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Collection of front-end practical projects [A must-have for beginners] [Taught by an architect with a million-dollar annual salary]
Chapter1 array
1-1 Array basic methods
1-2 Bubble Sort
1-3 Array basic methods
1-4 Practice sorting and deduplication
Chapter2 DOM
2-1 Print form-DOM concept
2-2 document properties and methods
2-3 Homework - Explanation on removing leading and trailing spaces
2-4 DOM element creation and nodes
2-5 DOM properties and style manipulation
2-6 Get node
2-7 Node manipulation and simulated keyboard
2-8 Node judgment, text operation and keyboard simulation js implementation
2-9 Element offset and length and chained calls
Chapter3 event
3-1 Events and event levels
3-2 DOM2 events and DOM3 events
3-3 Event streams and event objects
3-4 event attribute and mouse event
3-5 Calculator and mouse events
3-6 js simulate keyboard and keyboard events
3-7 Keyboard control movement
3-8 Form events and document events
3-9 Back to top
3-10 picture magnifying glass
3-11 Job-drag and drop
Chapter4 timer
4-1 Browser rendering
4-2 Pop-up window-timer
4-3 history_navigator_location
4-4 job clock
4-5 this-oriented
4-6 call and apply
4-7 tab switching
4-8 Instance tab switches _this and target
Chapter5 snowflakes flying
5-1 bing_closure
5-2 Scope and prototype
5-3 object-oriented
5-4 Snowflakes flying-randomly generate snowflakes
5-5 Snowflakes flying - snowflakes falling
Chapter6 JSON
6-1 Dynamic prototype_JSON
6-2 json parsing example
Chapter7 regular
7-1 Regular 01
7-2 Regular modifiers and common methods
7-3 Strings use regular and matching rules
7-4 Matching rule 2
7-5 Regular examples explained
Chapter8 jquery
8-1 Introduction to jquery
8-2 Selectors and filters
8-3 filter 2
8-4 Property and style manipulation
8-5 Node operations
8-6 Copy-replace-node related
8-7 Element position, width, height and events
8-8 Synthetic event-removal-simulation trigger
8-9 wrap and unwrap - simulate drop-down
Chapter9 animation
9-1 Predefined animations
9-2 Custom animation
9-3 Example Navigation-Back to Top-Couplet Advertisement
Chapter10 carousel
10-1 Carousel chart css part
10-2 Carousel image js part
10-3 Waterfall flow-infinite loading
10-4 swiper plugin
Chapter11 project
11-1 Project introduction and grouping
11-2 First group
11-3 Blueberry Pie-Questions
Chapter12 Ajax and environment construction
12-1 Introduction to Ajax and environment construction
12-2 Port occupation and php server usage
12-3 Ajax requests and readystate
Chapter13 HTTP status code and get\post
13-1 HTTP status code-Lottery example
13-2 get and post requests - passing parameters
13-3 get caching and json parsing
13-4 Advantages and disadvantages of instance login and ajax
13-5 Example real-time news
13-6 Causes of cross-domain
13-7 jsonp principle and implementation
13-8 Ajax for image ping and jquery
Chapter14 encapsulation
14-1 Encapsulate common methods of jquery query and ajax
14-2 Encapsulating Ajax
14-3 Ajax packaging and jobs
Chapter15 Carousel 2
15-1 Carousel chart basics
15-2 Carousel horizontal and vertical effects
15-3 Carousel chart package-basic
15-4 Advanced carousel image packaging
Chapter16 navigation
16-1 News Navigation
16-2 Ceiling effect
16-3 Floor scrolling monitoring
Chapter17 Baidu map
17-1 Baidu map
17-2 echart
17-3 layer pop-up window
17-4 ueditor
17-5 superslider
17-6 datepicker
17-7 jqValid
17-8 animate.css use
17-9 wowandnormalize
17-10 Navigation hover effect
17-11 Ceiling effect
17-12 banner animation and forwards
17-13 grow together
17-14 Dynamically display the number of registered people
Chapter18 Project 2
18-1 Project promotion 2 acceptance
18-2 BS1
18-3 BS2
18-4 Grid layout principle
18-5 BS use
Chapter19 less
19-1 less introduction and installation
19-2 less syntax
19-3 less syntax 2
19-4 juicer
19-5 Pagination
19-6 local storage
19-7 Post on Weibo-New Selector-Remember Password
19-8 json storage-post news
19-9 Session storage and cookies
19-10 cookie packaging
19-11 H5 new API-message push-multi-threading-editable elements
Chapter20 Design Patterns
20-1 Design Patterns
20-2 Design Pattern 2
Chapter21 canvas
21-1 Canvas draws straight lines
21-2 Use straight lines and draw dotted lines
21-3 Draw rectangles and statistical charts
21-4 Random statistics plots and circles and arcs
21-5 Example of drawing a teacup
21-6 Impact checking
21-7 Object-oriented ball
21-8 Notepad addition and list display
21-9 Notepad query
21-10 stroke characters
21-11 Rice grid and drawing pictures
21-12 linear ball
21-13 Colorful balls
21-14 Draw a clock
Chapter22 Pixel operations
22-1 Pixel operations and pixel coordinates
22-2 Pixel pictures
22-3 Pixel dynamic text
22-4 colored heart
Chapter23 Mobile terminal
23-1 Basic concepts of mobile terminal
23-2 meta tag
23-3 Mobile terminal adaptation solution
23-4 Fixed height adaptation and rem adaptation
23-5 Flexible layout and head adaptation
23-6 Mobile events
Chapter24 NodeJS
24-1 NodeJS introduction and installation
24-2 Nodejs use
24-3 cnpm installation and use
Chapter25 Git
25-1 Basic introduction to git
25-2 github account application
25-3 git account initialization and git warehouse creation
25-4 Git basic operations
25-5 Git basic operations 2
25-6 Create remote library-code push
25-7 Clone library-fork library
25-8 Branch operations - conflict resolution
25-9 git interface tools
25-10 webstrom integration
Chapter26 ES6
26-1 Introduction to ES6
26-2 let command 01
26-3 let command 02
26-4 const command
26-5 Array destructuring
26-6 Object destructuring
26-7 Destructuring of strings etc - incomplete destructuring
26-8 default value
26-9 Number extension
26-10 Number extension 2
26-11 string expansion
26-12 String template
26-13 Regular-from
26-14 array expansion
26-15 Array expansion 2
26-16 Map and weakMap
26-17 Set set
26-18 function extension
26-19 Function extension 2
26-20 Object extension 1
26-21 Object extension 2
26-22 Symbol
26-23 Promise object
26-24 Common methods of Promise
26-25 iterator
26-26 Generators
26-27 Async
26-28 class class
26-29 static和extends
26-30 Mixin concept
26-31 modulemodule
26-32 export and import
26-33 Default module
26-34 AMD specs and requirejs
26-35 Main entrance multipath-shim
Chapter27 webpack
27-1 webpack build
27-2 webpack use
27-3 webpack uses 2
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