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MySQL from novice to expert (Basic/Advanced/Optimization)
Chapter1 Introduction and introduction to databases
1-1 Course Introduction
1-2 Why use databases and common database concepts
1-3 Comparison of common DBMS
1-4 Comparison of RDBMS and non-RDBMS
1-5 4 types of relationships between ER models and table records
Chapter2 mysql installation and configuration
2-1 Uninstalling mysql 8.0
2-2 Download, installation and configuration of mysql 8.0 and 5.7 versions
2-3 FAQs about mysql installation_service startup and user login
2-4 Mysql usage demonstration-mysql5.7 character set setting
2-5 Use of tools such as navicat_sqlyog_dbserver
2-6 mysql directory structure and after-school exercises for the first two chapters
Chapter3 SQL Overview and Basic SELECT Query
3-1 SQL Overview and SQL Classification
3-2 SQL usage specifications and data import
3-3 The most basic SELECT...FROM structure
3-4 Column alias_duplication_NULL_DESC and other operations
3-5 Filter data using WHERE
3-6 Homework
Chapter4 operator
4-1 Use of arithmetic operators
4-2 Use of comparison operators
4-3 Use of logical operators and bitwise operators
4-4 Operator exercises after class
Chapter5 Sorting and paging operations
5-1 ORDER BY implements sorting operations
5-2 LIMIT implements paging operations
5-3 Sorting and paging after-class exercises
Chapter6 Multi-table query
6-1 Why do we need multi-table queries?
6-2 Cartesian product errors and correct multi-table queries
6-3 Equivalent join VS non-equivalent join, self-join VS non-self-join
6-4 How to implement inner and outer joins with SQL92 and 99 syntax
6-5 Use SQL99 to implement 7 JOIN operations
6-7 Multi-table query after-class exercises
Chapter7 single line function
7-1 Classification of functions
7-2 Explanation of functions of numerical types
7-3 Explanation of string type functions
7-4 Explanation of functions of date and time types
7-5 Process control function explanation
7-6 Encryption and decryption_MySQL information functions and other explanations
7-7 Single-line function after-class exercises
Chapter8 aggregate function
8-1 5 commonly used aggregate functions
8-2 Use of GROUP BY
8-3 The use of HAVING and the execution process of SQL statements
8-4 Aggregate function after-class exercises
Chapter9 subquery
9-1 Subquery examples and subquery classifications
9-2 Single row subquery case analysis
9-3 Multi-row subquery case analysis
9-4 Correlated subquery case analysis
9-5 Subquery after-school exercises
9-6 Subquery after-class exercise 2
Chapter10 Create management data table
10-1 Database creation, modification and deletion
10-2 Common data types_Two ways to create tables
10-3 Modify table_rename table_delete table_clear table
10-4 The use of COMMIT and ROLLBACK in DCL
10-5 Alibaba MySQL naming convention and atomization of MySQL8DDL
10-6 Post-class exercises on creating management tables
Chapter11 Add, delete, modify
11-1 Add data to DML
11-2 DML update and delete operations_MySQL8 new features calculated columns
11-3 Comprehensive case study of DDL and DML
11-4 Add, delete and modify after-class exercises
Chapter12 mysql data type
12-1 Data Type Overview_Character Set Settings
12-2 Integer data type explanation
12-3 Explanation of floating point numbers, fixed point numbers and bit types
12-4 Date and time types explained
12-5 Explanation of text string types (including ENUM, SET)
12-6 Explanation of binary types and JSON types
12-7 Summary and suggestions for type usage
Chapter13 constraint
13-1 Classification of data integrity and constraints
13-2 Use of non-null constraints
13-3 Use of unique constraints
13-4 Use of primary key constraints
13-6 Use of foreign key constraints
13-7 Check constraints and default value constraints
13-8 Constraint after-school exercises
Chapter14 view
14-1 Understanding database objects and views
14-2 Creating and viewing views
14-3 Updating view data and deleting views
14-4 View after-class exercises
Chapter15 stored procedure
15-1 Stored procedure usage instructions
15-2 Creating and calling stored procedures
15-3 Creating and calling stored functions
15-4 View, modify and delete stored procedures and functions
15-5 Stored procedure function after-class exercises
Chapter16 Variables and structures
16-1 Use of GLOBAL and SESSION system variables
16-2 Use of session user variables and local variables
16-3 Program error handling mechanism
16-4 Use of branch structure IF
16-5 Use of branch structure CASE
16-6 LOOP_WHILE_REPEAT three loop structures
16-7 Use of LEAVE and ITEEATE
16-8 Use of cursors
16-9 Homework
Chapter17 trigger
17-1 Create trigger
17-2 View Delete Trigger_Trigger After-Class Exercise
Chapter18 MySQL8.0 new features and common table expressions
18-1 new features of mysql8.0
18-2 Common table expressions_after-class exercises
Chapter19 Overview of Advanced Features
19-1 Chapter overview
19-2 Preparation of CentOS environment
19-3 MySQL uninstallation
19-4 Install MySQL8.0 and 5.7 versions under Linux
19-5 SQLyog implements remote connection for MySQL8.0 and 5.7
19-6 Modification of character set and explanation of underlying principles
19-7 Comparison rules_encoding and decoding process from request to response
19-8 SQL case specifications and sql_mode settings
19-9 MySQL directory structure and table representation in the file system
Chapter20 User and user password operations and permission management
20-1 User creation, modification, deletion
20-2 Setting and management of user passwords
20-3 Permission management and access control
20-4 Use of roles
20-5 Configuration files, system variables and mysql logical architecture
Chapter21 SQL execution process
