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Getting started with HTML5+CSS3 for front-end newbies
Chapter1 Course Introduction and Basic Computer Knowledge
1-1 learning route
1-2 Introduction to HTML
1-3 Web related concepts
1-4 Common browsers and kernels
1-5 web standards
Chapter2 HTML basic syntax and structure
2-1 Introduction to HTML tags
2-2 HTML syntax specification
2-3 HTML basic structure tags
2-4 VSCode tool creation page
2-5 DOCTYPE and lang and the role of character sets
Chapter3 HTML tags
3-1 tag semantics
3-2 title tag
3-3 Paragraph tags and line break tags
3-4 Sports news case
3-5 text formatting tag
3-6 div and span tags
3-7 Image tags (top)
3-8 Image tags (below)
3-9 Things to note about image tags
Chapter4 Relative path vs absolute path
4-1 Directory folders and root directories
4-2 Relative path (top)
4-3 Relative path (below)
4-4 absolute path
Chapter5 Links and Anchors
5-1 Link tag (top)
5-2 Link tags (below)
5-3 anchor link
5-4 Comment tags and special characters
Chapter6 Comprehensive case
6-1 Comprehensive Case (Part 1)
6-2 Comprehensive Cases (Part 2)
Chapter7 HTML table
7-1 Introduction to HTML tags (Part 2)
7-2 Basic use of table labels
7-3 Header cell label
7-4 Table related attributes (understand)
7-5 Novel ranking case
7-6 Table structure tag
7-7 Merge Cells
7-8 Table summary
Chapter8 HTML list
8-1 unordered list
8-2 ordered list
8-3 custom list
8-4 List summary
Chapter9 HTML form
9-1 Form usage scenarios and classifications
9-2 form fields
9-3 Input type attribute text box and password box
9-4 Input type attribute radio button and check box
9-5 input name and value attributes
9-6 Checked and maxlength attributes of input
9-7 Classroom Questions and Answers on Usage Scenarios of Four Attributes of Input Form Elements
9-8 Input type attribute submit and reset button
9-9 input type attribute ordinary button and file field
9-10 label label
9-11 select drop-down form
9-12 textarea text area label
9-13 Summary of form elements
Chapter10 Comprehensive case
10-1 Registration page (1)
10-2 Registration page (2)
10-3 Registration page (3)
10-4 Registration page (4)
10-5 Learn to read documents
Chapter11 Introduction to css cascading demo table
11-1 Introduction to CSS Cascading Style Sheets
11-2 Introduction to CSS
Chapter12 css syntax specifications and code style
12-1 Experience CSS syntax specifications
12-2 CSS code style
Chapter13 css selector
13-1 The role of css selector
13-2 tag selector
13-3 class selector
13-4 Draw boxes using class selectors
13-5 Special use of class selector - multiple class names
13-6 id selector
13-7 wildcard selector
Chapter14 css font
14-1 font-family sets the font family
14-2 font-size font size
14-3 font-weight font thickness
14-4 font-style font style
14-5 How to write font composite attribute
14-6 Summary of font attributes
Chapter15 csstext
15-1 text colorcolor
15-2 Text alignment text-align
15-3 text-decoration text-decoration
15-4 text-indent text-indent
15-5 Line spacing line-height
15-6 Summary of css text properties
Chapter16 css stylesheet
16-1 internal style sheet
16-2 inline style sheet
16-3 external style sheet
16-4 Summary of css introduction methods
Chapter17 Comprehensive case
17-1 news page
17-2 Modify style (1)
17-3 Modify style (2)
17-4 Modify style (3)
17-5 Use of chrome debugging tools
Chapter18 emmet syntax
18-1 css second day guide
18-2 emmet syntax generates html tags
18-3 emmet syntax to quickly generate css styles
18-4 Quickly format code
Chapter19 compound selector
19-1 Introduction to compound selectors
19-2 descendant selector
19-3 Child element selector
19-4 Class exercises
19-5 Union selector
19-6 Link pseudo-class selector (Part 1)
19-7 Link pseudo-class selector (below)
19-8 focus pseudo-class selector
19-9 Compound selector summary
Chapter20 Element display mode
20-1 What is element display mode
20-2 block element
20-3 inline elements
20-4 inline block element
20-5 Summary of element display modes
20-6 Display mode conversion
Chapter21 Sidebar small case
21-1 The use of a small tool snipaste
21-2 Simple version of Xiaomi sidebar case
21-3 The principle of vertical centering of single line text
21-4 background color
21-5 Background picture
21-6 background tiling
21-7 Background position-orientation noun
21-8 Background location case one
21-9 Background location case 2-King of Glory background picture
21-10 Background position - precise units
21-11 Background Position - Mixed Units
21-12 background fixed
21-13 Composite writing method of background attribute
21-14 background color translucent
21-15 Background summary
21-16 Comprehensive Case Five-Color Navigation (Part 1)
