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TypeScript introductory video [can be understood even without learning JavaScript]
Chapter1 Introduction to typescript first experience
1-1 Introduction
1-2 First experience with typescript
1-3 what is javascript
1-4 what is typescript
1-5 Advantages of typescript compared to js
Chapter2 Preparation of development tools
2-1 Development tools (vscode)
2-2 Development tools (Node.js)
2-3 Why install a toolkit for parsing TS?
2-4 Install the toolkit for parsing TS
Chapter3 First time using TS
3-1 The first TS file
3-2 Simplify the steps to perform TS
3-3 Comment
3-4 output statement
3-5 Typescript first experience summary
Chapter4 Variables and data types
4-1 An introduction to variables and data types
4-2 what is a variable
4-3 Use of variables
4-4 Configure vscode
4-5 type annotation
4-6 Naming rules and specifications
4-7 Exercises with variables (exchanging the values of two variables)
4-8 Data type overview
4-9 Numeric type
4-10 string type
4-11 Boolean type
4-12 underfined and null types
4-13 Basic Types - Summary
Chapter5 operator
5-1 Introduction to operators
5-2 arithmetic operators
5-3 Plus sign implements string concatenation
5-4 Thoughts caused by the plus sign
5-5 assignment operator
5-6 Increment and decrement operators
5-7 comparison operator
5-8 Logical Operators
Chapter6 Execute statement
6-1 Statement introduction
6-2 Conditional statements overview
6-3 if statement
6-4 else statement
6-5 if else statement practice
6-6 Overview of the ternary operator
6-7 Exercises with the ternary operator
6-8 Overview of loop statements
6-9 Look at the composition of the for loop from the example of writing homework
6-10 Basic use of for loop
6-11 The execution process of for loop
6-12 Breakpoint debugging to view the for loop execution process
6-13 vscode breakpoint debugging configuration (1 configuration step)
6-14 vscode breakpoint debugging configuration (2 debugging tips)
6-15 For loop exercises (1 print 1-5)
6-16 Exercises in for loop (2 print the nth bun being eaten)
6-17 For loop exercises (3 Calculate the sum of 1-100)
Chapter7 break and continue keywords
7-1 break keyword
7-2 continue keyword
Chapter8 array
8-1 Introduction to arrays
8-2 Array overview
8-3 Create an array (Syntax 1)
8-4 Create an array (syntax 2)
8-5 Array length and index
8-6 Array value acquisition and storage (value acquisition)
8-7 Array value acquisition and storage (storage value)
8-8 Add elements to array
8-9 Iterate over the array (calculator default value is 0)
8-10 Traverse the array (the judgment condition is the length of the array minus 1)
8-11 Traverse the array (optimizing judgment conditions)
8-12 Array exercises (finding the sum of all elements in an array)
8-13 Array exercises (finding the maximum value in an array)
8-14 Array exercises (find elements in an array that are not 0)
Chapter9 Function basics
9-1 Introduction to function basics
9-2 Function overview
9-3 Function usage
9-4 Function exercises
9-5 Function parameters overview
9-6 formal parameters and actual parameters
9-7 Additional description of parameters
9-8 Function parameter exercises (1)
9-9 Function parameter exercises (2)
9-10 Function return value overview
9-11 Basic usage of function return values
9-12 Function return value exercise (transformation of getSum function)
9-13 Function return value exercise (triangle area)
9-14 Function return value practice (finding the maximum value)
9-15 Description of return
9-16 Summary of function basics
Chapter10 Function advanced
10-1 Advanced introduction to functions
10-2 Function debugging (basic operations)
10-3 Function debugging (function execution process)
10-4 variable scope
Chapter11 object
11-1 Object introduction
11-2 Object overview
11-3 Create object
11-4 Interface (type annotation of object)
11-5 Type annotations for object methods
11-6 Use of interface
11-7 Object value
11-8 Object storage value
11-9 Summary of basic usage of objects
Chapter12 built-in objects
12-1 Built-in objects overview
12-2 Array object (length property)
12-3 Array object (push)
12-4 Array object (forEach)
12-5 Array object (explanation of forEach)
12-6 forEach exercises
12-7 Array object (some)
Chapter13 web development basics
13-1 Type inference of TS
13-2 An overview of web development basics
13-3 Basic use of HTML (create the first html page and use it)
13-4 Basic use of HTML (common tags)
13-5 Basic usage of CSS (style attribute)
13-6 Basic usage of CSS (style tag)
13-7 Basic use of CSS (css file)
13-8 Use javascript in your browser
13-9 Use Live Server plug-in - automatically refresh the browser
Chapter14 Run TS in browser
14-1 Run TS in browser
Chapter15 DOM manipulation
15-1 DOM manipulation overview
15-2 Get elements (querySelector)
15-3 TS type assertion
15-4 Get elements (querySelectorAll)
15-5 Manipulate text content (innerText)
15-6 Exercise (querySelectorAll and innerText)
15-7 Operation style (style attribute)
15-8 Operation demonstration (classList attribute)
15-9 Operation event (addEventListener add event)
15-10 Operation event (event object)
15-11 removeEventListener removes events (1)
15-12 removeEventListener removes events (2)
15-13 Two notes on event handlers in the form of function declarations
Chapter16 Chess game case
16-1 Chess game demonstration and gameplay introduction
16-2 Game template description
16-3 Cell click (playing chess)
16-4 Cell click (optimized)
16-5 Adjust vscode and browser window position
16-6 Switch players (1)
16-7 Switch players (2)
16-8 Basic usage of enumerations
16-9 Numeric enumeration and string enumeration
16-10 Modify the current player using an enum
16-11 The idea of judging victory
16-12 Analyze winning array
16-13 Cell element list description
16-14 Encapsulating the winning function
16-15 Implement the winning function (1)
16-16 Implement the winning function (2)
16-17 Optimize the winning function
16-18 Determine a draw
16-19 Show winning information
16-20 restart game
16-21 Optimize restart the game
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