-1 package concept
7-2 Two ways to format time
7-3 Other points to note when using npm
7-4 Package management configuration file
7-5 Solve the problem of slow packet downloading
7-6 Package classification & standardized package structure
Chapter8 release package
8-1 Initialize the basic package structure
8-2 Format time&main attribute
8-3 How to escape & restore HTML
8-4 Modular splitting & writing package usage documentation
8-5 Publish the package to npm
Chapter9 Module loading mechanism and express
9-1 Module loading mechanism
9-2 Get to know express and create a basic web server
9-3 Listen for GET and POST requests & process parameters
9-4 Static resource processing
9-5 Install and use nodemon
Chapter10 Routing and middleware
10-1 First introduction to routing in express
10-2 Routing modularity
10-3 The concept and format of middleware
10-4 Globally effective middleware
10-5 Locally effective middleware
10-6 5 things to note about middleware
10-7 Classification of middleware
10-8 Custom middleware
Chapter11 Write interface
11-1 Create basic server & create API routing module
11-2 Write GET interface
11-3 Write POST interface
11-4 Solving interface cross-domain issues based on cors
Chapter12 Cross domain
12-1 Three response headers related to cors
12-2 Simple request and preflight request of cors
12-3 Write jsonp interface
Chapter13 Database learning
13-1 learning target
13-2 Basic concepts of database
13-3 Install mysql database
Chapter14 mysql basics
14-1 Basic usage of workbench
14-2 Create database and tables
14-3 Understand what SQL is
Chapter15 SQL statement
15-1 select、insert、update、delete
15-2 where clause, and and or operators
15-3 sort
15-4 count function and as keyword
15-5 Demonstrates how to save and open .sql files
Chapter16 mysql module
16-1 Install and configure the mysql module
16-2 Query and insert data
16-3 Update and delete data
Chapter17 Authentication
17-1 web development model
17-2 The concept of identity authentication
17-3 session principle
17-4 Use of session middleware
Chapter18 jwt
18-1 Understand the principle of token
18-2 Generate token in express
Chapter19 project
19-1 Initialize project
19-2 Initialize routing module
19-3 Develop API interface for registered users
19-4 Code optimization
19-5 Develop login API interface
19-6 Token generation and verification
19-7 Develop an interface to obtain basic user information
19-8 Develop an interface to update users' basic information
19-9 Develop an interface for resetting passwords
19-10 Develop an interface for changing avatars
19-11 Summarize
19-12 Create a new ev_article_cate data table
19-13 Develop an interface for obtaining article classification lists
19-14 Develop an interface for adding new article categories
19-15 Develop an interface for obtaining id and deleting article categories
19-16 Develop an interface to obtain article classification based on ID
19-17 Develop an interface to update article classification based on ID
19-18 Create a new ev_articles article table
19-19 Initialize the routing module for publishing articles
19-20 Demonstrate the use of API interface
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