21-17 Comprehensive Case Five-Cai Navigation (2)
Chapter22 Three major features of CSS
22-1 Stackability
22-2 inheritance
22-3 row height inheritance
22-4 priority
22-5 Priority issues
22-6 Overlay of CSS weights
22-7 Two exercises on weights
Chapter23 box model
23-1 Introduction to the box model
23-2 Understand the essence of web page layout
23-3 Box model components
23-4 box model border
23-5 Composite writing of borders
23-6 table thin line border
23-7 Borders affect the actual size of the box
23-8 Box model inner margin padding
23-9 padding compound property
23-10 padding will affect the actual size of the box
23-11 padding application-Sina Navigation Bar (Part 1)
23-12 padding application-Sina Navigation (Part 2)
23-13 Xiaomi sidebar modification
23-14 The padding will not hold the box open
23-15 Box model margin
23-16 Typical application of margins--block-level boxes are aligned horizontally and centrally
23-17 Inline elements and inline-block elements are horizontally centered
23-18 Margin merging - vertical margins of adjacent block elements
23-19 Margin merging - nested block elements collapse
23-20 clear inner and outer margins
Chapter24 Comprehensive case
24-1 Basic operations of ps
24-2 Comprehensive case-product module layout analysis
24-3 Comprehensive case-box layout
24-4 Comprehensive case-picture and paragraph production
24-5 Comprehensive case-evaluation and detail production
24-6 Comprehensive case-vertical line details production
24-7 Teacher explains
24-8 Express module layout analysis
24-9 Express module header production
24-10 Express module list creation
Chapter25 rounded border
25-1 Rounded border principle
25-2 Use of rounded corners
Chapter26 shadow
26-1 box shadow
26-2 text shadow
Chapter27 float
27-1 Floating guide
27-2 Three ways of traditional web page layout
27-3 Why float is needed
27-4 what is float
27-5 Float Characteristics-Off-Standard
27-6 Floating properties-floating elements are displayed in one line
27-7 Float properties - Floated elements have inline block properties
27-8 Floated elements are often paired with standard flow parent elements
27-9 Floating Layout Exercise-1
27-10 Floating Layout Exercise-2
27-11 Floating Exercise-Mobile Phone Module (Part 1)
27-12 Floating Exercise-Mobile Phone Module (Part 2)
27-13 Common web page layouts
27-14 Two points to note about floating
Chapter28 clear float
28-1 Why clear float
28-2 Clear floating nature and extra label method
28-3 Clear the overflow of the floating parent element
28-4 Clear floating after pseudo-element
28-5 Clear floating double pseudo elements
28-6 clear float
Chapter29 ps cut picture
29-1 Common image formats
29-2 Layer cutting (top)
29-3 Layer cutout (below)
29-4 slice tool
29-5 cutterman installation
29-6 Tips for using cutterman
Chapter30 Xuecheng Online Case
30-1 Preparation
30-2 css attribute writing order (important)
30-3 Overall idea of page layout
30-4 Header area creation
30-5 Logo area production
30-6 Navigation bar nav area production (Part 1)
30-7 Navigation bar nav area production (middle)
30-8 Navigation bar nav area production (Part 2)
30-9 Search search module input production
30-10 Search search module button production
30-11 User module production
30-12 Banner module production
30-13 Subnav module production (Part 1)
30-14 Subnav module production (Part 2)
30-15 Course module production (Part 1)
30-16 course module production (medium)
30-17 Course module production (Part 2)
30-18 Premium recommendation module (Part 1)
30-19 Premium recommendation module (medium)
30-20 Premium recommendation module (Part 2)
30-21 box-hd module production
30-22 box-bd module production
30-23 box module completed
30-24 footer module production
30-25 copyright module production
30-26 links module production
Chapter31 position
31-1 Positioning guide
31-2 Why positioning is needed
31-3 Positioning composition
31-4 relative positioning
31-5 Absolute positioning - no parent or no parent positioning
31-6 Absolute positioning - the parent has positioning status
31-7 Absolute positioning that is out of standard does not occupy its original position.
31-8 The origin of the son’s relationship with his father
31-9 The case of son’s absolute father-hot module
31-10 Fixed positioning
31-11 Tips for fixed positioning - fix to the right side of the center of the page
31-12 Sticky Positioning (Understand)
31-13 Positioning summary
31-14 Positioning stacking order
31-15 Absolutely positioned box centering algorithm
31-16 Special features of positioning
31-17 Floating elements will not suppress the text positioning of the standard flow.
