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Issue 19_Comprehensive actual combat
Chapter1 Meet Thinkphp
1-1 Understanding Thinkphp and database connection 01
1-2 Understanding Thinkphp and database connection 02
1-3 Understanding Thinkphp and database connection 03
1-4 thinkphp database operation 01
1-5 thinkphp database operation 02
Chapter2 Dataset processing and thinkphp request response
2-1 Dataset processing with thinkphp request response 01
2-2 Dataset processing and thinkphp request response 02
2-3 Dataset processing and thinkphp request response 03
2-4 Model operation 01
2-5 Model operation 02
2-6 Model operation 03
Chapter3 Introduction to ThinkPHP facade classes, multiple applications and Vue3
3-1 ThinkPHP facade class, multi-application and Vue3 introduction 01
3-2 ThinkPHP facade class, multi-application and Vue3 introduction 02
3-3 ThinkPHP facade class, multi-application and Vue3 introduction 03
3-4 Vue3 installation and instructions 01
3-5 Vue3 installation and instructions 02
3-6 Vue3 installation and instructions 03
Chapter4 Vue binding events and components
4-1 Vue binding events and components 01
4-2 Vue binding events and components 02
4-3 Vue binding events and components 03
4-4 Parent component and sub-component pass values to each other and route configuration 01
4-5 Parent component and sub-component pass values to each other and route configuration 02
Chapter5 vue sub-routing, dynamic routing, combination api
5-1 vue sub-routing, dynamic routing, combination api01
5-2 vue sub-routing, dynamic routing, combination api02
5-3 vue sub-routing, dynamic routing, combination api03
5-4 CombinationAPI01
5-5 CombinationAPI02
5-6 CombinationAPI03
Chapter6 Project analysis and data table creation
6-1 Project analysis and data table creation 01
6-2 Project analysis and data table creation 02
6-3 Project analysis and data table creation 03
6-4 Axios usage, mall home page interface and data 01
6-5 Axios usage, mall homepage interface and data 05
6-6 Axios usage, mall homepage interface and data 03
Chapter7 Mall category page, list page
7-1 Mall category page 01
7-2 Mall classification page 02
7-3 Mall category page 03
7-4 Mall list page 01
7-5 Mall list page 02
Chapter8 Product details page data, add to shopping cart, login
8-1 Product details page data, add to shopping cart, login 01
8-2 Product details page data, add to shopping cart, login 02
8-3 Product details page data, add to shopping cart, login 03
8-4 Token encryption, mall generation order 01
8-5 Token encryption, mall generation order 02
Chapter9 Payment order, shopping cart page data, shopping cart selected items
9-1 Payment order, shopping cart page data, shopping cart selected product 01
9-2 Payment order, shopping cart page data, shopping cart selected items 02
9-3 Payment order, shopping cart page data, shopping cart selected items 03
9-4 Adding or subtracting quantities to the shopping cart, placing an order in the shopping cart 01
9-5 Adding or subtracting quantities to the shopping cart, placing orders in the shopping cart 02
9-6 Adding or subtracting quantities to the shopping cart, placing orders in the shopping cart 03
Chapter10 Introduction to shopping cart selection function, user registration, and SMS verification code
10-1 Introduction to shopping cart selection function, user registration, and SMS verification code 01
10-2 Introduction to shopping cart selection function, user registration, and SMS verification code 02
10-3 Introduction to shopping cart selection function, user registration, and SMS verification code 03
10-4 Alibaba Cloud SMS verification code function 01
10-5 Alibaba Cloud SMS verification code function 02
10-6 Alibaba Cloud SMS verification code function 03
Chapter11 AntDesignVue framework
11-1 AntDesignVue Framework 01
11-2 AntDesignVue Framework 02
11-3 AntDesignVue Framework 03
11-4 AntDesignVue Framework 04
11-5 AntDesignVue Framework 05
11-6 AntDesignVue Framework 06
Chapter12 Backend management system
12-1 Backend management system 01
12-2 Backend management system 02
12-3 Backend management system 03
12-4 Backend management system 04
12-5 Backend management system 05
12-6 Backend management system 06
Chapter13 Backend management system menu management
13-1 Backend management system menu management 01
13-2 Backend management system menu management 02
13-3 Backend management system menu management 03
13-4 Backstage management system authority management 01
13-5 Backstage management system authority management 02
Chapter14 Alibaba Cloud server and domain name purchase, server installation Pagoda panel
14-1 Alibaba Cloud server and domain name purchase, server installation Pagoda Panel 01
14-2 Alibaba Cloud server and domain name purchase, server installation Pagoda Panel 02
14-3 Alibaba Cloud server and domain name purchase, server installation Pagoda Panel 03
14-4 Pagoda panel use 01
14-5 Pagoda panel use 02
Chapter15 Pay with Ali-Pay
15-1 Alipay payment 01
15-2 Alipay payment 02
15-3 Alipay payment 03
15-4 Payment function 01
15-5 Payment function 02
15-6 Payment function 03
Chapter16 Handwritten MVC development framework (expansion)
16-1 Overall architecture and preparation of startup App 01
16-2 Overall architecture and preparation of startup App 02
16-3 Overall architecture and preparation of startup apps 03
16-4 Overall architecture and preparation of startup apps 04
16-5 Describe the routing and parsing process in detail
Chapter17 Controller class and view class (extension)
17-1 Controller class and view class 01
17-2 Controller class and view class 02
17-3 Controller class and view class 03
17-4 Database operation and query constructor implementation 01
17-5 Database operation and query constructor implementation 02
17-6 Database operation and query constructor implementation 03
Chapter18 Implementation of other common methods in query constructor (extension)
18-1 Implementation of other common methods in query constructor 01
18-2 Implementation of other common methods in query constructor 02
18-3 Implementation of other common methods in query constructor 03
18-4 Other CURD operations in query constructor01
18-5 Other CURD operations in query constructor02
Chapter19 Customized framework practice: customer management system (expansion)
19-1 Project Analysis and Architecture Design and Public Controller and Customer Management Controller 01
19-2 Project Analysis and Architecture Design and Public Controller and Customer Management Controller 02
19-3 Project Analysis and Architecture Design and Public Controller and Customer Management Controller 03
19-4 Customer list/pagination data/pagination bar 01
19-5 Customer list/pagination data/pagination bar 02
Chapter20 Recycle bin, customer additions, deletions, and administrator rights (expanded)
20-1 Recycle bin, customer additions, deletions and modifications 01
20-2 Recycle bin, customer additions, deletions and modifications 02
20-3 Recycle bin, customer additions, deletions and modifications 03
20-4 Administrator management/authority control/home page content 01
20-5 Administrator management/authority control/home page content 02
20-6 Administrator management/authority control/home page content 03
Chapter21 In-depth explanation of commonly used core technologies of CMS (expanded)
21-1 Infinite classification principle and practice 01
21-2 Infinite classification principle and practice 02
21-3 Infinite classification principle and practice 03
21-4 Article publishing/Rich text editor/Usage method in projects 01
21-5 Article publishing/Rich text editor/Usage method in projects 02
21-6 Article publishing/Rich text editor/Usage method in projects 03
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