Inline css styles
Where can CSS styles be written? From the perspective of the form of CSS style code insertion, it can be basically divided into the following three types: inline, embedded and external. This section first explains the inline style.
css style sheet is to write the css code directly in the existing HTML tag, such as the following code:
<p style="color:red">这里文字是红色。</p>
Note that it should be written at the beginning of the element In the tag, the following writing is wrong:
<p>这里文字是红色。</p style="color:red">
And the css style code must be written in style="" double quotes. If there are multiple css style code settings, they can be written together, in the middle Separate with semicolons. The following code:
<p style="color:red;font-size:12px">这里文字是红色。</p>