21-1 SQL execution process
21-2 Demonstration of SQL execution flow in mysql 8.0 and 5.7
21-3 The use of SQL execution process and buffer pool in Oracle
Chapter22 Storage engines and indexes
22-1 Setting the storage engine of the table, comparison between InnoDB and MyISAM
22-2 Use of storage engines such as Archive, CSV, and Memory
22-3 Why use indexes and their advantages and disadvantages
22-4 A simple index design solution
22-5 Iterative Design Plan for Indexes
22-6 The concepts of clustered index, secondary index and joint index
22-7 Things to note about B+ trees in InnoDB_MyISAM index scheme
22-8 Comparison of Hash index, AVL tree, B-tree and B+ tree
Chapter23 InnoDB data storage structure
23-1 Overview of InnoDB data storage structure
23-2 Page structure file header and file tail
23-3 Minimum maximum record of page structure_Record header information of row format
23-4 Page structure: page directory and page header
23-5 Set line format and ibd file analysis Compact line format
23-6 Row overflow and Dynamic, Compressed, Redundant
23-7 Segments, fragmentation areas, and table space structures
Chapter24 Index classification
24-1 Index classification
24-2 Three ways to add indexes to a table
24-3 Delete index and new index features: descending index, hidden index
24-4 11 situations suitable for index creation (1)
24-5 11 situations suitable for creating indexes (2)
24-6 7 situations when creating an index is not suitable
Chapter25 Database optimization steps
25-1 View system performance parameters
25-2 Slow query log analysis, SHOW PROFILE to view SQL execution costs
Chapter26 EXPLAIN
26-1 Overview of EXPLAIN and analysis of table and id fields
26-2 EXPLAIN中select_type、partitions
26-3 Analysis of ref, rows, filtered and extra in EXPLAIN
26-4 EXPLAIN's 4 formats and view optimizer rewrite SQL
26-5 Trace analysis optimizer execution plan and use of Sys schema view
Chapter27 Index failure
27-1 11 situations where data preparation and indexing fail
27-2 11 cases of index failure 2
Chapter28 Join query, subquery, paging query
28-1 Query optimization of outer joins and inner joins
28-2 The underlying principle of the JOIN statement
28-3 Subquery optimization and sorting optimization
28-4 GROUP BY optimization, paging query optimization
28-5 Use of covering index
28-6 Index condition push down
28-7 Other query optimization strategies
28-8 How to design the primary key of Taobao database
Chapter29 paradigm
29-1 Paradigm Overview and First Normal Form
29-2 Second normal form and third normal form
29-3 Denormalization applications
29-4 Bath normal form, fourth normal form, fifth normal form and field key normal form
29-5 Paradigm practical cases
Chapter30 ER modeling, design principles, writing specifications
30-1 The process of ER modeling and converting data tables
30-2 Database design principles and daily SQL writing specifications
30-3 Power Designer creates conceptual and physical data models
Chapter31 Database tuning
31-1 Overall database tuning steps, optimizing MySQL server hardware and parameters
31-2 Database structure optimization, three major table optimization, and other three strategies
Chapter32 affairs
32-1 ACID properties of transactions and status of transactions
32-2 Explicit transactions and implicit transactions
32-3 Examples of using transactions
Chapter33 Concurrency issues and isolation levels
33-1 Data concurrency issues and 4 isolation levels
33-2 View and set MySQL isolation level
33-3 Read demo in uncommitted isolation
33-4 Demonstration of Read Committed and Repeatable Read Isolation
33-5 Demonstration and solution of phantom reading
Chapter34 Redo log, Undo log
34-1 Understanding Redo logs and Undo logs, and why Redo logs are needed
34-2 Analysis of Redo log flushing strategy and process
34-3 Write to Redo Log Buffer and Redo Log File
34-4 Overview and writing process of Undo log
Chapter35 Lock
35-1 Overview of locks, concurrency issues of reading and writing
35-2 Understanding S lock and X lock from the perspective of data operation types
35-3 Table locks: S lock, X lock, intention lock
35-4 Table locks, self-increment locks and metadata locks
35-5 Row lock record lock, gap lock
35-6 Line lock, key lock and insertion intention lock
35-7 Understanding of page locks, use of optimistic locks and pessimistic locks
35-8 Division of locking methods: implicit lock and explicit lock
35-9 Understanding global locks and deadlocks
35-10 Lock memory structure and monitoring strategy
Chapter36 MVCC
36-1 MVCC solves reading and writing problems
36-2 MVCC Three Musketeers: Hidden fields, Undolog version chain, ReadView
36-3 MVCC operation process under read committed and repeatable read isolation levels
36-4 MVCC’s process for solving phantom reads under repeatable reads
Chapter37 Six major log files
37-1 Overview of the six major log files
37-2 General query log, error log
37-3 Binlog log parameter setting and data recovery demonstration
37-4 Binlog deletion, binlog writing mechanism and two-phase submission
37-5 Analysis of the steps and principles of relay logs and master-slave replication
37-6 Implementation of one master and one slave architecture and master-slave synchronization
37-7 Binlog format setting instructions
Chapter38 Data synchronization and backup
38-1 Data synchronization consistency problem solving
38-2 Overview of data backup and implementing logical backup data with mysqldump
38-3 Demonstrate mysql to implement logical recovery of data
38-4 Demonstration of physical backup and physical recovery, export and import of table data
38-5 Database migration and how to delete the database without running away
38-6 Message
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