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The front-end course that understands you best: HTML5/CSS3/ES6/NPM/Vue/...[Original]
Chapter1 development environment
1-1 Install editor VScode
1-2 Install Chrome Google Chrome
1-3 Installation and use of VScode universal plug-in
1-4 VScode markdown and font settings
1-5 markdown grammar rules
1-6 HTTP basics
1-7 Analysis of common terms in web development
1-8 html document structure
1-9 Single label vs. double label
1-10 Front-end practical page display
Chapter2 Development environment configuration and common HTML tags
2-1 Use of Live Server plug-in
2-2 Relationship between client and local server
2-3 Write markdown documents
2-4 vscode custom file icon
2-5 Let the code fly--Emmet syntax
2-6 html common attributes and default attributes
2-7 html event attributes and custom attributes
2-8 Commonly used layout semantic tags
Chapter3 Introduction to common HTML tags
3-1 Image-Link-List Tag
3-2 Implement graphic and text lists and navigation
3-3 Detailed explanation of html tables
3-4 Data interaction medium-form form
3-5 Form HTTP POST submission
3-6 Hide and show the form password box
3-7 radio radio button
3-8 checkboxcheckbox
3-9 Form control-drop-down menu
3-10 form button type
3-11 iframe inline element loads Baidu map
3-12 Video tag loads Douyin short video
3-13 A small practical experience with inline frames - building a skinny backend homepage
Chapter4 CSS style sources and selectors
4-1 CSS programming goals
4-2 Interpret element style sources
4-3 Style reference priority issue
4-4 style inheritance
4-5 Complete explanation of basic selectors
4-6 level selector
4-7 Detailed analysis of the weight of selectors
Chapter5 Describe pseudo-classes, box models, and responsive layout in detail
5-1 Structural pseudo-class selector
5-2 Pseudo-class selector parameters
5-3 Pseudo class quick matching
5-4 Form pseudo-class
5-5 Use of font icons
5-6 Layout artifact--box model
5-7 css layout unit
5-8 Viewport units vh-vw
5-9 Commonly used styles of tables (pseudo-classes)
Chapter6 Media queries, positioning and flex, grid
6-1 Media query--mobile layout adaptation
6-2 Positioning and positioning elements
6-3 Login modal box positioning practice
6-4 flex flexible layout--container
6-5 Properties in flex container
6-6 flex item properties
Chapter7 Mobile layout principles and Grid layout
7-1 Viewport viewport (layout viewport, visual viewport, ideal viewport)
7-2 Mobile layout solution (rem+vw)
7-3 Grid container properties and project properties
7-4 Advanced gameplay of grid layout
7-5 Grid implements Holy Grail layout
7-6 Custom grid layout component
7-7 Grid layout practical case
Chapter8 JavaScript efficient development environment and new programming foundation
8-1 Install Node.js to run JavaScript scripts
8-2 Members in the code and program execution flow
8-3 Reuse of variables (data) and code blocks (programs)
8-4 A brief analysis of JavaScript functions
8-5 JavaScript Scope and Scope Chain
8-6 JavaScript constants
8-7 Identifier naming convention
Chapter9 Describe functions and data types in detail
9-1 How anonymous functions are executed
9-2 Arrow functions and usage scenarios
9-3 ...Classic use of rest parameters
9-4 function return value
9-5 JS data type--array
9-6 JS object--encapsulation of data and methods
9-7 Hidden identity and usage of JS functions
Chapter10 Process control and template literals
10-1 Process control--single branch and double branch
10-2 switch multi-branch process control
10-3 while entry type judgment loop
10-4 for, for-of, for-in loops
10-5 A simplified approach to object literals
10-6 Template literals and template functions
Chapter11 Closures/Classes and Objects/Destructuring/Browser JS
11-1 Closure: Partial function implements data partitioning
11-2 JS pure function
11-3 JS accessor properties
11-4 JS classes and objects
11-5 Class inheritance (extension)
11-6 Using accessor properties in JS classes
11-7 Destructuring assignment--array destructuring and object destructuring
11-8 JS in the browser
11-9 Get and manipulate DOM elements
Chapter12 DOM actual combat and events
12-1 Get DOM form elements
12-2 Traverse the DOM tree
12-3 Add, delete, and modify DOM elements
12-4 JS operation element content
12-5 DOM operation practice: message board
12-6 Custom properties--dataset object
12-7 JS operation class attribute--classList object
12-8 Adding and deleting events
Chapter13 JS operating mechanism and common APIs for strings and arrays
13-1 Event bubbling and event delegation
13-2 Summary of form events
13-3 JS running mechanism: single thread + time loop
13-4 Single-threaded asynchronous demo
13-5 Commonly used APIs in strings
13-6 A complete collection of js array operations (pop, push, unshift, delete, shift methods)
13-7 Array iteration and traversal methods
13-8 Array separation, reversal, splicing and update operations
Chapter14 JS classic combat
14-1 Native JS in action: tabs
14-2 Practical combat: automatic calculation of shopping cart items
14-3 Event publishing and subscription
14-4 Practical combat: 15 lines of code to implement carousel chart
14-5 Practical combat: lazy loading
14-6 Practical combat: Responsive web album manager
Chapter15 JSON, Promise and module common sense
15-1 Detailed explanation of JSON in JS
15-2 ajax-xhr asynchronous data query
15-3 The past and present life of Promise
15-4 Promise状态:pending fulfilled rejected
15-5 Trigger different callbacks based on Promise status
15-6 Fetch API
15-7 JS modular development
Chapter16 Online photo album manager practice and Node basics
16-1 Node basics
16-2 Node command executes js script
16-3 npm command to install and delete project dependencies
16-4 npm installs global dependency packages
16-5 Package version number rules
16-6 Package version checking and updating
Chapter17 Node operating principle and introduction to common modules
17-1 Node plug-in installation and synchronization
17-2 The underlying design pattern CPS principle in Ndoe
17-3 Detailed explanation of Nodejs-side modular CommomJS specification
17-4 Detailed explanation of Nodejs http module
17-5 Nodejs file module
17-6 Nodejs path module
Chapter18 Git distributed version control
18-1 Git version control implementation principle
18-2 git local warehouse initialization
18-3 git code submission process
18-4 git checkout file restore
18-5 Configure associated remote warehouse
18-6 git ssh configuration tutorial
18-7 Summary of common git commands
Chapter19 Vue principles and common instructions
19-1 vue creates dynamic pages
19-2 Mount points, vue instances, data injection, responsiveness
19-3 v-text v-html v-once directive use
19-4 Various ways of writing vue dynamic binding styles
19-5 vue input two-way delayed binding
Chapter20 Events, list rendering and component communication
20-1 vue event binding
20-2 v-for list rendering
20-3 vue conditional rendering
20-4 vue keyboard modifiers
20-5 Vue computed properties implement shopping cart function
20-6 vue watch data monitoring
20-7 Register vue global component
20-8 Child component receives data from parent component
20-9 Listen to child component events
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