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Basic tutorial for getting started with Web front-end
Chapter1 webstorm development tools
1-1 Current status of web front-end
1-2 Introduction to development tools
1-3 Installation of webstorm
1-4 Use of webstorm
Chapter2 HTML basics
2-1 html introduction
2-2 html basic structure
2-3 Properties in the basic structure
2-4 fundamental element
2-5 Image tags
2-6 Hyperlink
2-7 Anchor positioning
2-8 Block elements and inline elements
2-9 Unordered and ordered lists
2-10 custom list
2-11 Basic structure of table
2-12 Common properties of tables
2-13 Table row and column properties
2-14 Merge Cells
2-15 Iframe
2-16 Form function
2-17 textbox and password
2-18 Radio buttons and checkboxes
2-19 button group
2-20 drop-down list
2-21 Multiline text and label labels
2-22 form fields
Chapter3 HTML5 new
3-1 html5 new type 1
3-2 html5 new type 2
3-3 html5 new attributes
3-4 div tag and span tag
3-5 HTML5 new structure tag 1
3-6 HTML5 new structure tag 2
3-7 datalist tag
3-8 video
3-9 Audio
3-10 embed tag
3-11 canvas tag 1
3-12 canvas tag 2
Chapter4 CSS
4-1 Get to know css
4-2 css introduction method
4-3 css rules and comments
4-4 Use of chrome debugging tools
4-5 Element selectors and universal selectors
4-6 Class selectors and ID selectors
4-7 css style sheet features
4-8 Merge selectors
4-9 div+css layout
4-10 Background color and image
4-11 Background image location
4-12 background attachment
4-13 Background abbreviation
4-14 Font properties
4-15 Color transparency and content overflow
4-16 text attribute 1
4-17 text attribute 2
4-18 list properties
4-19 Relationship selector
4-20 attribute selector
4-21 Link pseudo-class selector
4-22 Structural pseudo-class selector
4-23 Pseudo object selector
4-24 Get to know the box
4-25 margins
4-26 padding
4-27 Margin merge
4-28 weird box
4-29 Meizu official website
4-30 flexbox
4-31 Flexbox application
4-32 float
4-33 clear float
4-34 display attribute
4-35 position positioning
4-36 Browser kernel and its prefix
4-37 z-index stacking order
Chapter5 Navigation map and carousel map
5-1 Gionee official website navigation bar
5-2 Gionee official website navigation bar 2
5-3 Centered summary
5-4 Gionee official website carousel image
5-5 Gionee official website star products
5-6 rounded corners
5-7 shadow
5-8 linear gradient
5-9 radial gradient
5-10 animation
5-11 Draw graphics
5-12 multiple columns
5-13 WeChat navigation bar
5-14 Xiaomi white navigation bar
5-15 Xiaomi carousel and sliding door
5-16 Xiaomi small advertising space
5-17 Xiaomi flash sale
5-18 Xiaomi mobile phone part
5-19 Imitation Xiaomi hidden special effects
5-20 Mobile navigation bar
5-21 Mobile carousel chart
5-22 Mobile message section
5-23 Mobile restaurant recommendations
5-24 Mobile footer
5-25 if branch
Chapter6 js basics
6-1 js initial
6-2 Variable types and conversions
6-3 Other operators
6-4 ternary operator
6-5 mathematical operators
6-6 arithmetic operators
6-7 literal
6-8 break和continue
6-9 switch exercise
6-10 switch exercise (2)
6-11 while first acquaintance
6-12 End of single layer cycle
6-13 random number
6-14 small exercise
6-15 loop initialization
6-16 Operation
6-17 The job is over
6-18 break+continue nested+diamond
6-19 Nested loops
6-20 Prime initial
6-21 prime number simplification operations
6-22 Common methods for strings
6-23 on string
6-24 in string
6-25 Common methods for strings
6-26 encrypt and decode
6-27 array initialization
6-28 Array traversal
6-29 Common array methods
6-30 Under common methods of arrays
6-31 Two-dimensional array
6-32 Two-dimensional array exercises
Chapter7 Library management system small practice
7-1 library management system
7-2 first acquaintance with object
7-3 Object operations
7-4 Function parameters and actual parameters
7-5 Function type + supplement
7-6 Homework - Object Class Library Management System
7-7 Closure
7-8 Supplement to closure
7-9 variable declaration hoisting
7-10 First class citizens of functions
7-11 Function scope chain + variable promotion within function
7-12 Passing by value and passing by address
7-13 Parameters with the same name appear in the function
7-14 Overloading of simulated functions
7-15 eval+instanceof
7-16 Math
7-17 Generate verification code
7-18 Operation
7-19 Function scope supplement
7-20 pass-by-reference supplement
7-21 date object
7-22 date job
Chapter8 DOM manipulation
8-1 dom initial
8-2 On the common attributes of dom
8-3 Among the commonly used attributes of location and dom
8-4 titleMarquee
8-5 Select page elements
8-6 DOM creates page elements and attributes + css to implement navigation
8-7 Set internal styles
8-8 Common properties of node
8-9 Under common properties of node
8-10 Node common methods
8-11 html element
8-12 Event overview+html event
8-13 Non-IEdom0 events
8-14 Non-iedom2 events
8-15 dom2 events in ie
8-16 dom2 compatibility writing method
8-17 mouse exercises
8-18 sliding oh sad div
8-19 color palette
8-20 Document loading order
8-21 div mobile supplement
8-22 onresize+setTimeOut
Chapter9 event
9-1 focus event
9-2 registered user
9-3 scroll event
9-4 Significant
9-5 Keyboard events
9-6 Job 1 registered user
9-7 Small div moves within large div
9-8 touch event
9-9 this
9-10 this small example
9-11 event attribute
9-12 Cancel node default behavior + cancel event delivery
9-13 news scroll
9-14 Compatibility writing
9-15 mouse wheel
9-16 Add scroll event to news
9-17 Image verification
9-18 Secondary linkage
9-19 Level three linkage
9-20 event delegation
Chapter10 window
10-1 First acquaintance with window
10-3 Common methods
10-4 Right-click the corresponding values of IE and non-IE
10-5 Customize right-click menu
10-6 Scheduled calls and delayed calls
10-7 timer movement
10-8 Taobao example
10-9 data analysis
10-10 Page loading order
10-11 js file loading order
10-12 Reflow and redraw
10-13 window.history
10-14 call and apply
10-15 Closure
10-16 iife
10-17 Replenish
10-18 correspondence and exclusivity
10-19 Object-oriented + constructor
10-20 girl walking 1
10-21 girl walking 2
Chapter11 prototype
11-1 First acquaintance with prototypes
11-2 Reuse function
11-3 Object-oriented and process-oriented
11-4 Analog package
11-5 constructor in prototype
11-6 prototype chain
11-7 Inherited exercises
11-8 Prototyping exercise
11-9 Design Patterns
11-10 end of design mode
11-11 First acquaintance with regular rules
11-12 expression + range + group matching
11-13 metacharacter pattern
11-14 Quantifier pattern
11-15 Methods in regular objects
11-16 Regular advanced-initial position
11-17 Operation
11-18 Repeating class
11-19 greed and laziness
11-20 Array deduplication
11-21 hash to remove duplicates
11-22 Efficiency comparison
11-23 Bubble sort initial version
11-24 Bubbling optimization complete
11-25 recursion
11-26 Quick sort
11-27 binary search
11-28 json parsing
11-29 Bookstore
11-30 Size related
11-31 Waterfalls flow
11-32 Error resolution
11-33 Infinite scrolling waterfall flow
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