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PHP introductory video tutorial one Learn PHP in one week
Chapter1 Why choose this tutorial to learn PHP
1-1 Learn PHP in one week tutorial: Why learn PHP?
1-2 Learn PHP in one week tutorial: What is PHP?
1-3 Learn PHP tutorial in one week, you can learn it even if you have zero basics
1-4 Learn PHP tutorial in one week: why some people can’t learn it
Chapter2 PHP environment installation
2-1 What is the development environment of the tutorial on learning PHP in one week?
2-2 Learn PHP tutorial in one week - Windows environment installation
2-3 One-week tutorial to learn PHP - Linux environment installation
2-4 Learn PHP tutorial on other development environments in one week
2-5 Learn PHP tutorial in one week: Tool selection for writing code
Chapter3 PHP basic syntax
3-1 Overview of basic syntax of PHP basic syntax
3-2 PHP basic syntax: write your first piece of code
3-3 Simple variables of PHP basic syntax
3-4 PHP basic syntax echo display command
3-5 PHP basic syntax comments are very powerful
3-6 Overview of data types in PHP data types
3-7 PHP data type integer
3-8 PHP data type Boolean
3-9 PHP data type string
3-10 PHP data type floating point
3-11 PHP flow control if and else syntax
3-12 PHP data type NULL type
3-13 PHP data type objects (learn later)
3-14 PHP data type array
3-15 PHP data type resource type
3-16 View and determine data types of PHP data types
3-17 Automatic conversion and coercion of PHP data types
3-18 PHP constants and variables constants restrict users from skipping certain files
3-19 PHP constants and variables variable variables
3-20 PHP constants and variables external variables
3-21 PHP constants and variables environment variables
3-22 Variable references for PHP constants and variables
3-23 Arithmetic operations of PHP expressions and operators
3-24 Self-addition and self-subtraction operations of PHP expressions and operators
3-25 Assignment operations of PHP expressions and operators
3-26 Comparison operators of PHP expressions and operators
3-27 Logical operators of PHP expressions and operators
3-28 Bitwise operation of PHP expressions and operators
3-29 PHP expressions and operators: ternary operator and other operators
Chapter4 Process control in PHP
4-1 Overview of flow control in PHP
4-2 if conditional structure process
4-3 if statement of conditional structure process
4-4 Nested if.else.elseif structure of if conditional structure process
4-5 Multiple nesting of if statements in the if conditional structure process
4-6 The use of branch structure switch statements
4-7 Overview of using loop statements
4-8 PHP loop statement while loop
4-9 The difference between do...while loops in PHP loop statements
4-10 PHP loop statement for loop control statement
4-11 PHP loop statement goto syntax
Chapter5 Basic function syntax of PHP
5-1 Overview of basic syntax of PHP functions
5-2 PHP function custom function
5-3 PHP custom function variable function
5-4 PHP custom function callback function
5-5 PHP custom function anonymous function
5-6 PHP custom function internal function
5-7 Variable scope of PHP custom function
5-8 Reference to parameters of PHP custom function
5-9 PHP custom function recursive function
5-10 Static variables of PHP custom functions
5-11 PHP functions using system built-in functions
5-12 PHP function file contains function
5-13 PHP functions commonly used mathematical functions
5-14 PHP date function to obtain period time information function
5-15 PHP date function date validation function
5-16 PHP date function to get localized timestamp function
5-17 PHP date function program execution time detection
5-18 PHP function string common functions
Chapter6 PHP arrays and data structures
6-1 Overview of PHP arrays and data structures
6-2 PHP array and data structure definition of array
6-3 PHP array operations and array calculations
6-4 PHP array operation: for loop traverses index array
6-5 PHP array operation foreach traverses associative arrays
6-6 PHP array operations list and each function traverse the array
6-7 Commonly used array manipulation functions for PHP array operations
6-8 Common functions of PHP arrays and data structures
Chapter7 Regular expressions in PHP
7-1 Overview of regular expressions in PHP
7-2 PHP regular expression delimiter
7-3 Atoms in PHP regular expression representation
7-4 Metacharacters in PHP regular representation
7-5 Pattern modifiers in PHP regular expression representation
7-6 Tips and commonly used regular rules for writing regular rules in PHP
7-7 Write a UBB text editor with PHP regularity
Chapter8 PHP file system
8-1 PHP file system overview
8-2 Reading files from PHP file system
8-3 Create and modify file contents in PHP file system
8-4 Create temporary files in PHP file system
8-5 Moving, copying and deleting files in PHP file system
8-6 PHP file system detection file attribute function
8-7 Common functions and constants for files in PHP file system
8-8 File locking mechanism of PHP file system
8-9 PHP file system directory processing function
8-10 File permission settings in PHP file system
8-11 PHP file system file path function
8-12 Small file guestbook of PHP file system
8-13 Examples of modifying configuration files in PHP file system
Chapter9 PHP file upload
9-1 PHP file upload overview
9-2 When uploading PHP files, you need to pay attention to the php.ini file.
9-3 PHP file upload steps for file upload
9-4 Notes on PHP file upload form
9-5 PHP file upload to complete file upload according to arrays and steps
9-6 PHP file upload multiple file upload
9-7 PHP file upload progress processing
Chapter10 PHP image processing
10-1 PHP image processing overview
10-2 Preparations before learning PHP image processing
10-3 PHP image processing uses image processing functions to draw a picture
10-4 PHP image processing to generate verification code
10-5 PHP image processing image scaling and cropping technology
10-6 PHP image processing image watermark processing
Chapter11 PHP error handling
11-1 PHP error handling overview
11-2 PHP error handling suppresses errors
11-3 PHP error handling error reporting level
11-4 PHP error handling error log
11-5 PHP error handling custom error handling function
Chapter12 Getting Started with MySQL
12-1 Introduction to Msql
12-2 Mysql database usage and concepts of database
12-3 Mysql database entertainment explanation of table relationships
12-4 Database installation of Mysql database
12-5 Data statement operation types of Mysql database
12-6 Mysql database connection database
12-7 Database operations of Mysql database structure definition statements
12-8 Mysql database data table operation
12-9 Data field operations in Mysql database
12-10 Data types of Mysql database
12-11 Mysql database character set
12-12 Mysql database table engine
12-13 Mysql database index
12-14 Mysql add, delete, modify and query insert records
12-15 Mysql add, delete, modify query records
12-16 Mysql multi-table join query for add, delete, modify and query
12-17 Mysql addition, deletion, modification and query update records
12-18 Mysql add, delete, modify, delete records
12-19 DCL statement of Mysql database
12-20 Learn commonly used English words in MySQL
Chapter13 PHP operates mysql database
13-1 Overview of PHP operation mysql database
13-2 Database connection steps
13-3 Go through the steps to make a user registration
13-4 Make a list display by steps
13-5 Create a page for users
13-6 Delete users in batches and specific ones
13-7 Modify user information
13-8 The ultimate solution to garbled data display
Chapter14 PHP session management and control
14-1 PHP session management and control overview
14-2 Cookie overview
14-3 Cookies in PHP
14-4 Using session in PHP
14-5 SESSION application example
Chapter15 Making a thief program through cURL
15-1 cURL overview
15-2 Curl usage steps
15-3 Custom get method to crawl web pages
15-4 Send data using post
Chapter16 Learn commonly used English words in PHP
16-1 Learn commonly used English words in PHP
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