JavaScript development three-level linkage core JS
This chapter introduces the most critical JS code. Without further explanation, let’s look at the code first:
<script> //声明省 var oProc = ["安徽","上海","山东"]; //直接声明array //声明市 var oCity = [ ["合肥","淮南","芜湖"], ["浦东","闵行","浦西"], ["济南","青岛","枣庄"] ]; //声明区 var oDist = [ [ ["政务区","庐阳区","蜀山区"], ["田家庵区","大通区","九龙岗区"], ["镜湖区","鸠江区","三山区"] ], [ ["浦东1","浦东2","浦东3"], ["闵行1","闵行2","闵行3"], ["浦西1","浦西","浦西3"] ], [ ["历下区","天桥区","长清区"], ["市南区","市北区","李沧区"], ["薛城区","市中区","峄城区"] ] ]; var oproc = document.getElementById("proc"); var ocity = document.getElementById("city"); var odist = document.getElementById("dist"); window.onload = function(){ for(var i =0;i<oProc.length;i++){ //创建元素节点 var oOpt = document.createElement("option"); //创建文本节点 var oTxt = document.createTextNode(oProc[i]); oOpt.appendChild(oTxt); oproc.appendChild(oOpt); } }; function showCity(){ if(oproc.value=="-1"){ ocity.options.length = 1; odist.options.length = 1; }else{ ocity.options.length = 1; odist.options.length = 1; var num = oproc.options.selectedIndex; //console.log(num); 测试是否成功 for(var i =0;i<oCity[num-1].length;i++){ var oOpt = document.createElement("option"); var oTxt = document.createTextNode(oCity[num-1][i]); oOpt.appendChild(oTxt); ocity.appendChild(oOpt); } } } function showDist(){ if(ocity.value=='-1'){ odist.options.length = 1 }else{ odist.options.length = 1; var numPro = oproc.options.selectedIndex; var numCity = ocity.options.selectedIndex; for(var i=0;i<oDist[numPro-1][numCity-1].length;i++){ var oOpt = document.createElement("option"); var oTxt = document.createTextNode(oDist[numPro-1][numCity-1][i]); oOpt.appendChild(oTxt); odist.appendChild(oOpt); } } } </script>
for(var i =0;i<oCity[num-1].length;i++)This The place is a bit complicated and you may not understand it. Please explain: What does [num-1] mean and why is it reduced by 1?
We use console.log(num) to test it. The results obtained are 1, 2, 3, and the starting value of our array is 0, so we need to subtract 1. For example, we select Anhui. Anhui ranks first in the array, but the starting subscript is 0. The value we get using
selectedIndex is 1. Therefore, if we want to get Anhui, we only need to Can be reduced by 1.