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Front-end HTML5+CSS3 (goddess version)
Chapter1 First introduction to HTML
1-1 Tutoring
1-2 Web page composition and nature
1-3 Getting to know browsers for the first time
1-4 web standards
1-5 HTML awareness
1-6 HTML skeleton
1-7 Introduction and use of vscode
1-8 Comment
1-9 Tag composition and relationships
1-10 titles and paragraphs
1-11 Line breaks and horizontal line labels
1-12 text formatting tag
1-13 Basic use of pictures
1-14 Image properties
1-15 absolute path
1-16 Relative paths - siblings and subordinates
1-17 Relative path-parent
1-18 audio tag
1-19 video tag
1-20 Hyperlink
1-21 Comprehensive Case-Recruitment
1-22 Comprehensive case-jump-index
1-23 Comprehensive case-jump-other pages
Chapter2 HTML basics
2-1 List-usage scenarios
2-2 Lists - unordered and ordered
2-3 List-Custom
2-4 Table-Use
2-5 Table - table title and header cells
2-6 Table-Structure Tag
2-7 Table-Merge Cells
2-8 Form-application scenario
2-9 Basic use of form-input
2-10 Form-input-placeholder (prompt message)
2-11 Form-radio function and default selection
2-12 Form-upload multiple files
2-13 form-button-input
2-14 form-button-button
2-15 Form-drop-down menu
2-16 form-textfield
2-17 form-label label
2-18 Semantic tags
2-19 character entity
2-20 Comprehensive Case-Student Information Form
2-21 Comprehensive case-form
Chapter3 CSS basics
3-1 Experience css
3-2 css introduction method
3-3 selector-label
3-4 selector-class
3-5 selector-id
3-6 Selector-Wildcard
3-7 Text basic style
3-8 Character-font
3-9 Expansion - cascading
3-10 font composite property
3-11 text indent
3-12 horizontal alignment
3-13 text decoration line
3-14 Yukidaka
3-15 Google Debugging Tools
3-16 Expansion-color value
3-17 Expand-Label Centering
3-18 Comprehensive Case 1-Title Completed
3-19 Comprehensive Case 1-News-Content
3-20 Comprehensive case 2-picture completed
3-21 Comprehensive Case 2-Product-Text Effect
Chapter4 CSS advanced
4-1 selector-descendent
4-2 Selector-Children
4-3 selector-union
4-4 selector-intersection
4-5 Selector-pseudo-class
4-6 emmet syntax
4-7 background - background color
4-8 Background - background image
4-9 Background - background tile
4-10 background-background position
4-11 background-background
4-12 The difference between background image and img
4-13 Display Mode-Block
4-14 Display mode - inline
4-15 Display mode - inline block
4-16 display mode-conversion
4-17 Expansion-Tag nesting
4-18 CSS Properties - Inheritance
4-19 CSS properties - cascading
4-20 Comprehensive case 1
4-21 Comprehensive case 2
Chapter5 CSS box model
5-1 Priority - Basic Testing
5-2 Priority-overlay calculation
5-3 Priority - Calculation Question
5-4 Google-Troubleshooting
5-5 PxCook
5-6 Box model-composition
5-7 Box model-browser effect
5-8 Box model - content width and height
5-9 Box model-border usage
5-10 Box model-size calculation-border
5-11 Box Model-Case
5-12 Sina Navigation-Layout div
5-13 Sina Navigation-Content a
5-14 Box model-padding-multi-value
5-15 Box model-size-border and padding
5-16 Sina Navigation-padding optimization
5-17 Box model-internal subtraction mode
5-18 Box model-margins
5-19 Clear default styles
5-20 Centered version
5-21 Comprehensive case-news list-div layout
5-22 Comprehensive Cases-News List-Titles
5-23 Comprehensive Cases-News List-Content
5-24 Margins-problem
5-25 Vertical inner and outer margins for inline elements
Chapter6 CSS float
6-1 Structural pseudo-class-basic usage
6-2 Structural pseudo-class-formula
6-3 Pseudo element
6-4 standard stream
6-5 Float - Experiencing inline block issues
6-6 float-effect
6-7 float-features
6-8 Comprehensive case-Xiaomi layout
6-9 Extension-css attribute order
6-10 Comprehensive case-Xiaomi products-left and right structure
6-11 Comprehensive case-Xiaomi products-li
6-12 Comprehensive Case-Navigation
6-13 Clear float-scene construction
6-14 clear float-extra tags
6-15 Clear float-single pseudo-element
6-16 clear float-double pseudo-element
6-17 clear float-overflow
Chapter7 online projects
7-1 Preparation
7-2 Typesetting and clearing default styles
7-3 header layout
7-4 logo and nav layout
7-5 nav content completed
7-6 Search-Layouts and TextBoxes
7-7 Search-Button
7-8 user area
7-9 banner-layout
7-10 banner-left completed
7-11 banner-right-title
7-12 banner-right-content
7-13 banner-right-all courses
7-14 Recommended
7-15 Premium Course-Title
7-16 Premium course content
7-17 Copyright territory-layout
7-18 Copyright territory-content
Chapter8 positioning decoration
8-1 Function and usage steps
8-2 relative relative
8-3 Understand - Position - Things to note
8-4 Absolute absolute-reference browser
8-5 paternity
8-6 Case—Xuecheng Online-hot
8-7 center
8-8 migrating
8-9 Case-QR code
8-10 case-banner
8-11 fixed
8-12 display hierarchy
8-13 vertical-align-01
8-14 vertical-align-02
8-15 Cursor type
8-16 Rounded Border-Basic Use
8-17 Rounded Border-Working Scene
8-18 Overflow display effect-overflow
8-19 Show Hide-Basic Use
8-20 Case - QR code display and hide
8-21 Transparent attribute opacity
Chapter9 Little Rabbit Fresh Project Construction
9-1 css elf-function
9-2 css sprite-use
9-3 Background image zoom
9-4 box shadow
9-5 transition
9-6 skeleton tag
9-7 SEO
9-8 favicon - title icon
9-9 Project directory
9-10 Project code preparation
9-11 Quick Navigation-Layout
9-12 Quick Navigation-Content
9-13 header-layout
9-14 logo and navigation
9-15 search
9-16 shopping cart
9-17 Copyright-Layout
9-18 Copyright-li content completed
9-19 Copyright bottom
Chapter10 Little Rabbit Fresh Project Main Body
10-1 banner-image
10-2 banner-side navigation-layout
10-3 banner-side navigation-text content
10-4 banner-arrow
10-5 banner-dot
10-6 Fresh and Good Things-Title
10-7 Fresh and Good Things-Content-Layout
10-8 Fresh and good stuff - content completed
10-9 Fresh and good things-new product text
10-10 Fresh Food-Title-Layout
10-11 Fresh food area
10-12 Fresh Food-Content-Layout
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