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JavaScript programming skills and practice
Chapter1 JavaScript variable declaration and flow control
1-1 Scientific memory method for many attributes of html-css
1-2 JavaScript learning overview and goals--separation of front-end and back-end
1-3 The core of the idea of front-end and back-end separation and learning objectives
1-4 What is javascript and its development history
1-5 Three reference methods in javascript
1-6 What are the output methods of javascript?
1-7 javascript basic syntax
1-8 Declaration and naming convention of javascript variables
1-9 JavaScript variable type conversion
1-10 A brief analysis of the use of javascript operators
1-11 javascript flow control structure
Chapter2 JS high-order functions and object traversal
2-1 The use of while loop nested structure
2-2 for loop implements multiplication table
2-3 Usage of break and continue statements
2-4 Declaration of js custom function
2-5 Parameters of js function and their functions
2-6 return value of js function
2-7 Use of function variable parameters
2-8 js high-order function callback function
2-9 js high-order function anonymous function
2-10 Use the constructor to generate a js object
2-11 Create objects through new Object()
2-12 Parse this object in js
2-13 Loop traversal of js objects
2-14 Declare js objects in literal mode
2-15 js array related operations
Chapter3 Play with JS array operation methods
3-1 Rules for using js objects in actual development
3-2 js uses built-in constructor to create wrapper object
3-3 Use of js queue method push()-shift()-pop()-unshift()
3-4 js array operation method
3-5 js system sorting algorithm
3-6 js array iteration processing method
3-7 js string operation method
3-8 js numerical methods and properties
3-9 js math object methods
3-10 Date method--implement calendar function
3-11 js common event types
Chapter4 BOM operation implements JS timer
4-1 js exception handling
4-2 BOM Browser Object Model
4-3 BOM core--window object
4-4 window content loading event
4-5 Member properties of the window object
4-6 window object window operation method
4-7 js timer
4-8 Multiple timer clear
4-9 Application of window.screen object
4-10 window.location object implements page jump
4-11 Application of window.history object
4-12 Application of js cookie operation object
4-13 js localStorage client data storage
4-14 Homework summary and summary of this chapter
Chapter5 DOM manipulation to implement dynamic tabs
5-1 The origin of the DOM document object model
5-2 Association and conversion between JS and HTML
5-3 Add animation to a single dom element
5-4 DOM attribute members and document flow
5-5 Get an object through the document's collection operation
5-6 model operation element content
5-7 model operation element attributes
5-8 js implements batch adding selectors
5-9 js implements dynamic tab
5-10 Obtain the collection of elements through the name attribute to implement the select-all function
5-11 Homework summary
Chapter6 DOM node navigation and animation settings
6-1 Get object-1 through class name attribute
6-2 Get object by class name attribute-2
6-3 Find html elements through querySelectorAll() method
6-4 HTML DOM navigation
6-5 Node properties
6-6 Navigate between nodes
6-7 How to encapsulate and obtain a node collection
6-8 How to create-delete-append-replace element node 01
6-9 How to create-delete-append-replace element node 02
6-10 Detailed explanation of the width, height and position attributes of the div box 01
6-11 Detailed explanation of the width, height and position attributes of the div box 02
6-12 DOM animation settings
Chapter7 Event bubbling and mouse and keyboard mini-game implementation
7-1 Course Review and Outlook (Key Points)
7-2 The relationship between event source-event object-event handler
7-3 Three ways to add events to elements
7-4 Event object parsing
7-5 Event object properties--event bubbling
7-6 Mouse event--implement the picture to follow the mouse movement
7-7 Simulate mouse drag event 01
7-8 Simulate mouse drag event 02
7-9 Keyboard events--implementing keyboard wizard mini-game 01
7-10 Keyboard events--implementing keyboard wizard mini-game 02
7-11 Keyboard events--implementation of keyboard wizard mini-game 03
7-12 Scroll event--the page scrolls to keep the image position fixed
7-13 Events and methods related to DOM forms
7-14 Drop-down box onchange event and job demonstration
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