Chapter32 Taobao focus map
32-1 layout analysis
32-2 big box production
32-3 Left arrow button production
32-4 Right arrow button production
32-5 ul box module production
32-6 li small dot module production
32-7 Web page layout summary
Chapter33 Potato case
33-1 display shows hidden elements
33-2 visibilityshow hidden elements
33-3 overflow show hide
33-4 Potato Case (Part 1)
33-5 Potato case (Part 2)
Chapter34 Advanced CSS Tips
34-1 Introduction
34-2 Why elf technology is needed
34-3 Use of sprite charts (principle)
34-4 Sprite diagram usage (code)
34-5 Sprite example - spell out your name
34-6 Font Icon Generation and Advantages
34-7 Font icon download
34-8 Use of font icons
34-9 Principle of appending and loading font icons
34-10 How to use CSS triangle
34-11 CSS triangle application-Jingdong effect
34-12 User Interface - Mouse Style
34-13 User Interface - De-outline form and prevent dragging of text fields
34-14 vertical-align implements vertical center alignment of inline blocks and text
34-15 Solution to the blank gap at the bottom of the picture
34-16 Single line text overflows ellipsis display
34-17 Multi-line text overflows ellipsis display
34-18 Layout skills - clever use of negative margins (Part 1)
34-19 Layout skills - clever use of negative margins (Part 2)
34-20 Layout techniques - clever use of text around floating elements
34-21 Layout techniques - clever use of inline blocks
34-22 Layout skills - clever use of CSS triangle (Part 1)
34-23 Layout skills - clever use of CSS triangle (Part 2)
34-24 CSS initialization
Chapter35 HTML5 new
35-1 HTML5CSS3 improves navigation
35-2 Add semantic tags
35-3 Add video tag
35-4 Add audio tag
35-5 Add input form
35-6 Add new form properties
Chapter36 New in CSS3
36-1 Attribute selector (top)
36-2 Attribute selector (below)
36-3 Structural pseudo-class selector - selects the nth element
36-4 nth-child selector (top)
36-5 nth-child selector (below)
36-6 The difference between nth-child and nth-of-type
36-7 Usage scenarios and origins of pseudo-element selectors
36-8 Basic use of pseudo-element selectors
36-9 Pseudo element selector usage scenarios-matching font icons
36-10 Pseudo element usage scenario-imitation potato effect
36-11 Pseudo-element selector - Pseudo-element clears floating nature
36-12 CSS3 box model border-box
36-13 CSS3 image blur processing
36-14 Calculate box width calc function
36-15 CSS3 new attribute transition (Part 1)
36-16 CSS3 new attribute transition (Part 2)
36-17 CSS3 transition exercises
36-18 Generalized H5 (understand)
Chapter37 Pinyougou project
37-1 Introduction
37-2 Website production process
37-3 Pinyougou project planning
37-4 Pinyougou project construction
37-5 Pinyougou Project-Modular Development of Styles
37-6 Pinyougou project-favicon icon production
37-7 Pinyougou project-TDK three major label SEO optimization
37-8 Pinyougou homepage-quick navigation shortcut structure construction
37-9 Pinyougou Homepage-Quick Navigation Left Side Production
37-10 Pinyougou homepage-quick navigation built on the right side
37-11 Pinyougou homepage - font icon on the right side of quick navigation
37-12 Pinyougou homepage-header module construction
37-13 Pinyougou homepage-logoSEO optimization (Part 1)
37-14 Pinyougou homepage-logoSEO optimization (Part 2)
37-15 Pinyougou homepage-search search module (Part 1)
37-16 Pinyougou homepage-search search module (Part 2)
37-17 Pinyougou homepage-hotwords module
37-18 Pinyougou homepage-shopcar module production
37-19 Pinyougou homepage-count shopping cart statistics module
37-20 Pinyougou homepage-nav navigation module construction
37-21 Pinyougou homepage-dropdown module production
37-22 Pinyougou homepage-Navigation detailed classification production (Part 1)
37-23 Pinyougou homepage-Navigation detailed classification production (Part 2)
37-24 Pinyougou homepage-navitems module production
37-25 Pinyougou homepage-footer bottom module construction
37-26 Pinyougou homepage-mod-servecie module production (Part 1)
37-27 Pinyougou homepage-mod-servecie module production (Part 2)
37-28 Pinyougou homepage-mod_help module production
37-29 Pinyougou homepage-mod_copyright module production
37-30 Pinyougou homepage-main main box construction
37-31 Pinyougou homepage-newsflash module
37-32 Pinyougou homepage-news-hd module production
37-33 Pinyougou homepage-new-bd module production
37-34 Pinyougou homepage-lifeservice production (Part 1)
37-35 Pinyougou homepage-lifeservice production (Part 2)
37-36 Pinyougou homepage-recommended module recom (Part 1)
37-37 Pinyougou homepage-recommended module recom (Part 2)
37-38 Pinyougou Home Page-Household Appliance Module Construction
37-39 Pinyougou Home Page-Household Appliance Module Head Production
37-40 Tab bar tab principle layout requirements
37-41 Pinyougou homepage-tab_list-item layout (Part 1)
37-42 Pinyougou homepage-tab_list-item layout (middle)
37-43 Pinyougou homepage-tab_list-item layout (Part 2)
37-44 Product Purchase List-Structure Construction
37-45 Pinyougo list page-flash sale module production
37-46 Pinyougou list page-navigation module modification
37-47 Pinyougou list page-a small problem
37-48 Pinyougou list page-end
37-49 Pinyougou registration page-header production
37-50 Pinyougo list page - registration main module header production
37-51 Pinyougou registration page - registration subject production (Part 1)
37-52 Pinyougou registration page - registration subject production (Part 2)
37-53 Pinyougou registration page-security module
37-54 Pinyougo registration page-agree module and complete registration module
37-55 Pinyougou project pages jump to each other and work arrangements
37-56 what is server
37-57 Apply for free space and website upload
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